microsoft / cordova-plugin-code-push

Cordova plugin for CodePush
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Could not get binary hash.Error: Could not get binary hash. #686

Open blufix79 opened 2 years ago

blufix79 commented 2 years ago

Thanks so much for filing an issue or feature request! Please fill out the following (wherever relevant):


After upgrading to cordova 10, we get the following error on code-push:

Could not get binary hash.Error: Could not get binary hash. CodePushUtil.logError @ codePushUtil.js:41 image

Anyway, the codePush update is installed correctly, but then it asks to restart the app in order to make it effective, but on the next restart the following error message appears: image

at this point it performes the rollback and the app resumes working in the previous version.


Rilascio update attraverso code push CLI in staging, download aggiornamento e riavvio app

Additional Information

I was reading in a previous issue-post that downgrading to cordova 9 solves the problem and this seems to be true, given that if the app is compiled with cordova 9 it works perfectly. The problem is that cordova 10 is an absolute requirement for generating the .aab file for the PlayStore. So my question is, if the plugin can be upgraded in order to make it compatible with cordova 10 anywhen soon? Or maybe there are some other workarounds in order to fix the described issue? Thanks to all for your answers and suggestions.