The Microsoft Bot Framework provides what you need to build and connect intelligent bots that interact naturally wherever your users are talking, from text/sms to Skype, Slack, Office 365 mail and other popular services.
Luis Recognizer returns an intent of string.empty with a perfect score of 1.0. This messes up logic downstream in RecognizerSet because it thinks it has a perfect intent.
Specific Changes
Changed LuisRecognizer to return empy RecognizerResult (no intents or entities) when there is no utterance.
Changed RegexRecognizer to behave just like LuisRecognizer so that ValueRecognizer tests are valid check.
Fixes #4117
Luis Recognizer returns an intent of string.empty with a perfect score of 1.0. This messes up logic downstream in RecognizerSet because it thinks it has a perfect intent.
Specific Changes
Changed RegexRecognizer to behave just like LuisRecognizer so that ValueRecognizer tests are valid check.
Changed projects