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[CoE Starter Kit - BUG] Group Size limited to 100 in Power Platform Users #8475

Open albertocastro365 opened 2 weeks ago

albertocastro365 commented 2 weeks ago

Does this bug already exist in our backlog?

Describe the issue

I noticed that in Power Platform Users table, the column Group Size is not over 100. These groups have more members. How is calculate this number? Maybe there is a pagination that limit to 100? image

Expected Behavior

Then number correct of the groups with more of 100 members.

What solution are you experiencing the issue with?


What solution version are you using?


What app or flow are you having the issue with?

Power Platform Users table

What method are you using to get inventory and telemetry?

Data Export

Steps To Reproduce

No response

Anything else?

No response


Jenefer-Monroe commented 2 weeks ago

thanks for posting! I will investigate

Jenefer-Monroe commented 2 weeks ago

This isnt perfect yet but you can do this to get better while I investigate to see if there is something even better I can do. Let me know if these still seem capped to know my priority to fix. I'll have to add a do until

Go to CLEANUP - Admin | Sync Template v3 (Orphaned Users)

And change the expression shown to this: @{parameters('Graph URL Environment Variable (admin_GraphURLEnvironmentVariable)')}v1.0/groups/@{items('Apply_to_each_group')?['admin_powerplatformuserid']}/transitivemembers?$top=999&$select=odata.type, id, userType


albertocastro365 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi again. this workaround works fine :) One question: The value 999 is the limit? Like you see I have groups with more members. image

Jenefer-Monroe commented 2 weeks ago

Yes 999 is as high as you can go with the top function for this csall, which is more than 100 but ....

I'll have to add a do-until and look for the next, to collect into an array which I'm afraid may also mean I cant use the concurrency in the for-all anymore and will slow down the flow but .... I'll explore more to see if I can come up with something clever

albertocastro365 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, A tried with a value = 1500 and runs fine also, it takes more time but I supose that is normal because I have a group with 40k members.

image image image

Jenefer-Monroe commented 2 weeks ago

oh nice ! It failed for me in the graph explorer above 999, and I just assumed the same limit would exist in flow. YEAH !!! Thank you for testing that!

Jenefer-Monroe commented 2 weeks ago

I get an error with that image

I think I'll have to implement the do-until code.

Jenefer-Monroe commented 2 weeks ago

Here is just this flow in its own little solution, can you please import it and try?

It will be slower running now as we cannot use the concurrent runs on this section any longer (for groups) but that's ok, this flow runs only weekly and the true count here is quite important. And it's not many more API calls.

albertocastro365 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Jennefer, I tested this flow in my Test environment and I confirm you that works fine! image


Jenefer-Monroe commented 2 weeks ago

Hurray! KK ready for July then. Thanks for helping me debug and test! That's the problem with these little test tenants!