microsoft / botframework-sdk

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[DCR/Bug] Cosmos PartitionKeys are semi-broken #5467

Closed mdrichardson closed 4 years ago

mdrichardson commented 5 years ago

Relevant customer issues:


This issue applies to both/all SDKs and is as much of a design problem as it is a bug. Basically, if a user defines a PartitionKey in CosmosDbStorageOptions, the majority of bots will not be able to read/delete/update state.

The reason for this requires substantial explanation (again, this applies to all/both repos). I'll try my best to keep it brief:

The Way Cosmos Works

Containers (previously called Collections) are created with a PartitionKeyPath, which might be something like /data/city.

Let's say we have an item:

const item = {
    id: '123',
    data: {
        city: 'Bellevue'

When an item is added to the collection, Cosmos decides which physical partition to put it on by the value of So, all items with === "Bellevue", get put on the same partition.

Writes to the DB don't need partitionKey specified because it's already defined 1) on the container, and 2) on the item.

Reads and Deletes, however, benefit GREATLY from defining the partitionKey. If we say READ item 123 with partitionKey Bellevue, it will only spin up the physical drive with the Bellevue items when it searches for item 123. This is especially true when querying for multiple items with the same partitionKey since they'll all be on the same partition, by design.

How our SDK works

We pass in our partitionKey through cosmosDbStorageOptions.

When writing, we do nothing with the partitionKey. ✔

When reading, we attempt to read with the previously-set partitionKey 🚫

When deleting, we attempt to delete with the previously-set partitionKey 🚫

Reading and deleting isn't implemented properly in the Bot Framework because, to use the previous example, we're either:

  1. Setting partitionKey to "/data/city": when we READ or DELETE, we're trying to query with "/data/city" instead of "Bellevue", or

  2. Setting partitionKey to "Bellevue": when we READ or DELETE, we can never find any items with === "Seattle"

Why This Wasn't Caught In Tests

Easy mistake and I'd imagine it comes from the confusion around partitionKeys and partitionKeyPaths. They're confusing and it's taken me a decent amount of digging to wrap my head around this.

The tests that deal with partitions set the partitionKeyPath, then define a single item with the "right" key value and then look for that specific item, with its known key value of "Contoso" instead of the partitionKeyPath we used earlier of /city/location, which is how our SDK would actually work (or we'd have multiple items with different cities and only be able to pull up the "Contoso" ones).

Temporary Workaround

If you're using Cosmos and running into this issue, you can "fix" this by:

  1. Deleting your Container
  2. Create a new Container with partitionKeyPath set to /_partitionKey
  3. Remove the PartitionKey property from CosmosDbStorageOptions


I believe I've found a better temporary workaround that is easier to use and uses partitioning:

  1. Delete your Container
  2. Create a new Container with partitionKeyPath set to /id
  3. Remove the PartitionKey property from CosmosDbStorageOptions

Temporary Workaround With Partitioning

If your data is likely to go over 10GB, you may run into an issue using the above workaround because I believe Cosmos will put every document onto the same partition and each partition is limited to 10GB of data. To actually use partitioning, you can take the following steps (this is written for C#, but the concepts apply to Node):

  1. Download the SDK and add the downloaded/local Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Azure .csproj to your bot (this will allow you to make changes to the SDK).
    • Note: You'll likely need to adjust the dependencies for Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Azure. I think I just deleted Microsoft.Bot.Builder from Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Azure > Dependencies > Project
  2. In your bot's CosmosDbOptions, use PartitionKey = "realId".
  3. Change CosmosDbStorage.cs to:
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents;
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Client;
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;

namespace Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Azure
    /// <summary>
    /// Implements an CosmosDB based storage provider for a bot.
    /// </summary>
    public class CosmosDbStorage : IStorage
        // When setting up the database, calls are made to CosmosDB. If multiple calls are made, we'll end up setting the
        // collectionLink member variable more than once. The semaphore is for making sure the initialization of the
        // database is done only once.
        private static SemaphoreSlim _semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(1);

        private readonly JsonSerializer _jsonSerializer = JsonSerializer.Create(new JsonSerializerSettings { TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All });

        private readonly string _databaseId;
        private readonly string _partitionKey;
        private readonly string _collectionId;
        private readonly RequestOptions _documentCollectionCreationRequestOptions = null;
        private readonly RequestOptions _databaseCreationRequestOptions = null;
        private readonly IDocumentClient _client;
        private string _collectionLink = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CosmosDbStorage"/> class.
        /// using the provided CosmosDB credentials, database ID, and collection ID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cosmosDbStorageOptions">Cosmos DB storage configuration options.</param>
        public CosmosDbStorage(CosmosDbStorageOptions cosmosDbStorageOptions)
            if (cosmosDbStorageOptions == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cosmosDbStorageOptions));

            if (cosmosDbStorageOptions.CosmosDBEndpoint == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cosmosDbStorageOptions.CosmosDBEndpoint), "Service EndPoint for CosmosDB is required.");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cosmosDbStorageOptions.AuthKey))
                throw new ArgumentException("AuthKey for CosmosDB is required.", nameof(cosmosDbStorageOptions.AuthKey));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cosmosDbStorageOptions.DatabaseId))
                throw new ArgumentException("DatabaseId is required.", nameof(cosmosDbStorageOptions.DatabaseId));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cosmosDbStorageOptions.CollectionId))
                throw new ArgumentException("CollectionId is required.", nameof(cosmosDbStorageOptions.CollectionId));

            _databaseId = cosmosDbStorageOptions.DatabaseId;
            _collectionId = cosmosDbStorageOptions.CollectionId;
            _partitionKey = cosmosDbStorageOptions.PartitionKey;
            _documentCollectionCreationRequestOptions = cosmosDbStorageOptions.DocumentCollectionRequestOptions;
            _databaseCreationRequestOptions = cosmosDbStorageOptions.DatabaseCreationRequestOptions;

            // Inject BotBuilder version to CosmosDB Requests
            var version = GetType().Assembly.GetName().Version;
            var connectionPolicy = new ConnectionPolicy { UserAgentSuffix = $"Microsoft-BotFramework {version}" };

            // Invoke CollectionPolicy delegate to further customize settings
            _client = new DocumentClient(cosmosDbStorageOptions.CosmosDBEndpoint, cosmosDbStorageOptions.AuthKey, connectionPolicy);

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CosmosDbStorage"/> class.
        /// using the provided CosmosDB credentials, database ID, and collection ID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cosmosDbStorageOptions">Cosmos DB storage configuration options.</param>
        /// <param name="jsonSerializer">If passing in a custom JsonSerializer, we recommend the following settings:
        /// <para>jsonSerializer.TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All.</para>
        /// <para>jsonSerializer.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Include.</para>
        /// <para>jsonSerializer.ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver().</para>
        /// </param>
        public CosmosDbStorage(CosmosDbStorageOptions cosmosDbStorageOptions, JsonSerializer jsonSerializer)
            : this(cosmosDbStorageOptions)
            if (jsonSerializer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(jsonSerializer));

            _jsonSerializer = jsonSerializer;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CosmosDbStorage"/> class.
        /// This constructor should only be used if the default behavior of the DocumentClient needs to be changed.
        /// The <see cref="CosmosDbStorage(CosmosDbStorageOptions)"/> constructor is preferer for most cases.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="documentClient">The custom implementation of IDocumentClient.</param>
        /// <param name="cosmosDbCustomClientOptions">Custom client configuration options.</param>
        public CosmosDbStorage(IDocumentClient documentClient, CosmosDbCustomClientOptions cosmosDbCustomClientOptions)
            if (cosmosDbCustomClientOptions == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cosmosDbCustomClientOptions));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cosmosDbCustomClientOptions.DatabaseId))
                throw new ArgumentException("DatabaseId is required.", nameof(cosmosDbCustomClientOptions.DatabaseId));

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cosmosDbCustomClientOptions.CollectionId))
                throw new ArgumentException("CollectionId is required.", nameof(cosmosDbCustomClientOptions.CollectionId));

            _client = documentClient ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(documentClient), "An implementation of IDocumentClient for CosmosDB is required.");
            _databaseId = cosmosDbCustomClientOptions.DatabaseId;
            _collectionId = cosmosDbCustomClientOptions.CollectionId;
            _documentCollectionCreationRequestOptions = cosmosDbCustomClientOptions.DocumentCollectionRequestOptions;
            _databaseCreationRequestOptions = cosmosDbCustomClientOptions.DatabaseCreationRequestOptions;

            // Inject BotBuilder version to CosmosDB Requests
            var version = GetType().Assembly.GetName().Version;
            _client.ConnectionPolicy.UserAgentSuffix = $"Microsoft-BotFramework {version}";

        [Obsolete("Replaced by CosmosDBKeyEscape.EscapeKey.")]
        public static string SanitizeKey(string key) => CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey(key);

        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes storage items from storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keys">keys of the <see cref="IStoreItem"/> objects to remove from the store.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token that can be used by other objects
        /// or threads to receive notice of cancellation.</param>
        /// <returns>A task that represents the work queued to execute.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="ReadAsync(string[], CancellationToken)"/>
        /// <seealso cref="WriteAsync(IDictionary{string, object}, CancellationToken)"/>
        public async Task DeleteAsync(string[] keys, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            RequestOptions options = null;

            if (keys == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(keys));

            if (keys.Length == 0)

            // Ensure Initialization has been run
            await InitializeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Parallelize deletion
            var tasks = keys.Select(key =>
                    new RequestOptions() { PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(key) },
                    cancellationToken: cancellationToken));

            // await to deletion tasks to complete
            await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false);

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads storage items from storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keys">keys of the <see cref="IStoreItem"/> objects to read from the store.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token that can be used by other objects
        /// or threads to receive notice of cancellation.</param>
        /// <returns>A task that represents the work queued to execute.</returns>
        /// <remarks>If the activities are successfully sent, the task result contains
        /// the items read, indexed by key.</remarks>
        /// <seealso cref="DeleteAsync(string[], CancellationToken)"/>
        /// <seealso cref="WriteAsync(IDictionary{string, object}, CancellationToken)"/>
        public async Task<IDictionary<string, object>> ReadAsync(string[] keys, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            FeedOptions options = null;

            if (keys == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(keys));

            if (keys.Length == 0)
                // No keys passed in, no result to return.
                return new Dictionary<string, object>();

            // Ensure Initialization has been run
            await InitializeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            var storeItems = new Dictionary<string, object>(keys.Length);

            var parameterSequence = string.Join(",", Enumerable.Range(0, keys.Length).Select(i => $"@id{i}"));
            var parameterValues = keys.Select((key, ix) => new SqlParameter($"@id{ix}", CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey(key)));
            var querySpec = new SqlQuerySpec
                QueryText = $"SELECT, c.realId, c.document, c._etag FROM c WHERE in ({parameterSequence})",
                Parameters = new SqlParameterCollection(parameterValues),

            var query = _client.CreateDocumentQuery<DocumentStoreItem>(_collectionLink, querySpec, new FeedOptions() { PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(keys[0]) }).AsDocumentQuery();
            while (query.HasMoreResults)
                foreach (var doc in await query.ExecuteNextAsync<DocumentStoreItem>(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
                    var item = doc.Document.ToObject(typeof(object), _jsonSerializer);
                    if (item is IStoreItem storeItem)
                        storeItem.ETag = doc.ETag;

                    // doc.Id cannot be used since it is escaped, read it from RealId property instead
                    storeItems.Add(doc.ReadlId, item);

            return storeItems;

        /// <summary>
        /// Writes storage items to storage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="changes">The items to write to storage, indexed by key.</param>
        /// <param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token that can be used by other objects
        /// or threads to receive notice of cancellation.</param>
        /// <returns>A task that represents the work queued to execute.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="DeleteAsync(string[], CancellationToken)"/>
        /// <seealso cref="ReadAsync(string[], CancellationToken)"/>
        public async Task WriteAsync(IDictionary<string, object> changes, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (changes == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(changes));

            if (changes.Count == 0)

            // Ensure Initialization has been run
            await InitializeAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            foreach (var change in changes)
                var json = JObject.FromObject(change.Value, _jsonSerializer);

                // Remove etag from JSON object that was copied from IStoreItem.
                // The ETag information is updated as an _etag attribute in the document metadata.

                var documentChange = new DocumentStoreItem
                    Id = CosmosDbKeyEscape.EscapeKey(change.Key),
                    ReadlId = change.Key,
                    Document = json,

                var etag = (change.Value as IStoreItem)?.ETag;
                if (etag == null || etag == "*")
                    // if new item or * then insert or replace unconditionaly
                    await _client.UpsertDocumentAsync(
                        disableAutomaticIdGeneration: true,
                        cancellationToken: cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                else if (etag.Length > 0)
                    // if we have an etag, do opt. concurrency replace
                    var uri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentUri(_databaseId, _collectionId, documentChange.Id);
                    var ac = new AccessCondition { Condition = etag, Type = AccessConditionType.IfMatch };
                    await _client.ReplaceDocumentAsync(
                        new RequestOptions { AccessCondition = ac },
                        cancellationToken: cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    throw new Exception("etag empty");

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the CosmosDB Database and populates the _collectionLink member variable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is idempotent, and thread safe.
        /// </remarks>
        private async Task InitializeAsync()
            // In the steady-state case, we'll already have a connection string to the
            // database setup. If so, no need to enter locks or call CosmosDB to get one.
            if (_collectionLink == null)
                // We don't (probably) have a database link yet. Enter the lock,
                // then check again (aka: Double-Check Lock pattern).
                await _semaphore.WaitAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                    if (_collectionLink == null)
                        // We don't have a database link. Create one. Note that we're inside a semaphore at this point
                        // so other threads may be blocked on us.
                        await _client.CreateDatabaseIfNotExistsAsync(
                            new Database { Id = _databaseId },
                            _databaseCreationRequestOptions) // pass in any user set database creation flags

                        var documentCollection = new DocumentCollection
                            Id = _collectionId,

                        var response = await _client.CreateDocumentCollectionIfNotExistsAsync(
                            _documentCollectionCreationRequestOptions) // pass in any user set collection creation flags

                        _collectionLink = response.Resource.SelfLink;

        /// <summary>
        /// Internal data structure for storing items in a CosmosDB Collection.
        /// </summary>
        private class DocumentStoreItem
            /// <summary>
            /// Gets or sets the sanitized Id/Key used as PrimaryKey.
            /// </summary>
            public string Id { get; set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// Gets or sets the un-sanitized Id/Key.
            /// </summary>
            /// <remarks>
            /// Note: There is a Typo in the property name ("ReadlId"), that can't be changed due to compatability concerns. The
            /// Json is correct due to the JsonProperty field, but the Typo needs to stay.
            /// </remarks>
            public string ReadlId { get; internal set; }

            // DO NOT FIX THE TYPO BELOW (See Remarks above).

            /// <summary>
            /// Gets or sets the persisted object.
            /// </summary>
            public JObject Document { get; set; }

            /// <summary>
            /// Gets or sets the ETag information for handling optimistic concurrency updates.
            /// </summary>
            public string ETag { get; set; }

Here's the diff

Note: This should still be considered a workaround and not an officially-supported change

Proposed change

The problem with coming up with a good solution is that currently, our READ and DELETE operations both only accept key (which isn't anything more than an id), so there isn't a good way to intuit the appropriate partitionKey.

The best solution that I can think of has two parts:

  1. If a developer wants to use CosmosDbStorage for non-BotState things, allow them to use partitionKeys however they want. They know best.
  2. If a developer wants to use CosmosDbStorage for BotState things, disallow custom partitionKeys. Instead, since key is already passed in, we use /realId as the partitionKeyPath (key == realId) and then we can use key/realId as the `partitionKey for READ/DELETE. This goes against the conventional thought behind partitioning, but actually works well for Cosmos
    • Alternatively, we could partition on the ConversationId. There's no use of this currently in our SDK, but if we were ever going to query multiple documents at once, it would likely be within a ConversationId.

That being said, I don't love this solution and hope we can come up with something better.

Component Impact

Customer Impact

Would allow for actual partitioning and prevent users from running into errors when trying to use partitioning with BotState.

Tracking Status

Dotnet SDK

Javascript SDK

Java SDK

Python SDK






mdrichardson commented 5 years ago

Disregard that issue reference ("[DCR] Allow for Slack Block Kit API"). Bad copy/paste

mdrichardson commented 5 years ago

@johnataylor I updated this above:

Update: I believe I've found a better temporary workaround that is easier to use and uses partitioning:

Delete your Container Create a new Container with partitionKeyPath set to /id Remove the PartitionKey property from CosmosDbStorageOptions

And I believe this might be the easiest quick-fix to implement. In CosmosDbStorage, if we create the database and/or collection/container, we'd just need to use /id instead of this.partitionKey. For READ/DELETE, we just use the realId instead of this.partitionKey. If we only do this on db/collection creation, that shouldn't break backwards-compatibility.

galenguilbert commented 5 years ago

Michael, I'm running with botbuilder-js libs, I've tried the above solution and DELETE still does not work. Is there an ETA for when the actual fix to cosomosDbStorage will release?

cleemullins commented 4 years ago

@garypretty Please take a read through this. I have some opinions, as does @mdrichardson. Let's get a agree on a solution that works with the CosmosDB Partition Keys and see where we end up.

garypretty commented 4 years ago

@cleemullins @mdrichardson I have taken a look at this and here is my take based on the great insight so far by @mdrichardson (CosmosDB isn't a familiar area for me so your clear explanation above was great!).

Solving the issue for new / currently broken bots

Largely, moving forward, I echo comments above, in that I think we should take the PartitionKey out of the hands of the developer for storage of bot state. I also agree that if the developer wants to store anything else in Cosmos DB then let them do it and handle it in whichever way they want to.

The approach of using the RealId as the partition key would seem to be a suitable approach. I was a little concerned that this might lead to some sort of scale issue (not knowing cosmos) due to the number of partitions that would lead to. However, having done some further reading I don't think this will be an issue - there is a specific allowance for large numbers of partitions which we can take advantage of if we use v2 of the PartitionKeyDefinition when creating our container. (This is now also the default option when creating containers via the Azure portal).

var documentCollection = new DocumentCollection
                            Id = _collectionId,
                            PartitionKey = new PartitionKeyDefinition
                                Paths = new Collection<string> { "/realId" },
                                Version = PartitionKeyDefinitionVersion.V2,

To take advantage of the above change we would need to update our dependency on Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.Core to >= 2.4.1. We are a way behind anyway right now on 2.1.1, with the latest release being 2.7.

Maintaining Compat

Based on what I am seeing, there has to be very few people who are using Cosmos storage and getting it to work correctly, whilst also using a PartitionKey. Therefore, we could decide to simply ignore the PartitionKey set by the user, but this would obviously be a breaking change for anybody who has managed to get things working.

The other option, which maintains compat. is to use the customer defined PartitionKey if they have set one and mark the PartitionKey property as obselete with a comment explaining that it should not be set (potentially with a link to a readme providing additional context for people who do have working bots?), as opposed to removing it.

Here is the diff based on the above

@cleemullins great to hear your thoughts and @mdrichardson please feel free to clarify anything I may have misunderstood :)

garypretty commented 4 years ago

@mdrichardson @cleemullins Thinking more about it, one key problem with the above, if I understand correctly, is that whilst it will address net new users of CosmosDb storage and also help people who want to use partition key, it will break the experience for customers who already use CosmosDb storage without a partition key being set - where the storage provider has been working well for them until now.

Perhaps we could add an optional param to the CosmosDbStorage class (or new prop on the options class) to enable / disable the use of the PartitionKey - default this to false so that existing implementations work. However, in all our docs / samples we can advise for net new bots that the flag should be true, to provide the best experience.

We would need to ensure docs / release notes inform people not to enable this flag if their bots were in place ahead of this change, but it does solve the problem of backwards compatibility, whilst still allowing new implementations to proceed on the right basis.


mdrichardson commented 4 years ago

@garypretty CC: @cleemullins

Gary, I agree with pretty much everything you said. I've got some comments on a couple things.

To take advantage of the above change we would need to update our dependency on Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.Core to >= 2.4.1. We are a way behind anyway right now on 2.1.1, with the latest release being 2.7.

If we end up making a separate class for using PartitionKeys (which I'm not necessarily recommending), we may as well update to v3. The hesitation on doing this before was that C# V3 didn't support non-partitioned DBs, breaking backwards-compat. I think it does now, but haven't looked into it enough to be sure.

Perhaps we could add an optional param to the CosmosDbStorage class (or new prop on the options class) to enable / disable the use of the PartitionKey - default this to false so that existing implementations work.

I think this is the cleanest approach, from the customer side. My only (slight) concern with doing something like this is that it might get sort of hacky and hard to maintain on the SDK development side (I haven't thought through what the code would look like, so this may be avoidable). A separate class would avoid this entirely. I don't like the idea of having two classes so similar, but it's definitely a trade-off that should be considered.

@galenguilbert No ETA. As you can see, we're still trying to figure out the best way to tackle this. DELETE isn't really used within the SDK, so I'm not terribly surprised it doesn't work. After looking at the code, I'm not sure why it doesn't work, since it uses PartitionKeys similarly to READ. I have 3 workarounds listed in the top comment, all of which should feasibly work, although they operate pretty differently. Have you tried all 3?

garypretty commented 4 years ago

@mdrichardson agree that a second class is an option - in fact I had written that up as a second option and then deleted it, because I would love to avoid it if possible. I think having the flag should be pretty clean and a small iteration on the above, at least right now if we wanted to get a fix in using v2. We should just need to check the flag when applying the PartitionKey to the queries.

Totally understand what you are saying about moving to v3 if we are going to update the dependency, but upgrading to later in v2 will require much less work and will at least allow us to be confident in getting a fix for Cosmos into 4.6.

galenguilbert commented 4 years ago

@mdrichardson I ended up following the pattern for the third solution and just adopted the c# modifications to the typescript file. We're using the delete for when a user has a privacy request to remove their information from our system, we scrub the transcript and state data for any of their conversations.

debasreedash commented 4 years ago

i hope this can be fixed soon...

mdrichardson commented 4 years ago

@debasreedash The C# SDK has merged a PR with this. You'll need to use the new CosmosDbPartitionedStorage. We're hoping to have the Node and Python versions out by the 4.6 release.

debasreedash commented 4 years ago

@mdrichardson sorry but our bot is in nodejs

mdrichardson commented 4 years ago

@debasreedash I'm hoping to have that out this week, but realistically, it might be a couple of weeks before the PR gets done, approved, and merged. Then, you'll likely need to wait for the 4.6 release, unless you want to build the Node SDK yourself (vs. downloading via npm).

debasreedash commented 4 years ago

@mdrichardson okay cool, we can do the update of the bot framework in a few weeks then and also i'm following this bug

garypretty commented 4 years ago

We are going to close this master issue, as we now have issues / PRs raised in the relevant language repos. @debasreedash @galenguilbert you should be able to track your desired language on the links below.

JS - C# - Python - Java -