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[CoE Starter Kit - Feature]: One off solution for too-many-connections #8031

Open Jenefer-Monroe opened 2 months ago

Jenefer-Monroe commented 2 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

There is no automatic clean up of connections in the product and hence over time old and broken ones build up. After years of this our large tenants have started having too many to retrieve with the connectors, they see this when they try:


Because our kit is built on the connectors, they are now unable to use our tooling oriented towards connections like

The only thing they can do at this point in order to get back into CoE Starter Kit sizing is to delete connections until the result set is small enough to return in the connector.

Today that means either contacting product support and having them help, or using the Power Shell commands to manually explore and delete unused or errored connections.

This works as PowerShell does not have this same size limitation. However PowerShell is also not easy for new users of it to sort and filter and find the connections they want to clean up.

One further complication here is that the kit does not store the connections themselves due to this same bloated sizing. What we store are a concept we made called "Connection Identities" which allows us to have a jumping off point for exploration. For example we will store that Jon has a O365 connection in Default, but not how many or specifics of them (one is errored one is not) This means that we cant just pump the data into Dataverse with another tool as do not store the specifics and so if we stored the connection identities, each action after this would still hit this limit.

Describe the solution you'd like

Build a one-off solution for users in this state which has the below. Idea is that they can install this one-off solution, perform the clean up, and then delete the solution when under the limit to avoid the bloated sizing of storing all the connections in the tenant.


PowerShell Script

Cleanup UX

Describe alternatives you've considered

No response

Additional context?

No response


TomekPi commented 2 months ago

What if after cleanup activities, the connections number would be still above the limit? It wouldn't help much, would it?

Jenefer-Monroe commented 1 month ago

If after cleanup you are still over limit, you are correct, it wouldnt help much. In that case we would need to pusue some product change to either support more memory in the return results or support some things like filtering in the connection.