microsoft / deepRAG

Uses a blend of experimental techniques to enhance LLM RAG resultsets.
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Ontology #3

Open Tyler-R-Kendrick opened 4 days ago

Tyler-R-Kendrick commented 4 days ago

We need an ontology to query against for this project. If we can't develop a small one before the sprint kickoff, we should at least agree upon a known public dataset to autogenerate an ontology.

mohamedcherifmo commented 4 days ago

A sample common ontology Key Entities

  1. Brand
  2. Product
  3. Campaign
  4. Guideline
  5. Market
  6. Competitor
  7. Influencer
  8. Advertising Case
  9. Aesthetic
  10. Slogan

Attributes • Brand: o Name o Elements o Target Consumer o Slogan o Color Palette o Logo Usage o Accent Usage o Storyboard Guidelines o Social Media Guidelines

• Product: o Name o Type (e.g. SaaS, On-Premise) o Popularity o Market (e.g., UK, US)

• Campaign: o Name o Focus (e.g., Digital Experience, AI) o Market o Creative Assets o Concept o Toolkit

• Guideline: o Type (e.g., Digital Asset, Tone of Voice Usage, Logo Usage) o Details

• Market: o Name o Trends o Competitors o Influencers

• Competitor: o Name o Products o Campaigns

• Influencer: o Name o Market o Segment (e.g., Coffee, Lifestyle)

• Advertising Case: o Market o Details

• Aesthetic: o Style (e.g., Minimalist, Modern) o Target Audience

Relationships • Brand: o "has_product" -> Product o "runs_campaign" -> Campaign o "follows_guideline" -> Guideline o "targets_market" -> Market o "competes_with" -> Competitor o "collaborates_with" -> Influencer o "featured_in_advertising_case" -> Advertising Case • Product: o "belongs_to_brand" -> Brand o "popular_in_market" -> Market o "competes_with" -> Competitor o "follows_guideline" -> Guideline • Campaign: o "belongs_to_brand" -> Brand o "targets_market" -> Market o "uses_guideline" -> Guideline o "includes_toolkit" -> Toolkit

• Guideline: o "applies_to_brand" -> Brand o "applies_to_product" -> Product o "applies_to_campaign" -> Campaign • Market: o "includes_product" -> Product o "includes_competitor" -> Competitor o "includes_influencer" -> Influencer

• Competitor: o "competes_with_brand" -> Brand o "competes_with_product" -> Product

• Influencer: o "collaborates_with_brand" -> Brand • Recipe: o "belongs_to_product" -> Product o "follows_aesthetic" -> Aesthetic • Translation: o "used_by_brand" -> Brand • Advertising Case: o "features_brand" -> Brand • Sustainability Claim: o "promoted_by_brand" -> Brand