microsoft / fluentui

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docs: update popover custom target story #31374

Closed spmonahan closed 2 weeks ago

spmonahan commented 2 weeks ago

Previous Behavior

Previously the example relied on React refs as dependencies to a useEffect() call but these will never trigger the effect. The example still works but when trying to extrapolate from it and target elements that appear after the first render, the example breaks down because the effect will not be triggered.

New Behavior

This example takes advantage of the fact that useMergedRefs() supports functions as refs so we can trigger the effect when the refs are set.

Using setState() was also considered but this will always trigger a re-render, negatively affecting performance so this pattern, while perhaps useful in some cases, is not a good example for best practices documentation. setState() is the approach demonstrated in the positioning docs (link)

The useEffect() could have its dependencies removed so it would be called every render which should allow it to function as needed with less of a performance overhead than the setState() approach. This may be a better approach for documentation.

Related Issue(s)

This PR is motivated by user feedback.

codesandbox-ci[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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fabricteam commented 2 weeks ago

Perf Analysis (@fluentui/react-components)

No significant results to display.

All results

Scenario Render type Master Ticks PR Ticks Iterations Status
Avatar mount 617 646 5000
Button mount 310 314 5000
Field mount 1119 1097 5000
FluentProvider mount 715 714 5000
FluentProviderWithTheme mount 78 82 10
FluentProviderWithTheme virtual-rerender 36 33 10
FluentProviderWithTheme virtual-rerender-with-unmount 76 71 10
MakeStyles mount 864 862 50000
Persona mount 1730 1659 5000
SpinButton mount 1384 1370 5000
SwatchPicker mount 1510 1527 5000

fabricteam commented 2 weeks ago

📊 Bundle size report

✅ No changes found

fabricteam commented 2 weeks ago

đŸ•” fluentuiv9 No visual regressions between this PR and main