microsoft / cordova-plugin-code-push

Cordova plugin for CodePush
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cordova-plugin-code-push dependency overrides AFNetworking files #679

Open odedle-tr opened 2 years ago

odedle-tr commented 2 years ago


Hi, we have an ios cordova app and we use a third party plugin that uses the AFNetowrking framework. We have the updated version of the AFNetwoking framework installed via pods.

We also have your plugin installed wich uses the depnedancy corodva-plugin-advanced-http.

The issue here is when installing your plugin, the dependency corodva-plugin-advanced-http overide the AFNetworking files, resulting in an older version of this framework.

We get the error in xcode resulting in an app crash:

(lldb) *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[AFHTTPSessionManager GET:parameters:headers:progress:success:failure:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x2817ed950' terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException (lldb)

This happens because our third party plugin expect this inteface:

But the corodva-plugin-advanced-http overrides it with probably an older version (see: 'headers' and 'progress' are missing in this api):

Please let know how we can overcome this issue or apply the correct fix Thanks.

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