microsoft / fast

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Remove @microsoft/fast-foundation and @microsoft/fast-web-utilities #6996

Closed janechu closed 1 month ago

janechu commented 1 month ago

Pull Request

📖 Description

This change removes:

🎫 Issues

Closes #6951 and closes #6954

✅ Checklist


⏭ Next Steps

radium-v commented 1 month ago

Would it be possible to move fast-element, fast-router, and fast-ssr up one level to be directly in the packages/ directory? They're currently in packages/web-components/.

chrisdholt commented 1 month ago

Would it be possible to move fast-element, fast-router, and fast-ssr up one level to be directly in the packages/ directory? They're currently in packages/web-components/.

I think this is a follow-up as part of the reorganization of the monorepo to npm workspaces (@janechu can correct me if I'm wrong)

radium-v commented 1 month ago

I'm getting an error when preparing and building from a clean state. I think @microsoft/site-utilities needs "@microsoft/fast-element": "^2.0.0-beta.26", in its dev dependencies.

Here's the error I'm seeing, only when running yarn in a clean state (no node_modules):

lerna info run Ran npm script 'prepare' in '@microsoft/site-utilities' in 0.5s:
yarn run v1.22.11
$ yarn generate:badges
$ node ./build/badges.js
Error: Cannot find module '/fast/node_modules/@microsoft/fast-element/dist/esm/index.js'
    at createEsmNotFoundErr (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1182:15)
    at finalizeEsmResolution (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1170:15)
    at resolveExports (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:592:14)
    at Module._findPath (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:669:31)
    at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1131:27)
    at Function.resolve (node:internal/modules/helpers:190:19)
    at exports.getPackageJsonDir (/fast/build/get-package-json.js:17:27)
    at /fast/sites/site-utilities/build/badges.js:59:21
    at (<anonymous>)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/fast/sites/site-utilities/build/badges.js:57:29) {
  path: '/fast/node_modules/@microsoft/fast-element/package.json'
Done in 0.29s.
janechu commented 1 month ago

Would it be possible to move fast-element, fast-router, and fast-ssr up one level to be directly in the packages/ directory? They're currently in packages/web-components/.

I think this is a follow-up as part of the reorganization of the monorepo to npm workspaces (@janechu can correct me if I'm wrong)

The issue with moving files like that wholesale is you lose the git history or at least it becomes very hard to track because you have to go back to before the commit where you moved things. If we feel that's not a big deal we can move things up a folder, I didn't want to do it without some discussion.