microsoft / durabletask-java

Java SDK for Durable Functions and the Durable Task Framework
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Fix the exception type for using retriable task in `allOf` method #171

Closed kaibocai closed 8 months ago

kaibocai commented 8 months ago

Issue describing the changes in this PR


This PR fixes the exception type for using RetriableTask in allOf method.

Description of the issue:

For RetriableTask in allOf method if the task failed for exception, CompositeTaskFailedException is not thrown out instead it's a TaskFailedException being thrown out. The reason is that the CompositeTaskFailedException that built in exceptionPath haven't get chance to be obtained at future.get(), ContextImplTask.this.processNextEvent() will first threw a TaskFailedException

For example:

    public List<String> parallelOrchestratorSad(
            @DurableOrchestrationTrigger(name = "ctx") TaskOrchestrationContext ctx,
            ExecutionContext context) {
        try {
            List<Task<String>> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
            RetryPolicy policy = new RetryPolicy(2, Duration.ofSeconds(15));
            TaskOptions options = new TaskOptions(policy);
            tasks.add(ctx.callActivity("AppendSad", "Input1", options, String.class));
            tasks.add(ctx.callActivity("AppendHappy", "Input2", options, String.class));
            return ctx.allOf(tasks).await();
        } catch (CompositeTaskFailedException e) {
            // Nothing will be caught for this type of exception. 
            for (Exception exception : e.getExceptions()) {
                if (exception instanceof TaskFailedException) {
                    TaskFailedException taskFailedException = (TaskFailedException) exception;
                    System.out.println("Task: " + taskFailedException.getTaskName() + " Failed for cause: " + taskFailedException.getErrorDetails().getErrorMessage());
        return null;

    public String appendHappy(
            @DurableActivityTrigger(name = "name") String name,
            final ExecutionContext context) {
        context.getLogger().info("AppendHappy: " + name);
        return name + "-test-happy";

    public String appendSad(
            @DurableActivityTrigger(name = "name") String name,
            final ExecutionContext context) {
        context.getLogger().info("Throw Test Exception: " + name);
        throw new NullPointerException("Test kaibocai exception");

This PR ensures that any RetriableTask that is in allOf method is marked as isInCompoundTask so that later it uses this flag to decide whether to throw the exception or ignore it.

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kaibocai commented 8 months ago

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