microsoft / fluentui

Fluent UI web represents a collection of utilities, React components, and web components for building web applications.
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fix: minor story docs updates for better accessibility information #31417

Closed smhigley closed 1 week ago

smhigley commented 2 weeks ago

Docs-only updates, no package changes.

This is related to documentation work being done with the a11y insights team, just minor cleanup & better wording.

fabricteam commented 2 weeks ago

📊 Bundle size report

Package & Exports Baseline (minified/GZIP) PR Change
react-components: entire library
1.166 MB
280.355 kB
1.166 MB
280.362 kB
23 B
7 B
Unchanged fixtures | Package & Exports | Size (minified/GZIP) | | ----------------- | -------------------: | | react-alert
Alert | `84.099 kB`
`23.645 kB` | | react-avatar
Avatar | `50.537 kB`
`16.11 kB` | | react-avatar
AvatarGroup | `20.107 kB`
`7.973 kB` | | react-avatar
AvatarGroupItem | `65.191 kB`
`20.441 kB` | | react-badge
Badge | `27.31 kB`
`8.901 kB` | | react-badge
CounterBadge | `28.214 kB`
`9.202 kB` | | react-badge
PresenceBadge | `25.717 kB`
`9.483 kB` | | react-components
react-components: Button, FluentProvider & webLightTheme | `71.955 kB`
`20.772 kB` | | react-components
react-components: Accordion, Button, FluentProvider, Image, Menu, Popover | `222.188 kB`
`62.744 kB` | | react-components
react-components: FluentProvider & webLightTheme | `44.442 kB`
`14.607 kB` | | react-divider
Divider | `21.326 kB`
`7.963 kB` | | react-persona
Persona | `57.428 kB`
`17.99 kB` | | react-portal-compat
PortalCompatProvider | `8.39 kB`
`2.64 kB` | | react-table
DataGrid | `169.681 kB`
`47.067 kB` | | react-table
Table (Primitives only) | `46.175 kB`
`14.35 kB` | | react-table
Table as DataGrid | `138.765 kB`
`37.41 kB` | | react-table
Table (Selection only) | `77.181 kB`
`20.767 kB` | | react-table
Table (Sort only) | `75.824 kB`
`20.369 kB` | | react-tag-picker
@fluentui/react-tag-picker - package | `189.079 kB`
`55.943 kB` | | react-tags
InteractionTag | `15.703 kB`
`6.253 kB` | | react-tags
Tag | `29.408 kB`
`9.593 kB` | | react-tags
TagGroup | `82.895 kB`
`24.635 kB` |

🤖 This report was generated against 4a31dd954eeb298a67e592aac096e27843626616

fabricteam commented 2 weeks ago

Perf Analysis (@fluentui/react-components)

No significant results to display.

All results

Scenario Render type Master Ticks PR Ticks Iterations Status
Avatar mount 623 658 5000
Button mount 310 313 5000
Field mount 1126 1129 5000
FluentProvider mount 704 723 5000
FluentProviderWithTheme mount 79 84 10
FluentProviderWithTheme virtual-rerender 37 36 10
FluentProviderWithTheme virtual-rerender-with-unmount 70 77 10
MakeStyles mount 857 863 50000
Persona mount 1738 1726 5000
SpinButton mount 1350 1371 5000
SwatchPicker mount 1576 1565 5000

codesandbox-ci[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

This pull request is automatically built and testable in CodeSandbox.

To see build info of the built libraries, click here or the icon next to each commit SHA.

fabricteam commented 2 weeks ago

🕵 fluentuiv9 No visual regressions between this PR and main