microsoft / etl2pcapng

Utility that converts an .etl file containing a Windows network packet capture into .pcapng format.
MIT License
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Input ETL file does not contain an ndiscap packet capture. #77

Open VIT-JNE opened 4 months ago

VIT-JNE commented 4 months ago


as the title suggests, analogue to I have a very similar issue. I captured about 3MB of Packet-Data in an ETL-file via: netsh trace start capture=yes tracefile=D:\temp\Netcaps\foobar-2024-02-02-11-40.etl maxsize=4 filemode=single and netsh trace stop about 20minutes later. (yeah, I know, not much traffic :P)

When I try to: etl2pcapng.exe D:\temp\Netcaps\foobar-2024-02-02-11-40.etl or etl2pcapng.exe D:\temp\Netcaps\foobar-2024-02-02-11-40.etl D:\temp\Netcaps\foobar-2024-02-02-11-40.pcapng I get the error message "Input ETL file does not contain an ndiscap packet capture."

etl2pcapng.exe worked with other captures I did.

Can anyone explain the issue to me? Or has any other suggestions?

Thanks for the tool. Normally it works wonderfully.

Greetings JNE

VIT-JNE commented 4 months ago

Hello again,

the symptom only appears, when I trace with netsh with the parameter filemode=single with filemode=circular and $ netsh trace stop it works.

Any idea how they differ internally format-wise? That singular-filemode doesn't work, is surely not intended this way, is it? Do you have access to Microsoft's netsh-capture-code? Or format-standards for the single and circular formats?

Enjoy your day Greetings JNE

WilliamDuncanson commented 2 months ago

I'm having the same issue, however, I used the Powershell NetEventPacketCapture interface to create the .etl.

geo-msft commented 2 weeks ago

I also have the same issue:

etl2pcapng.exe nettrace.etl nettraceout.pcapng Input ETL file does not contain an ndiscap packet capture.

I collected the trace with this command netsh trace start persistent=yes capture=yes tracefile=c:\temp\nettrace.etl


ddelafuentelks commented 1 week ago

Same problem here. I collect the trace like:

netsh trace start capture=yes report=no persistent=no traceFile=C:\temp\captura.etl

etl2pcapng.exe captura.etl captura.pcapng Input ETL file does not contain an ndiscap packet capture.