microsoft / cognitive-services-speech-sdk-go

Go bindings for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech SDK
MIT License
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Rust based cog services lib: cognitive-services-speech-sdk-rs #33

Open adambezecny opened 3 years ago

adambezecny commented 3 years ago


I would like to bring to your attention Rust based library I have created:

It is heavily inspired by this Golang lib. Any chance how to make this library for example shown at official DEV pages of speech API ( Is there something like certification/adoption process of libraries like this (provided by 3rd parties)?

trrwilson commented 3 years ago

Hello, Adam! I'm Travis, one of the engineering managers over on the Cognitive Services SDK team.

This is very cool. It's impressive that you were able to cross-reference the Go projection and get a Rust one working so handily! Further expanding the open source footprint we have has been a long-term goal since the SDK's inception, but we never would have expected you to accomplish this so soon with the ABI layer being a big, undocumented jungle!

We need to do some research into the options available for the Rust library. This is a bit of a first for us and there are a good number of of non-technical considerations that need investigation before we can do anything official. Getting this sort of thing right is very important, both to support the great OSS effort and also to ensure that IP law, licensing, and other policies & regulations are carefully respected and followed.

We'll report back as we get new information. I can't speculate on a date for having any firmer answers, so I beg your patience while we get the input we need. But in the meantime, to say it again: this is so cool!


adambezecny commented 3 years ago

hi Travis,

I am glad to hear positive feedback :-) Cracking down the ABI layer was truly challenging (no access to underlying C code, not even any knowledge of C/C++). I had to reverse engineer multiple services in different languages.

I am just coming from the meeting where it was decided that our next generation of large-scale Smart IVR solution will be built in Rust and we are definitely planning to use this speech-to-text library! Thus wider adoption by OSS community and some kind of official support (hopefully resulting in code quality improvement) would be really great.

Looking forward hearing from you!



msehnout commented 9 months ago


it's been a while since this issue got any update. I'm currently considering migration of our Python code to a compiled language and I'd prefer if it was Rust.

Is there any chance of cognitive-services-speech-sdk-rs getting more "officially supported"?

adambezecny commented 9 months ago

as a library author I am still here... :)

msehnout commented 9 months ago

Perfect :-)