As an application developer using the version-n-go process to setup my application repository, I'd like to pull the dependent scripts from my template repository versus the Cobalt repository in order to allow for template-specific modification and adjustment as necessary.*
[ ] Should execute CICD pipeline with devops/providers/azure-devops/templates/infrastructure/scripts/* pulled from the organizational/template-specific repository versus Microsoft/Cobalt.
[ ] Should pin pull to a specific tagged version of the repository.
Also, here are a few points that need to be addressed:
Preference to utilize the application.yml repository resource without having to add additional variables, but not sure if they are accessible in a pre-defined way;
Need to handle Git repo credentials in the case that the organizational/template-specific repository is private.
Acceptance Criteria
Reference: [Done-Done Checklist] (
pulled from the organizational/template-specific repository versus Microsoft/Cobalt.Also, here are a few points that need to be addressed:
Driven by comments from PR #280
Stories are intended to be completed in a single sprint; if task breakdown creates addition work then team should discuss promoting the Story to an Epic. Reference: [Minimal Valuable Slices] (
Reference: [How to Write Better Tasks] (
Assignee should break down work into tasks here