microsoft / contributor-community-experiments

Tracking experiments and sharing best practices that we learn to build strong communities in our GitHub repos
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Code Tours #10

Open danmoseley opened 3 years ago

danmoseley commented 3 years ago


Repos can offer Code Tours that reduce the barrier to entry for folks that want to contribute to the code.


Pick three repos, create a code tour and gather feedback.

Success criteria

We understand whether code tours are helpful, and can offer guidelines around them.

danmoseley commented 3 years ago

@captainsafia is doing this for dotnet/aspnet. @jamesmontemagno for dotnet/maui @mikadumont @billwagner for dotnet/roslyn.

Can we add a non .NET repo?

danmoseley commented 3 years ago

Have prototype tour for dotnet/aspnet. Found it fun to write and figure out the narrative structure (eg., example first?). Seems straightforward to consume once you figure out how to start it. For Roslyn, figuring out which aspect to create the tour for. For dotnet/maui, we now have draft. Felt there was value in creating it as well.

Need to test discoverability - how to find it and get it playing - as well as test the value of the code tour. Also need to understand how these would be kept up to date.

captainsafia commented 2 years ago

Updates for today:

Due to an influx of preview7 work items, our team wasn't able to make much progress since our last meeting.

danmoseley commented 2 years ago

@jamesmontemagno has completed 2 tours for dotnet/maui and is reviewing with the team.

captainsafia commented 2 years ago

In our team meeting this week, we decided to switch gears and put in a different plan in place to get feedback on this.

Our original plan was to roll out CodeTours into individual repos then gather data over a span of three months to see how they effect engagement on certain repos.

We've decided to adopt a more user-study approach and present users with a bug scenario where the CodeTour for for aspnetcore will be helpful.

The plan is to advertise this user study as a GitHub issue.