microsoft / fluentui-blazor

Microsoft Fluent UI Blazor components library. For use with ASP.NET Core Blazor applications
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feat: add [Parameter] to/in DataGrid TemplateColumn SortBy #2041

Closed kamazheng closed 2 weeks ago

kamazheng commented 2 weeks ago

Is it possible to update DataGrid TemplateColumn SortBy to accept some parameters? For some dynamic situations,

            @foreach (var key in DicKeys)
                <TemplateColumn Title="@property.DisplayName" Align="@Align.Center" Style="width:100%"
                        Tooltip=true SortBy="@(() => sortBy(key))">
vnbaaij commented 2 weeks ago

You can already do that, just not directly in the parameter (example comes from the demosite):

@inject DataSource Data

<FluentDataGrid Items="@Data.People" style="width: 600px;">
    <TemplateColumn Title="Person" SortBy="@sortByName">
        <div class="flex items-center">
            <img class="flag" src="_content/FluentUI.Demo.Shared/flags/@(context.CountryCode.ToLower()).svg" alt="Flag of @(context.CountryCode)" />
                <strong>@context.LastName</strong>, @context.FirstName
    <TemplateColumn Title="Bonus">
        <FluentButton Appearance="Appearance.Accent" @onclick="@(() => Bonus(context))">Regular</FluentButton>
        <FluentButton Appearance="Appearance.Accent" @onclick="@(() => DoubleBonus(context))">Double</FluentButton>


@code {
    string message = string.Empty;

    GridSort<Person> sortByName = GridSort<Person>
        .ByAscending(p => p.LastName)
        .ThenAscending(p => p.FirstName);

    void Bonus(Person p) => message = $"You want to give {p.FirstName} {p.LastName} a regular bonus";

    void DoubleBonus(Person p) => message = $"You want to give {p.FirstName} {p.LastName} a double bonus";

What are you missing?

kamazheng commented 2 weeks ago

My situation is the TemplateColumn created by foreach loop, it's dynamically created. Each TemplateColumn has different parameter for sorting. For example, we have dynamic object, the properties is not known until runtime, I need to pass each property to specific TemplateColumn for sorting, same as to have DataGrid context of List of key-value Dictionary.

vnbaaij commented 2 weeks ago

I think you can do that with a method that returns a GridSort result. You kan use the @key as a parameter for that method.

kamazheng commented 2 weeks ago

I think you can do that with a method that returns a GridSort result. You kan use the @key as a parameter for that method.

The TemplateColumn has no onClick event before sort, cannot pass the current @key to the method which return GridSort.

vnbaaij commented 2 weeks ago

The @key comes from the foreach loop in your example. Passing that to a method does exactly the same as using the inline variant that you are suggesting

kamazheng commented 2 weeks ago

The @key comes from the foreach loop in your example. Passing that to a method does exactly the same as using the inline variant that you are suggesting

Thanks. It works. I have another question, when I add sortBy, the header row will add button, how to change the background-color of the button? The XPath: //*[@id="fdb48c27"]/fluent-data-grid/fluent-data-grid-row[1]/fluent-data-grid-cell[2]/fluent-button//button

The button is a shadow element, cannot easy to add css style for it.


vnbaaij commented 2 weeks ago

This is possible but goes directly against the purpose of this library: supplying components leveraging the Fluent UI design system.

You can target the component with CSS by using the ::deep selector and then specifying which part of the shadow DOM you want to target by using the standard ::partselector. Something like:

::deep > fluent-button::part(control){
...your css...

Closing this as the original issue is not an issue and provided guidance works.