Open motamed opened 2 months ago
There is a potential division by zero error in the calculation of audioOffsetMs within the ServiceRecognizerBase.ts file. This issue occurs when this.privAverageBytesPerMs is zero, leading to a runtime error.
ConversationTranscriptionCanceledEventArgs {privSessionId: '653442B08C524EA4ADDB66A19C992187', privOffset: undefined, privReason: 0, privErrorDetails: 'Could not deserialize speech context. websocket error code: 1007', privErrorCode: 2}
const audioOffsetMs: number = bytesSent / this.privAverageBytesPerMs;
1.36.0 (Latest)
PowerApps PCF
any updates on this ?
What happened?
There is a potential division by zero error in the calculation of audioOffsetMs within the ServiceRecognizerBase.ts file. This issue occurs when this.privAverageBytesPerMs is zero, leading to a runtime error.
Tested Scenario:
Affected Code:
1.36.0 (Latest)
What browser/platform are you seeing the problem on?
PowerApps PCF
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