microsoft / calculator

Windows Calculator: A simple yet powerful calculator that ships with Windows
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[Features request] More features in scientific mode about Theory of probabilities and Statistics. #1744

Open athanas-dimitrov opened 2 years ago

athanas-dimitrov commented 2 years ago

Hello. Recently I deal with calculations in field of theory of chances and noticed possible improvements of the calculator's scientific mode in that sphere of the mathematics. For now, only n! ('n' factorial) is available. However, it almost always is used together with the combinations, permutations and variations. So, I suggest to be brought in buttons in 2nd keypad with automatic calculations of those trivial computations. n! k! is often met divisor of numerator (n+k)!. So, for example if we input [5], and press the button [`n!k!], and then [4] the calculator to calculate 5! * 4! which is 2880 and usually it is divisor of numerator 9!. Also, the consecution of button actions [5], [n!k!], [4], [n!k!], [3] to calculate 5! * 4! * 3! which is usually divisor of numerator 12!. Next proposal is button [n^n] which is equal to permutations with repetitions of 'n' elements. Next proposal is button [nVk] that is variation of 'k' from 'n' elements (also written as V(n, k)). It is equal to n*(n-1)*(n-2)..(n-k+1), for example 5V2 = 5 * 4, etc., 10V4 = 10 * 9 * 8 * 7. Next proposal is the most used, that is called combination [nCk], also written as C(n, k) = n! / (k! * (n-k)!), 5C2 = 10. Those calculations are trivial and with lonely button 'n!' are very very banal. The button [*100%] to multiple the result by 100 to transform it into percentage instead to press several buttons including '=`' to do the same. In calculations of chances always is used because the result of the calculations is between 0 and 1. Snap20780

In main keypad there is button 'log' which is with unclear base whether is 2 or 10. I think the word 'log' needs base. I know from primary school the decimal algorithm must be marked with 'lg' without letter 'o' in the middle. The symbol 'ln' is natural algorithm with base 'e' and in all the rest cases has to be 'log' with written base.


The next proposal is about expressions in parentheses. When close parenthesis the calculator shows the result only into parentheses and needs to be pressed '=' for the final result, but it is very difficult to distinguish which result we see on the screen. I propose if in memory there is another number together with mathematical operation that will be applied invariably right after that, it just to be shown on the screen on left side of the result of the parenthesis expression. And so, it would be clear that needs an action to show the entire result.

Snap20781 Snap20783

Next proposal is about button undo. I propose it to be undo last applied action. In the current situation it is like 'BackSpace' of the keyboard and removes only typed numbers but doesn't restore the expression after wrong applied action like multiplication for example. Also, the button '=' applies multiple times last action every time when it is pressed like a time ago calculators. I think, it is better it to do nothing after first use and to show only one and the same result, no matter how many times it is pressed. This function would be replaced with the button 'undo' if we want to apply an action many times over various parameters.


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