Open EA12 opened 1 month ago
Can confirm repro of issue when internalDateAnchor
is a string
representation of a valid date, it crashes because getDateAnchor
assumes that internalDateAnchor
is of type Date
Hello folks, support for v8 components is very limited from our side, but we do accept contributions, so feel free to submit a PR if you have a solution for this problem.
Package version
React version
Current Behavior
the TimePicker logs an error to the console, when the given value of internalDateAnchor is not a valid date. Error is: e.getTime is not a function
This happens if you get your data from SharePoint and the value of internalDateAnchor is a iso string representation of a valid date.
There is no related error handling in function getDateAnchor of file \node_modules\@fluentui\react\lib\components\TimePicker**TimePicker.js**
With these changes, the error will be prevented:
var getDateAnchor = function (internalDateAnchor, startEnd, increments, timeRange) { if (typeof internalDateAnchor === 'string') { internalDateAnchor = new Date(internalDateAnchor); } if (!(internalDateAnchor instanceof Date) || isNaN(internalDateAnchor.getTime())) { console.error("TimePicker::Invalid date in getDateAnchor(): ", internalDateAnchor); internalDateAnchor = new Date(); } var clampedDateAnchor = new Date(internalDateAnchor.getTime()); if (timeRange) { var clampedTimeRange = clampTimeRange(timeRange); var timeRangeHours = startEnd === 'start' ? clampedTimeRange.start : clampedTimeRange.end; if (clampedDateAnchor.getHours() !== timeRangeHours) { clampedDateAnchor.setHours(timeRangeHours); } } else if (startEnd === 'end') { clampedDateAnchor.setDate(clampedDateAnchor.getDate() + 1); } clampedDateAnchor.setMinutes(0); clampedDateAnchor.setSeconds(0); clampedDateAnchor.setMilliseconds(0); return ceilMinuteToIncrement(clampedDateAnchor, increments); };
May be you can fix this in a future release.
Thanks, Ronny
Expected Behavior
The TimePicker should handle iso values and have proper error handling
Steps to reproduce
Add a DatePicker and a TimePicker and assign value, defaultValue and dateAnchor. Example:
<DatePicker disabled={props.CanEditAccidentReport === false} value={selectedAccidentDate} strings={(globalContext.language === "en") ? DayPickerStrings : DayPickerStringsGerman} onSelectDate={onAccidentDateChange} allowTextInput={true} formatDate={ (date) => { return Utility.formatDate(date); } } /> <TimePicker disabled={props.CanEditAccidentReport === false} dateAnchor={selectedAccidentDate} onChange={onAccidentTimeChange} value={currentAccidentTime ? new Date(currentAccidentTime) : new Date()} defaultValue={currentAccidentTime ? new Date(currentAccidentTime) : new Date()} />
Are you reporting an Accessibility issue?
Suggested severity
Medium - Has workaround
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No response
Are you willing to submit a PR to fix?