Open FlorianPydde opened 1 year ago
You are right, @FlorianPydde. In the case of numerical columns, the scaler is applied before the train test split, which should not be done. I will fix that.
I suppose the same applies for categorical columns. What happens if the transformer has not seen the some strings before ? You need to have a "not seen" placehoders and see how it affect it.
Yes, OOV (Out of vocabulary in vectorization of strings) and 'not_seen' in categorical columns need to be handled, though they are not issues of data leakage. When I work on this, I will take care of all these three. Thank you for taking the time to review and point out these issues.
In the prep_input function, you use scalers (standard, power transformer, etc) on the entire dataset before performing the train-test split. I think this is a small data leakage are you are using "knowledge" from the test during training. I think the fix consist in creating a sklearn pipeline and a columntransformer object to chain everything together.
Any thoughts ?