microsoft / fluentui

Fluent UI web represents a collection of utilities, React components, and web components for building web applications.
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feat: useListenFocusedElement hook #31231

Closed bsunderhus closed 2 weeks ago

bsunderhus commented 2 weeks ago

Previous Behavior

New Behavior

  1. adds hook to subscribe to focus changes on tabster
  2. updates useRovingTabIndexes from Tree to ensure focusability

The Tree component is facing an issue due to its custom focus management implementation. Every time a treeitem is manually focused, the Tree component has to recalculate what is the roved element.

Related Issue(s)

fabricteam commented 2 weeks ago

Perf Analysis (@fluentui/react-components)

Scenario Render type Master Ticks PR Ticks Iterations Status
FluentProviderWithTheme virtual-rerender 31 43 10 Possible regression
All results

Scenario Render type Master Ticks PR Ticks Iterations Status
Avatar mount 667 645 5000
Button mount 313 310 5000
Field mount 1126 1144 5000
FluentProvider mount 727 721 5000
FluentProviderWithTheme mount 93 87 10
FluentProviderWithTheme virtual-rerender 31 43 10 Possible regression
FluentProviderWithTheme virtual-rerender-with-unmount 83 88 10
MakeStyles mount 860 855 50000
Persona mount 1766 1752 5000
SpinButton mount 1406 1385 5000
SwatchPicker mount 1542 1561 5000

fabricteam commented 2 weeks ago

📊 Bundle size report

Package & Exports Baseline (minified/GZIP) PR Change
react-components: entire library
1.099 MB
266.888 kB
1.099 MB
266.966 kB
271 B
78 B
@fluentui/react-tag-picker-preview - package
188.225 kB
55.74 kB
188.273 kB
55.749 kB
48 B
9 B
Unchanged fixtures | Package & Exports | Size (minified/GZIP) | | ----------------- | -------------------: | | react-accordion
Accordion (including children components) | `100.94 kB`
`30.574 kB` | | react-alert
Alert | `83.737 kB`
`23.475 kB` | | react-avatar
Avatar | `50.175 kB`
`15.944 kB` | | react-avatar
AvatarGroup | `19.702 kB`
`7.794 kB` | | react-avatar
AvatarGroupItem | `64.829 kB`
`20.272 kB` | | react-breadcrumb
@fluentui/react-breadcrumb - package | `116.817 kB`
`32.173 kB` | | react-button
Button | `39.513 kB`
`11.17 kB` | | react-button
CompoundButton | `46.874 kB`
`12.662 kB` | | react-button
MenuButton | `44.292 kB`
`12.544 kB` | | react-button
SplitButton | `52.306 kB`
`14.135 kB` | | react-button
ToggleButton | `56.558 kB`
`13.068 kB` | | react-calendar-compat
Calendar Compat | `153.428 kB`
`40.128 kB` | | react-card
Card - All | `103.992 kB`
`29.35 kB` | | react-card
Card | `97.003 kB`
`27.61 kB` | | react-card
CardFooter | `13.971 kB`
`5.626 kB` | | react-card
CardHeader | `16.214 kB`
`6.386 kB` | | react-card
CardPreview | `14.015 kB`
`5.752 kB` | | react-checkbox
Checkbox | `35.656 kB`
`12.07 kB` | | react-combobox
Combobox (including child components) | `104.926 kB`
`33.812 kB` | | react-combobox
Dropdown (including child components) | `106.398 kB`
`33.79 kB` | | react-components
react-components: Button, FluentProvider & webLightTheme | `71.104 kB`
`20.52 kB` | | react-components
react-components: Accordion, Button, FluentProvider, Image, Menu, Popover | `221.287 kB`
`62.497 kB` | | react-components
react-components: FluentProvider & webLightTheme | `43.591 kB`
`14.356 kB` | | react-datepicker-compat
DatePicker Compat | `227.451 kB`
`63.531 kB` | | react-dialog
Dialog (including children components) | `116.899 kB`
`36.102 kB` | | react-infobutton
InfoButton | `139.885 kB`
`43.723 kB` | | react-infobutton
InfoLabel | `143.7 kB`
`44.944 kB` | | react-link
Link | `17.082 kB`
`6.911 kB` | | react-menu
Menu (including children components) | `153.846 kB`
`46.074 kB` | | react-menu
Menu (including selectable components) | `156.532 kB`
`46.623 kB` | | react-message-bar
MessageBar (all components) | `24.204 kB`
`8.983 kB` | | react-persona
Persona | `57.066 kB`
`17.821 kB` | | react-popover
Popover | `128.132 kB`
`40.174 kB` | | react-portal
Portal | `13.717 kB`
`4.886 kB` | | react-portal-compat
PortalCompatProvider | `7.944 kB`
`2.588 kB` | | react-provider
FluentProvider | `23.765 kB`
`8.662 kB` | | react-radio
Radio | `32.95 kB`
`10.252 kB` | | react-radio
RadioGroup | `15.354 kB`
`6.265 kB` | | react-slider
Slider | `39.949 kB`
`12.968 kB` | | react-swatch-picker-preview
@fluentui/react-swatch-picker-preview - package | `108.416 kB`
`30.25 kB` | | react-switch
Switch | `35.14 kB`
`11.199 kB` | | react-table
DataGrid | `168.828 kB`
`46.848 kB` | | react-table
Table (Primitives only) | `45.324 kB`
`14.116 kB` | | react-table
Table as DataGrid | `137.912 kB`
`37.14 kB` | | react-table
Table (Selection only) | `76.328 kB`
`20.545 kB` | | react-table
Table (Sort only) | `74.971 kB`
`20.148 kB` | | react-tags
InteractionTag | `15.299 kB`
`6.08 kB` | | react-tags
Tag | `29.092 kB`
`9.418 kB` | | react-tags
TagGroup | `82.044 kB`
`24.39 kB` | | react-timepicker-compat
TimePicker | `106.944 kB`
`35.169 kB` | | react-toast
Toast (including Toaster) | `98.667 kB`
`29.793 kB` | | react-tooltip
Tooltip | `54.664 kB`
`19.206 kB` |

🤖 This report was generated against 2939b63a57f70c5b3c77a4a9e9200bf0e8777596

codesandbox-ci[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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fabricteam commented 2 weeks ago

🕵 fluentuiv9 No visual regressions between this PR and main