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Adds Dropdown and Option Web Components #27766

Closed brianchristopherbrady closed 2 weeks ago

brianchristopherbrady commented 1 year ago

Removal the dependency on the FAST Foundation's Select component. Instead, integrated the necessary code directly into our project. This change aims to enhance control over the component's functionality and streamline its integration with our existing codebase.


A dropdown is a user interface component that presents a collapsible list of selectable options to users.

Design Spec

Link to Dropdown Design Spec in Figma

Engineering Spec

The Fluent WC3 Dropdown is a form associated component that extends from the FAST Select FAST Select and is intended to be as close to the Fluent UI React 9 Dropdown implementation as possible. However, due to the nature of web components there will not be 100% parity between the two.

Class: Dropdown

Component Name: fluent-dropdown


Name Module Package
FormAssociatedSelect select.form-associated.js @microsoft/fast-foundation

Static Fields

Name Privacy Description Inherited Form
slottedOptionFilter A static filter to include only selectable options. FASTListbox


Name Privacy Type Default Description
appearance public { outline: 'outline', underline: 'underline', filledDarker: 'filled-darker', filledLighter: 'filled-lighter' } outline Sets style variations.
cleanup public () => void Cleanup function for the listbox positioner.
disabled public boolean The disabled state of the listbox.
displayValue public string The value displayed on the button.
length public number The number of options.
multiple public boolean Indicates if the listbox is in multi-selection mode.
open public boolean false The open attribute.
options public FlunetListboxOption[] The list of options.
proxy public
selectedIndex public number -1 The index of the selected option.
selectedOptions public FluentListboxOption[] [] A collection of the selected options.
size public number The maximum number of options to display.
control-size public { small: 'small', medium: 'medium', large: 'large' } Sets the size of the dropdown.
value public string Sets the value of the dropdown.


Name Field Inherited From
appearance appearance
disabled disabled
multiple multiple FASTListbox
open open
control-size control-size


Name Privacy Description Parameters Return Inherited From
selectFirstOption public Moves focus to the first selectable option. void FASTListbox
setPositioning public Calculate and apply listbox positioning based on available viewport space. void
setSelectedOptions public Sets an option as selected and gives it focus. FASTListbox


Name Type Inherited From
change Fires a custom 'change' event when the value updates
input Fires a custom 'input' event when the value updates

CSS Parts

Name Description
control The element representing the select invoking element
indicator The element wrapping the visual indicator
listbox The listbox element
selected-value The element wrapping the selected value


Name Description
the list of options, either or elements with role="option".
button-container contains the selected value and indicator slots inside the control element.
content the content of the button
end often times a glyph, icon, or button follows the content
indicator holds the glyph indicating that the select can be expanded. This slot is only available if the button-container slot is not filled.
selected-value displays the currently selected value text. This slot is only available if the button-container slot is not filled.

Suggested Template

selectTemplate from FastFoundation


W3 Select Spec

WAI-ARIA Roles, States, and Properties


Attributes value Description
aria-activedescendant Indicates the currently active or focused child element within a composite component.
aria-controls Identifies the element(s) whose contents or presence are controlled by the current element, establishing a relationship between a controlling element and the controlled element(s).
aria-expanded Indicates the current state of a collapsible element.
aria-haspopup listbox Indicates that the current element has a popup context menu or submenu.
current-value Stores the current value of an input element. RFC
role combobox Specifies the purpose or type of an element in the context of user interface components.
tabindex 0 Determines the order in which an element receives focus when navigated using the keyboard.

<div class="listbox".. />

Attributes value Description
role listbox Specifies the purpose or type of an element in the context of user interface components.


Fluent Web Component v3 v.s Fluent React 9

Component and Slot Mapping

Fluent UI React 9 Fluent Web Components 3
<Dropdown> <fluent-dropdown>
<Option> <fluent-option>

Additional Deltas and Future Work

Persona Component - The Persona component which can be used inside an Option to create additional styling for options is available in FUIRv9 but not yet in the FUI WC3 component library.

Option Grouping - Our dropdown component currently does not support option grouping. In order to provide this functionality, we need to add support for grouped options to the FAST implimentation.

fabricteam commented 1 year ago

πŸ“Š Bundle size report

πŸ€– This report was generated against 12da47698c9121c0345c2f0db481cbae7a91b66e

size-auditor[bot] commented 1 year ago

Asset size changes

Size Auditor did not detect a change in bundle size for any component!

Baseline commit: 12da47698c9121c0345c2f0db481cbae7a91b66e (build)

codesandbox-ci[bot] commented 1 year ago

This pull request is automatically built and testable in CodeSandbox.

To see build info of the built libraries, click here or the icon next to each commit SHA.

Latest deployment of this branch, based on commit 54335d93aa4244029fb606915ce81ebf50be101b:

Sandbox Source
@fluentui/react 8 starter Configuration
@fluentui/react-components 9 starter Configuration
fabricteam commented 5 months ago

πŸ•΅ fluentui-web-components-v3 No visual regressions between this PR and main

JustSlone commented 2 weeks ago

@brianchristopherbrady please update your PR to point to master following this guide: