Originally posted by **sajis997** August 2, 2024
I have a Azure Windows VM (Windows Server 2022 DataCenter) with Docker CE installed with the following configuration:
Version: 27.1.1
API version: 1.46
Go version: go1.21.12
Git commit: 6312585
Built: Tue Jul 23 19:57:57 2024
OS/Arch: windows/amd64
Context: desktop-windows
Server: Docker Desktop 4.33.1 (161083)
Version: 27.1.1
API version: 1.46 (minimum version 1.24)
Go version: go1.21.12
Git commit: cc13f95
Built: Tue Jul 23 19:56:46 2024
OS/Arch: windows/amd64
Experimental: false
I am trying to create a build pipeline for solution / project based on .NET Framework 4.8 and the build.dockerfile contains the following among others:
`FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/framework/sdk:4.8 AS build
WORKDIR /V5FrameworkDiagnosticsBuild
COPY . ./
SHELL ["powershell", "-NoProfile", "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "-Command"]
RUN Write-Output 'Starting PowerShell version check...'; $PSVersionTable.PSVersion; Write-Output 'PowerShell version check completed.'
RUN Write-Output 'Listing directory contents...'; Get-ChildItem -Path .; Write-Output 'Directory listing completed.'
While initiating the build.dockerfile from Github Actions workflow as follows:
- name: Build inside a Docker Container
run: docker build --build-arg PACKAGE_VERSION=${{ env.PACKAGE_VERSION }} --no-cache -t frameworkdiagcr01 -f .\build.dockerfile .
shell: pwsh
It hangs at the poweshell command inside the dockerfile and eventually gives the following error message:
Step 7/11 : RUN Write-Output 'Starting PowerShell version check...'; $PSVersionTable.PSVersion; Write-Output 'PowerShell version check completed.'
---> Running in 33c09354f255
container 33c09354f2559185b7672ec891fba7349a423476db82a93083c1d28ddb20ffb4 encountered an error during hcs::System::Start: context deadline exceeded
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
Any hint on why it happens the way it is and how to resolve the issue?
Discussed in https://github.com/microsoft/dotnet-framework-docker/discussions/1153