microsoft / dotnet-framework-docker

The repo for the official docker images for .NET Framework on Windows Server Core.
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Unable to clone ssh-based GIT URIs #61

Closed atrauzzi closed 6 years ago

atrauzzi commented 6 years ago

Not sure what happened, but up until last week, I was able to clone git repositories via SSH-based URIs in my Windows containers based on this image. Now, suddenly without warning, when I go to clone - even a public repository, I get this error:

C:\>git clone
git clone
Cloning into 'praxis'...
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

Here's a simple Dockerfile that can be used to reproduce the issue:

FROM microsoft/dotnet-framework:4.7.1-windowsservercore-1709
SHELL ["powershell"]

RUN Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
RUN choco install --yes git

RUN refreshenv

I'm just not sure at this point. The only suspicious thing is that if I try to run the mingw based ssh.exe, it prints a blank line and then exits.


atrauzzi commented 6 years ago

Also, attempting to install using chocolatey results in the same issue.

MichaelSimons commented 6 years ago

@atrauzzi - Can you clarify what image this use to work in? Also have you tried doing this with a base OS image?

atrauzzi commented 6 years ago

Any derived from the two available Windows server core containers.

Haven't tried the main Windows one, but I'm not sure where to report issues for it.

MichaelSimons commented 6 years ago

As seen in, this is not an issue specific to the microsoft/dotnet-framework images.