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Unable to retrieve Patient resource with numerous versions from search #3846

Closed tswelsh closed 2 months ago

tswelsh commented 2 months ago

Apologies in advance as this is a bit long and a bit vague. I wasn't sure whether it is a bug or a question, but something slightly dodgy appears to have happened so I plumped for bug.

Describe the bug We have a Patient resource that has had multiple updates over time. When searching for it using the identifier search param, the search returns no results even though it definitely should. I'm not sure if the fault here is with the SQL query that does the search, or if the data in this particular DB has got into a funny state.

The Patient resource in question has 12 versions. The query we are trying is equivalent to /Patient?identifier=|123456. All 12 versions have the identifier, and retrieving the Patient directly by logical id also shows that it definitely has that identifier. Digging deeper, the generated SQL query looks like this:


DECLARE @FilteredData AS TABLE (T1 smallint, Sid1 bigint, IsMatch bit, IsPartial bit, Row int)
cte0 AS
    SELECT ResourceTypeId AS T1, ResourceSurrogateId AS Sid1
    FROM dbo.TokenSearchParam
    WHERE SearchParamId = 861
        AND SystemId = @p0
        AND Code = @p1 
        AND ResourceTypeId = 81 -- Patient
,cte1 AS
    SELECT DISTINCT TOP (@p2) T1, Sid1, 1 AS IsMatch, 0 AS IsPartial 
    FROM cte0
/* HASH sNtlrPkDO22+3QwZFia3EKOx6dlmdmiMQYxXfq57GD4= params=@p0,@p1 */
SELECT DISTINCT r.ResourceTypeId, r.ResourceId, r.Version, r.IsDeleted, r.ResourceSurrogateId, r.RequestMethod, CAST(IsMatch AS bit) AS IsMatch, CAST(IsPartial AS bit) AS IsPartial, r.IsRawResourceMetaSet, r.SearchParamHash, r.RawResource
FROM dbo.Resource r
     JOIN cte1 ON r.ResourceTypeId = cte1.T1 AND r.ResourceSurrogateId = cte1.Sid1
WHERE IsHistory = 0 
ORDER BY r.ResourceTypeId ASC, r.ResourceSurrogateId ASC

The issue appears to stem from the fact that dbo.TokenSearchParam contains many rows for the parameter in question linked to the Patient resource at different versions - one for each version of the Patient resource. The parameter @p2 looks like it defaults to 11, so cte1 returns at most 11 rows. This means that the 12th (and current!) row doesn't get returned. All the rows in cte1 are associated with historical resource versions, so the WHERE IsHistory = 0 clause filters out everything. This default value of @p2 can be overridden by passing in a _count parameter with the original query - adding &_count=11 returns the expected resource (the source code adds one to the _count).

Is the TOP (@p2) part of cte1 necessary, or should it perhaps come in the final SELECT query? Or is our DB just in an unexpected state? When trying to reproduce I was unable to get multiple rows in dbo.TokenSearchParam; it looks like the existing row for the identifier is relinked to the latest version of the Patient resource. Should there ever be rows in dbo.TokenSearchParam that refer to historical versions?

FHIR Version? Stu3

Data provider? SQL Server

To Reproduce I have been unable to locally reproduce the database state that leads to this behaviour. The team that inputted the data have assured me that they were doing standard POST/PUT requests to input the Patient data - they certainly haven't been fiddling with the DB directly or anything like that.

Expected behavior The matching Patient resource to be returned from the search.

Actual behavior No resources are returned from the search.

LTA-Thinking commented 2 months ago

Hi @tswelsh What schema version is your DB running on, and what version of the FHIR server are you using? We introduced some changes to way IsHistory is stored and I want to make sure I'm trying to repro your issue with the right environment.

tswelsh commented 2 months ago

@LTA-Thinking We are running at schema version 79, server version 4.0.128. The resource itself however has been updated over the course of many months and from the last updated times the edits would have been at earlier schema/server versions but difficult to tell which.

LTA-Thinking commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the information. The SQL you are seeing is correct, the issue seems to be the data in cte0. It shouldn't have one row per version, just one row per resource. I'm trying to see how this could end up happening.

LTA-Thinking commented 2 months ago

Are you able to reproduce the error currently by making a new resource?

tswelsh commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately not. I've tried with a fresh local database at schema version 79, and replicating the patient resource history with an initial POST and then several PUTs, using the resource versions retrieved from the affected database. I've also tried the same on the affected database, using the same data, and no joy - I only see rows in dbo.TokenSearchParam for a single resource version.

LTA-Thinking commented 2 months ago

I think I have tracked down the source of the issue. We stopped recording historical search parameters after schema version 48 (January 2023), and this issue would have started happening after schema version 73 (January 2024). So this would only happen for resources created before January 2023. I'm working on an update that will fix this issue.

LTA-Thinking commented 2 months ago

@tswelsh If you update to the latest SQL Schema, v80 in release 4.0.139 this issue should be resolved.

tswelsh commented 2 months ago

Many thanks @LTA-Thinking, running the v80 upgrade script means we can retrieve our resources as expected.

EXPEkesheth commented 2 months ago

Closing as the issue is addressed.