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[CoE Starter Kit - QUESTION] identify EnvtID and EnvtName for CLEANUP HELPER - Check Deleted v4 #8314

Open L0k33 opened 1 week ago

L0k33 commented 1 week ago

Does this question already exist in our backlog?

What is your question?

I went to the Power Platform Admin Center, located the Environment in question. Copied the Environment ID and added the Environment name, but the flow failed to locate the environment.




Error text:

{ "error": { "code": "EnvironmentNotFound", "message": "The environment 'Personal Productivity' could not be found in the tenant 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx'.", "detailUrlType": "NotSpecified" }

Any suggestions?

What solution are you experiencing the issue with?


What solution version are you using?


What app or flow are you having the issue with?

CLEANUP HELPER - Check Deleted v4

What method are you using to get inventory and telemetry?

Cloud flows


Jenefer-Monroe commented 1 week ago

Hello, are you asking how to trigger the helpers manually?

Basically all environments have both ID and Name (along with a bunch of other properties and GUIDs). And Name here does not mean Display Name

It looks like the product UX has evolved since these strings were selected so we're in an even more confusing place now :) For almost all environments ID and Name are the same, the GUID you see here: image

For Default environment they differ in that ID removes the Default- prefix

ID : abc123ab-a1a1-a1a1-a1a1-a11a11a11a11 Name : Default-abc123ab-a1a1-a1a1-a1a1-a11a11a11a11


L0k33 commented 1 week ago

Thanks, one step further and then I ran into the next issue. :)



I was not able to find a solution to this issue. Would you like it raised as a separate ticket?



Jenefer-Monroe commented 1 week ago

It sounds like you entered with the Default- prefix for both inputs still. Envt id is just the GUID
