As a developer of a carbon-aware application, I want to consume the Forecast and Average Carbon Intensity api as c# library so that I can run the SDK within a single application.
[x] Ensure the developer can access the emissions/forecasts/current API
[x] Ensure that the current forecast result is returned to the application when the emissions/forecasts/current API is called
[x] Ensure that developer can access the emissions/average-carbon-intensity API
[x] Ensure that the average carbon intensity result is returned to the application when the emissions/average-carbon-intensity API is called
[x] Unit Tests are completed and code passes tests
[x] Documentation is provided for Forecast API
[x] Documentation is provided for Average Carbon Intensity API
The C# API Contract Layer is dependent on the existing CarbonAware.Aggregator.
The acceptance criteria is dependent on one Data Source being available to return a result. This does not need to be Electricity Maps.
As a developer of a carbon-aware application, I want to consume the Forecast and Average Carbon Intensity api as c# library so that I can run the SDK within a single application.
SDK as a Library ADR
Acceptance Criteria
The C# API Contract Layer is dependent on the existing CarbonAware.Aggregator. The acceptance criteria is dependent on one Data Source being available to return a result. This does not need to be Electricity Maps.
Task List
Sprint-Ready Checklist