When it comes to testing strategy, the overall philosophy is that unit testing is the first and largest pillar. Since unit tests are the most performant tests, a high percentage of code coverage is expected to be reached for the FAST tooling repository testing in each package. For integration tests and E2E tests, these are more costly. They require a setup of an application to mock a single scenario as an integration test, or a full application to do an E2E test. These should not test edge cases, but should follow the "happy/critical path" that the user is expected to take.
Unit tests
What should be covered:
Unit tests for each web component and react component
Unit tests for utilities & classes
What technologies should be used:
Mocha, Karma, Chai for web components & JS utilities
Jest, Enzyme for react components
Argos CI/Applitools for visual testing of react/web components
Integration tests & E2E tests (smoke test)
The integration and E2E tests should use a single web-component-editor application which includes all available components and services and a list of user interaction workflows.
What should be covered:
Test interactions and updates between services and components to ensure they stay in sync, these include:
Navigation updates
Data updates
Schema updates
Validation updates
What technologies should be used:
Playwrite - This should be a good compromise between ease-of-use and local environment setup, it has better focus handling than Karma etc., because it opens the actual browser.
File naming should mimic FAST naming, my-component.pw.spec.ts
Playwrite has a test suite built in (no need to use mocha/chai)
Use local webpack applications instead of a fixture/harness structure to run tests
Update this main issue with issues for adding Playwrite and related testing for E2E and integration tests
Add an investigation issue for visual testing the react/web components, this should be committed to the backlog until such time that the visuals are updated to match new FAST component visual updates
What package(s) should this feature be added to?
@microsoft/fast-tooling @microsoft/fast-tooling-react
FAST Tooling Testing
General FAST tooling testing strategy
When it comes to testing strategy, the overall philosophy is that unit testing is the first and largest pillar. Since unit tests are the most performant tests, a high percentage of code coverage is expected to be reached for the FAST tooling repository testing in each package. For integration tests and E2E tests, these are more costly. They require a setup of an application to mock a single scenario as an integration test, or a full application to do an E2E test. These should not test edge cases, but should follow the "happy/critical path" that the user is expected to take.
Unit tests
What should be covered:
What technologies should be used:
Integration tests & E2E tests (smoke test)
The integration and E2E tests should use a single web-component-editor application which includes all available components and services and a list of user interaction workflows.
What should be covered:
What technologies should be used:
Tasks needed for completion