microsoft / charticulator

Interactive Layout-Aware Construction of Bespoke Charts
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Add DIN font into Charticulator #1014

Open jordanFromNYC opened 2 years ago

jordanFromNYC commented 2 years ago

DIN is must have Power BI font and highly used in my organization, can it be added into the font list in Charticulator? Any way to let the user import more fonts in Charticulator through an import feature?


ruthpozuelo commented 2 years ago

+1 It would be great to have the same fonts that PBI has!

jordanFromNYC commented 2 years ago

This is one of the most feedback i get from my upper management "We don't like the fonts", i find myself having to go back to Javascript D3 to make them happy with the fonts... That is really frustrating since Charticulator does such a good job with the charts itself, but fonts not aligning with Company's identity or Executive's taste, makes it useless for me on such a trivial issue.

blackOwlHowl commented 1 year ago

That would be a great QoL improvement. The fact that a default PBI font is lacking in official custom visual from Microsoft is quite puzzling...