microsoft / datamations
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Add package website #80

Closed sharlagelfand closed 3 years ago

sharlagelfand commented 3 years ago

This adds a github actions workflow which will build a package website to the gh-pages/ branch upon merges into / pushes to main!

I've also updated the package to only export docs for user-facing functions - really only the ones shown in the README, plus functions needed to add a datamation to a Shiny app. Some of the internal functions have their own documentation (e.g. but I don't think we need to expose that on a website - and I'll put together some internal docs that "map" what each of the functions in R/ do.

Going to merge this straight away to check that the workflow runs and creates a branch! Then we'll need to set it to actually publish a site from that branch (unless @jhofman has already done this - I can't see the settings, but we'll see soon 😄 )