microsoft / fluentui

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[Feature]: It would be great if the Dialog component supported a parameter like "onClose". #31129

Open phuctvt opened 2 weeks ago

phuctvt commented 2 weeks ago


React Components / v9 (@fluentui/react-components)

Describe the feature that you would like added

Hello Fluent UI team,

I'm using the Fluent UI and I love it. Recently there was a situation in a project I'm working on, it's something like this sample:

In the demo sample, if you select a product, wait ~2 seconds for it to finish loading the product descriptions, then click "Close", the dialog starts closing as normal, but at the moment it is fading out, we can see it has a flickering. Here is my screen recording of the slowed down what happened to easier show what I mean:

The reason is in the file ProductListDialog.tsx, at line 41, the cleanUp() is called at the moment the dialog is fading out, it means the dialog is not closed completely yet, until the CSS animation finishes.

I think it would be better if the Dialog component supported a parameter like onClose: () => void. The onClose should be called when the dialog is completely closed, including the CSS animation. So I can assign my cleanUp to this param to avoid the flickering.

One workaround I found is, I can create a new below component and use it instead of the original DialogSurface, then I can assign cleanUp to onDialogClosed:

import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { DialogSurfaceProps, DialogSurface as RealDialogSurface } from "@fluentui/react-components";

export function DialogSurface(
    props: DialogSurfaceProps & {
         * Callback that is called when the dialog is completely closed, including the animation.
        onDialogClosed?: () => void;
) {
    useEffect(() => {
        return () => {
            // This callback is called when the RealDialogSurface element is removed from DOM.
    }, []);

    return <RealDialogSurface {...props}>{props.children}</RealDialogSurface>;

Here is a demo for it:

Have you discussed this feature with our team

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miroslavstastny commented 1 week ago

Waiting for motion events support.

jacksonv1lle commented 1 week ago

Create a separate component for the product listing and description and manage the load state from there instead.

Each time the dialog is opened, the new component should be re mounted

phuctvt commented 5 days ago

Hi @jacksonv1lle, it will work.

However, I think it's quite inconvenient for fairly common use cases. I usually see components that have names like this format SomethingDialog that wrap some business logic. For example, in cases of ProductListDialog, ConfirmationDialog, or LoginDialog, we have to create two components for each case.