microsoft / codetour

VS Code extension that allows you to record and play back guided tours of codebases, directly within the editor.
MIT License
4.34k stars 109 forks source link

Referencing tours from other codebases #287

Closed tiagonbotelho closed 11 months ago

tiagonbotelho commented 11 months ago

Hey everyone 👋 first of all, thank you for this awesome tool ❤️

In projects composed of multiple small microservices, is it possible to chain multiple tours, each belonging to a different project, together?

The flow I had in mind was something along the lines:

project1 Tour
  - Step 1
  - Step 2
  - ...
  - Step N (This one would link to another CodeTour belonging to project2)
  - Step N+1 (Once that CodeTour was explored, it would return back to the original tour)

project2 Tour
  - Step 1
  - Step 2
  - ...
  - Step N

I'm wondering if there is maybe a shortcut available for this, for example for referencing a CodeTour in another project on GitHub and automatically loading it once clicked 🤔

Thanks again 🙇

tiagonbotelho commented 11 months ago

Closing this issue as I've had good success using GitHub Codespaces with a Workspace 👍