microsoft / ebpf-for-windows

eBPF implementation that runs on top of Windows
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[bpf_map_lookup_batch map api]: Failed to retrieve data for per-cpu map types. No test cases for PERCPU hash map types. #3564

Closed shpalani closed 1 week ago

shpalani commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

OS information

Windows 11 and above.

Steps taken to reproduce the bug

Add the below test case to the existing batch operation test code in

TEST_CASE("libbpf percpu hash map batch", "[libbpf]") { _test_maps_batch(BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_HASH); } the

Expected behavior

No crash.

Actual outcome

C:\Users\xxx\ebpf-for-windows-2024\ebpf-for-windows\x64\Debug>unit_tests.exe "libbpf percpu hash map batch" -d yes
Filters: "libbpf percpu hash map batch"
Randomness seeded to: 1767495025

unit_tests.exe is a Catch2 v3.6.0 host application.
Run with -? for options

libbpf percpu hash map batch

C:\Users\xxx\ebpf-for-windows-2024\ebpf-for-windows\tests\unit\libbpf_test.cpp(3445): FAILED:
  {Unknown expression after the reported line}
due to a fatal error condition:
  SIGSEGV - Segmentation violation signal

0.000 s: libbpf percpu hash map batch
test cases: 1 | 1 failed
assertions: 4 | 3 passed | 1 failed

Additional details

No response

shpalani commented 2 months ago

As a follow-up, please provide the stack trace of the segmentation violation.

shpalani commented 2 months ago
0:000> k
 # Child-SP          RetAddr               Call Site
00 00000022`48afe8e8 00007ff6`367ebc74     VCRUNTIME140!memcpy+0x17d [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcruntime\src\string\amd64\memcpy.asm @ 304] 
01 (Inline Function) --------`--------     unit_tests!std::_Copy_memmove+0x14 [C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\include\xutility @ 4498] 
02 (Inline Function) --------`--------     unit_tests!std::_Copy_unchecked+0x14 [C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\include\xutility @ 4570] 
03 (Inline Function) --------`--------     unit_tests!std::copy+0x14 [C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.39.33519\include\xutility @ 4589] 
04 00000022`48afe8f0 00007ff6`367f13cf     unit_tests!_update_map_element_batch+0x2b4 [C:\Users\shpalan\ebpf-for-windows-2024\ebpf-for-windows\libs\api\ebpf_api.cpp @ 780] 
05 00000022`48afea10 00007ff6`36795371     unit_tests!ebpf_map_update_element_batch+0x3df [C:\Users\shpalan\ebpf-for-windows-2024\ebpf-for-windows\libs\api\ebpf_api.cpp @ 984] 
06 00000022`48afeb00 00007ff6`367aebf5     unit_tests!_test_maps_batch+0x581 [C:\Users\shpalan\ebpf-for-windows-2024\ebpf-for-windows\tests\unit\libbpf_test.cpp @ 3317] 
07 00000022`48aff260 00007ff6`367af2c4     unit_tests!Catch::RunContext::invokeActiveTestCase+0x45
08 00000022`48aff290 00007ff6`367af89a     unit_tests!Catch::RunContext::runCurrentTest+0x2e4
09 00000022`48aff4a0 00007ff6`36887805     unit_tests!Catch::RunContext::runTest+0x39a
0a 00000022`48aff750 00007ff6`3688822d     unit_tests!Catch::Clara::Detail::BasicResult<Catch::Clara::Detail::ParseState>::enforceOk+0xa5
0b 00000022`48aff7e0 00007ff6`3688271a     unit_tests!Catch::Session::runInternal+0x24d
0c 00000022`48affac0 00007ff6`3665f818     unit_tests!main+0x9a
0d (Inline Function) --------`--------     unit_tests!invoke_main+0x22 [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl @ 78] 
0e 00000022`48affc80 00007fff`2626257d     unit_tests!__scrt_common_main_seh+0x10c [D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl @ 288] 
0f 00000022`48affcc0 00007fff`27f4aa48     KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x1d
10 00000022`48affcf0 00000000`00000000     ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x28 [minkernel\ntdll\rtlstrt.c @ 1166] 
0:000> g
(13c8.395c): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
00007fff`05d9123d c5fe6f02        vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx] ds:0000025c`0c60f000=??

VCRUNTIME140!memcpy+0x17d: 00007fff05d9123d c5fe6f02 vmovdqu ymm0,ymmword ptr [rdx] ds:0000025c0c60f000=??

;   move memory with AVX loads and stores
;   Entry:
;      r8 - length (> 32 bytes)
;      rcx - destination block address
;      rdx - source block address
;   Exit:
;      rax - destination block address
;   Implementation:
;      the operation is based on a loop with eight AVX loads and stores copying 256 bytes in an iteration with the remainder (or blocks themselves)
;      handled through a table based dispatch to the code that handles the remaining length with the appropriate number of AVX loads and stores

        **vmovdqu  ymm0, YMMWORD PTR (-__AVX_STEP_LEN*0)[rdx]      ; save the first 32-byte chunk which may be overwritten while copying overlapping blocks with destination not 32-byte aligned**
        vmovdqu  ymm5, YMMWORD PTR (-__AVX_STEP_LEN*1)[rdx + r8] ; save the last 32-byte chunk which may be overwritten by the next to last AVX store
        cmp      r8, __AVX_LOOP_LEN                              ; blocks up to the loop iteration size (256 bytes) go straight to the loop remainder handling code
        jbe      MovUpTo256WithYMM                               ; fall-through to the loop code for blocks greater than the loop iteration size (256 bytes)

        mov      r9, rcx                                         ; it is generally profitable to align the loop stores on the 32-byte boundary, this is done by shifting
        and      r9, __AVX_STEP_LEN-1                            ; the starting source (rdx) and destination (rcx) copy addresses by the number of bytes (complement r9) required
        sub      r9, __AVX_STEP_LEN                              ; to make the destination block aligned on the next 32-byte boundary and reducing the loop copy length accordingly,
        sub      rcx, r9                                         ; the skipped head bytes will be copied in the remainder handling code;
        sub      rdx, r9
        add      r8, r9
        cmp      r8, __AVX_LOOP_LEN                              ; compare the block copy length (which may have gotten shorter) to the loop iteration length,
        jbe      MovUpTo256WithYMM                               ; if it is less than it go to the loop remainder handling code

        cmp      r8, __NT_AVX_THRESHOLD                          ; blocks greater than a certain threshold are best handled with non-temporal stores
        ja       YmmLoopNT    
0:000> dx Debugger.Sessions[0].Processes[5064].Threads[14684].Stack.Frames[4].SwitchTo();dv /t /v
00000093`62efe928 int64 map_handle = 0n1
00000093`62efe920 void * key = 0x0000025c`0c5a1da0
00000093`62efe910 unsigned int64 key_size = 4
00000093`62efe930 void * value = 0x0000025c`0c5b5680
00000093`62efe908 unsigned int64 value_size = 0x80
00000093`62efea18 unsigned int * count = 0x00000093`62eff0e0
00000093`62efea20 unsigned int64 flags = 1
00000093`62efe958 struct _ebpf_operation_map_update_element_batch_reply reply = struct _ebpf_operation_map_update_element_batch_reply
00000093`62efe938 unsigned int64 input_count = 0x4e20
00000093`62efe940 class std::vector<unsigned char,std::allocator<unsigned char> > request_buffer = { size=0xffd4 }
@ebx              ebpf_result result = EBPF_STALE_ID (0n33)
<unavailable>     struct _ebpf_operation_map_update_element_batch_request * request = <value unavailable>
00000093`62efe900 unsigned int64 key_index = 0x9b0
@r12              unsigned int64 index = 0x183
<unavailable>     unsigned char * destination_value = <value unavailable>
<unavailable>     unsigned char * destination_key = <value unavailable>

index 0x183 = 387 key_index 0x9b0 = 2480 input_count 0x4e20 = 20000

shpalani commented 2 months ago


_test_maps_batch(bpf_map_type map_type)
   // Insert keys in batch.
   REQUIRE(**bpf_map_update_batch**(map_fd,,, &update_batch_size, &opts) == 0);
static ebpf_result_t
    ebpf_handle_t map_handle,
    _In_opt_ const void* key,
    size_t key_size,
    _In_ const void* value,
    size_t value_size,
    _Inout_ uint32_t* count,
    uint64_t flags) NO_EXCEPT_TRY
 for (size_t index = 0; index < entries_to_update; index++) {
                uint8_t* source_key = (uint8_t*)key + (key_index + index) * key_size;
                uint8_t* source_value = (uint8_t*)value + (key_index + index) * value_size;
                uint8_t* destination_key = request->data + index * (key_size + value_size);
                uint8_t* destination_value = request->data + index * (key_size + value_size) + key_size;
                if (key_size > 0) {
                    std::copy(source_key, source_key + key_size, destination_key);
                std::copy(source_value, source_value + value_size, destination_value);
shpalani commented 1 month ago



shankarseal commented 1 month ago

Thanks @shpalani . For doxygen, you would need to add the documentation in include\bpf\bpf.h. I see the batch APIs are missing there.

shpalani commented 1 month ago

From the discussion, checking the value size and returning EINVAL is impossible in the ebpf platform.. And since it is a user error, the P1 can be removed.

shpalani commented 1 month ago

Status: With the modified user-mode applied value-size for per-cpu hash map type, bpf_map_lookup_batch doesn't work after bpf_map_update_batch call. I am still investigating and debugging the ebpf core for a fix.

shpalani commented 2 weeks ago

In PR last week, waiting for reviewers.