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Epic: road to faster CI/CD #27359

Open Hotell opened 1 year ago

Hotell commented 1 year ago

Last couple of days v-build team was concluding analysis of our repo tools/CI etc. Based on this analysis we identified major bottlenecks within our tools/infra and experimented with mitigating those.

This issues is a summarized document of all the data and findings and should be taken as source of truth for actionables going forward with one goal - making our CI fast/er and reliable πŸš…

πŸ’‘ Remarks:

To learn more feel free to go through all the notes gathered here

To see some extent of those improvements check this PR

CI data (time metrics from running pipelines on whole monorepo)

**Legend:** - optimization v1 => narrowing tsconfig for v9 `isConformance` / - optimization v2 => removing runInBand,maxWorkers,coverage from jest execution in v0,v8 / | CI Run (test,build,lint,type-check --all) | time | remarks | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | | NX test optimization v1 | 50m 14s | | | Lage test optimization v1 | 49m 38s | | | NX test optimization v2 | ? | | | Lage test optimization v2 | ? | | | NX with maxWorkers=4 (v0,v8) | 42m 0s | | | Lage with maxWorkers=4 (v0,v8) | 49m 0s | | | NX with maxWorkers=4 (v0,v8,v9) | 38m 20s | | | Lage with maxWorkers=4 (v0,v8,v9) | 58m 0s | πŸ’€ pipeline reached 1 hour threshold | | NX with maxWorkers=4 (v0,v8,v9) + ts-jest isolatedModules | 37m 5s | πŸš… (most effective testing perf optimizations) | | Lage with maxWorkers=4 (v0,v8,v9)+ ts-jest isolatedModules | ??m 0s | πŸ’€ pipeline reached 1 hour threshold | | ---- | | ------- | | NX (with test opt) + type-check optimization | 33m 35s | πŸš…πŸš…πŸš… (fastest !!!) | | Lage (with test opt) + type-check optimization | xxx | 🚨 didn't finish - invalid targets dependency resolution | | ---- | | ------- | | NX (with test opt) + type-check optimization + build optimization | 34m 48s | data with rebase from master (+200 commits) | | Lage (with test opt) + type-check optimization+ build optimization | xxx | 🚨 didn't finish - invalid targets dependency resolution |


During analysis of our tasks/pipelines we found various opportunities how to improve our pipeline speeds to enable faster time do delivery.

Following Chapters contain most impactful findings with some amount of detail for how to enable them.

We were able to implement some of these suggestions during experimentation phase which gave us following worst case scenario pipeline durations.


With improvements also uses Node 16, which is more subtle to OOM/unhandled promise rejections (initially we weren't able to make it pass until we landed some of optimizations described in this document)

CI Run (test,build,lint,type-check --all) time failure rate (Timeout/OOM)
current 40m 50%
with improvements 30m 0%

Stop using TS path aliases on CI


Using TS path aliases provides excellent DX and blazing fast Application Bundling speeds with tools like swc or esbuild.

For running type-check and d.ts emit within our codebase it inflicts huge performance penalty, as TSC needs to traverse and parse all the paths on every run.

For type-check in particular, which is used by running tsc -b on ts solution configuration per project, the performance penalty is the biggest.

By stopping using path aliases on CI for type-checks we will get 40% speed bumps for type-checking !

Speed metrics:

Run type time delta
current / parallel 1 16m 41s
with optimization / parallel 1 9m 57s 40,4% πŸš…
current / parallel 8 3m 20s
with optimization / parallel 8 2m 12s 34% πŸš…


Storybook Stories

Because our approach to stories we create circular dependency between packages.


react-table stories import from react-data-grid-react-window, while react-data-grid-react-window production code imports from react-table.

react-table <--->  react-data-grid-react-window

This makes it impossible to implement turning off path aliases for type-checks on CI, because following task relationship will not work:

generate-api --> type-check

Possible solutions (Storybook Stories)

1. lets keep things as is - having the per penalty increased with every new line of code

2. make stories separate packages

+  |- .storybook
+  |- src
+  |- package.json
+  |- project.json
-  |- .storybook/
-  |- stories/
   |- src/
   |- package.json
   |- project.json

3. make stories separate packages - via nx "hack"

   |- .storybook/
   |- stories/
+     |- package.json
+     |- project.json
   |- src/
   |- package.json
   |- project.json

This approach might be a ticking bomb as we are approaching a package within package (regarding resolution algorithms and tools).

Clean approach would be to restructure folder structure to following:

   |- stories/
      |- .storybook/
      |- src/
      |- package.json
      |- project.json
      |- tsconfig.json
   |- impl/
      |- src/
      |- package.json
      |- project.json
      |- tsconfig.json
      |- tsconfig.lib.json
      |- tsconfig.spec.json
    |- e2e/
      |- src/
      |- tsconfig.json
      |- package.json
      |- project.json
    |- ssr-tests/
      |- src/
      |- tsconfig.json
      |- package.json
      |- project.json
    |- vr-tests/
      |- src/
      |- tsconfig.json
      |- package.json
      |- project.json
    |- perf-tests/
      |- src/
      |- tsconfig.json
      |- package.json
      |- project.json

4. generate dts manually before running type-check on CI

Before type-check pipeline is run we manually generate type declaration for all v9 packages present in stories.

Simplified flow:

Enable incremental for TS solution configs + emitDeclarationOnly

By enabling incremental:true for projects that use TS Solution configs, we will get around 15% perf boost.

This improvement will be leveraged on [type-check --depends on--> generate-api] task execution relationship, where type-check will leverage incremental emit metadata from running tsc -p tsconfig.lib.json (part of generate api).

Speed metrics:

Run: yarn workspace @fluentui/react-table tsc -b time delta
current 27.73s
with incremental: true / 1st(cold) run 27.73s
with incremental: true / 2nd run 4.4s
current / (tsc -p tsconfig.lib + tsc -b tsconfig.json) (6.86s + 22.32s) 29.18s
with incremental:true / (tsc -p tsconfig.lib + tsc -b tsconfig.json) (6.83s + 18.07) 24.9s 15% πŸš…

Migrate react(v8) to TS solution configs

Besides small speed benefits, using solution configs will provide additional ones like:

Speed metrics:

command: @fluentui/react test --no-cache --runInBand time delta remarks
ts-jest (current state) 281s BASE
ts-jest + tsconfig.spec.json config + target: ES2019 270s 4%

Emit declarations only - react-northstar


v0 uses solely babel for transpilation thus tsc is doing unnecessary work. TSC should generate only declaration files. This will give use approx 10% speed bump.

Jest Test transform tweaks


Speed metrics:

command: @fluentui/react test --no-cache --runInBand time delta remarks
ts-jest (current state) 281s BASE
ts-jest + isolatedModules:true 260s 7%

stop running Code Coverage on CI


Slows test execution up to 10% (present in react-northstar)

Run type time command
current 382 s gulp test --config ./jest.config.js --coverage --maxWorkers=2 --no-cache
without codecov 340 s gulp test --config ./jest.config.js --maxWorkers=2

Tests memory leaks


Both v0 and v8 tests contain memory leaks and consume above 2GB of memory per test !!!

discovered while executing via raw jest instead gulp

A worker process has failed to exit gracefully and has been force exited. This is likely caused by tests leaking due to improper teardown. Try running with --detectOpenHandles to find leaks. Active timers can also cause this, ensure that .unref() was called on them.

By cleaning up those tests to not leak / not drastically add memory heap, we could make them run faster as is and enable full maxWorkers count (we use 8 core CPUs on CI) which would drastically cut time execution.

Speed metrics:

Run type (node --expose-gc ../../node_modules/.bin/jest --runInBand --logHeapUsage --no-cache ) max heap size (MB) delta
conformance 2029 MB
no conformance 1819 MB
fixed leaks attempt 1 + conformance 1954 MB 4%
fixed leaks attempt 1 + no conformance 1618 MB 11%

Components Conformance Tests


Speed metrics::


command: yarn workspace @fluentui/react-text --no-cache --runInBand time delta remarks
1) ts-jest (current state) 69s BASE
2) optimization v1 + ts-jest 37.43 46%
3) optimization v1 + swc 28.79 58%
4) optimization v2 + ts-jest 20.16 71%
5) optimization v2 + swc 15.10 78%


From the performance metrics 4th and 5th approach is clear winner in terms of performance. πŸ₯Ά Unfortunately, that approach (nor 4 nor 5) cannot be possible achieved with current conformance architecture.


Because of jest architecture - every test is executed in separate sandbox and executed in parallel( runInBand wont solve anything), thus we cannot cache anything per test scenario (in our case TS program instance) on global level (only serializable data via globalConfig hook). What's the issue with TS program ? it is re-created on every test for exactly same set of compiler options and files. This has also implication where "bigger codebase of package" === "longer time to execute"

narrow down TS program

For v9 we use TS path aliases. react-conformance will consume those solution config which cause to load huge trees of programs that inflict big perf slowdown.

We can consume tsconfig.lib.json for ts solution projects which will gain us 45% speed boost

mitigate need of TS program use

We can do partial rewrite of react-conformance to create TS program via removing creation of TS Program via ``ts.createProgram() only when necessary (lazily). With that we can get up to 70% speed boost case ( depends on usage of conformance test scenarios )

architecture rewrite

Our UI controls conformance architecture inflicts one of the the biggest performance impacts (bottleneck). It needs to be rewritten in a way where TS program are created only once - a set of Eslint rules is excellent candidate for this.

Task runner/s change

Replace gulp and just with nx executors/native node scripts.

Every gulp and just execution takes 2-3 seconds.

lets say we have 150 projects in monorepo, every project has 4 tasks. If run everything in series only the task runner boot will take 30 minutes (150 x 4 x 3) πŸ₯Ά


running yarn workspace @fluentui/react-button build:

build is executed via just-scripts

command/task time delta remarks
just-scripts 2-3s 25% πŸ”₯ / invoking just tasks adds 2-3 seconds in comparison with running those by raw binaries !!!
copy-compiled 0.8s - 1.85s 15% πŸ”₯ / time spent here depends on amount of files and targets that exist (esm/cjs/amd)
ts:compile 3.0s 25% invokes tsc 2-3 times (based on target spec)
ts:postprocess 0.0s 0% noop
babel:postprocess 1.8s 14.7% πŸ”₯ / we do imperative source map creation (why?). Also same transform is executed twice , once for esm output , once for cjs
api-extractor 2.6s 21.3% long time as expected as it needs to create TSC program similar to ts:compile + run rolluping
SUM 12.25s

e2e target leveraging TS path aliases for bundling

TL;DR enable pathAliases processed via esbuild/swc to run e2e without need to build anything. Speed bumps up to 60%

ATM e2e task execution is mixed with bundle and deploy in 1 job. We have setup already in place where we don't need to physically trigger build nor bundle tasks for e2e execution, thus decouple these jobs.

By doing that we can get following speed improvements:

command: nx run-many --target=e2e --skip-cache time delta remarks
current 13m 16s(bundle) + 6m (e2e) BASE
with path aliases 6m 41s (bundle + e2e) 65%

Solution Suggestion:

  1. Decouple existing Deploy & E2E pipeline
  2. enable ts path aliases bundling for all e2e and make it part of main (build,test,lint job)

apps build target change

most of application that live within apps leverage path aliases with esbuild/swc.

Using that setup for bundling is more than 50% faster then using incremental build based on our repo dependency tree.

Solution Suggestion:

We could rename target build to bundle-app. This would stop triggering build on every package on every PR/Release.

Decoupling dependency tree

Mitigate v8 dependency tree creep which triggers literally all v8 packages "re-builds" on any change (v9)

TBA: more research needed

partially fixed:

Enable caching/distributed caching

we execute build task multiple times on every separate pipeline. This adds around 4 minutes to every pipeline we ran.

Solution Suggestion:

  1. using caching would completely mitigate this
  2. aggregating everything to 1 pipeline ( no caching needed )

Cache node_modules (yarn install)

yarn install takes significant amount for every pipeline job (up to 1m 30s).

ATM: we have 2 + 5 + 4 + 3 (14 jobs x 1.5 minutes = 21 minutes of yarn install πŸ₯Ά x number of PR re-runs on daily basis )

Solution Suggestion:

This is a low hanging fruit that can be improved by caching node_modules for yarn install (from 2 minutes to 5 seconds)

Improve master pipeline

On every PR merge (push to master), we run pipelines on default branch (master), which triggers lint,build,test,type-check on whole monorepo.

metrics of this approach:

Solution Suggestion:

There is no need real need to run everything on every push to master.

We should run pipelines only against latest successful merge commit.

yarn nx affected --targets=build,lint,type-check,test --base=LAST_SUCCESSFUL_SHA --head=HEAD


Hotell commented 2 months ago

keep open