microsoft / fluentui

Fluent UI web represents a collection of utilities, React components, and web components for building web applications.
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[Feature]: List View and Preview Dialog Functionality #31777

Open gouttierre opened 1 week ago

gouttierre commented 1 week ago


React Components / v9 (@fluentui/react-components)

Describe the feature that you would like added

This component displays the title, description and illustration of an item from the list when the user moves the cursor over it, providing more information and context about the item.

Have you discussed this feature with our team

Gouttierre / Roma / Tudor

Additional context

Product team/name:

Reference links:

Timeline (requested due date by partner):




gouttierre commented 1 week ago


cc @JustSlone , @paulgildea , @tudorpopams, @jurokapsiar

smhigley commented 4 days ago

This has some pretty gnarly accessibility issues baked into the interaction design -- this would benefit from having an accessibility review earlier -- either in planning or design.