microsoft / devkit-sdk

Arduino library and package for the MXChip IoT DevKit
MIT License
69 stars 52 forks source link

install st link state not correct #241

Closed SummerSun closed 7 years ago

SummerSun commented 7 years ago

st link install always result in code error no matter what the real result user install it.

name: 'Install ST Link',
    run: async () => {
        try {
            await util.execStdout(commands.stlinkInstall, timeout);
            telemetry.trace("install st link succeeded");
            return constants.installed;
        } catch (error) {
            // qisun todo cause could not catch real error
            return constants.installed;
helenlivsc commented 7 years ago

low repo rate. move to makerfaire.

helenlivsc commented 7 years ago

We have implemented a fix for execStdout function and we can do more tests.

ArthurMa1978 commented 7 years ago
