microsoft / durabletask-dotnet

Out-of-process .NET SDK for the Durable Task Framework
MIT License
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Durable functions hubname cannot be configured from app settings #272

Open wldevries opened 9 months ago

wldevries commented 9 months ago

We have the hubname for Durable Functions configured in app settings and local.settings.json. After updating to Durable Functions in isolated worker process mode we run into the problem that variables are no longer allowed for hubname. The setup is similar to what is documented on msdn:

When running the function app we get the following error:

Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.DurableTask: Task hub name '%MyTaskHub%' should contain only alphanumeric characters, start with a letter, and have length between 3 and 45. Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage: Invalid container name. Check MSDN for more information about valid container naming.

cgillum commented 8 months ago

@wldevries can you share your host.json and local.settings.json files? Feel free to redact anything sensitive.