microsoft / garnet

Garnet is a remote cache-store from Microsoft Research that offers strong performance (throughput and latency), scalability, storage, recovery, cluster sharding, key migration, and replication features. Garnet can work with existing Redis clients.
MIT License
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Refactor to extract parsing state up front #458

Closed badrishc closed 2 weeks ago

badrishc commented 2 weeks ago
Method Job EnvironmentVariables Runtime Mean Error StdDev Allocated
InlinePing .NET 6 Empty .NET 6.0 2.797 us 0.0332 us 0.0294 us -
Set .NET 6 Empty .NET 6.0 36.447 us 0.1790 us 0.1495 us -
SetEx .NET 6 Empty .NET 6.0 44.844 us 0.8810 us 1.0145 us -
Get .NET 6 Empty .NET 6.0 19.981 us 0.0619 us 0.0517 us -
ZAddRem .NET 6 Empty .NET 6.0 187.376 us 1.8120 us 1.6949 us 23552 B
InlinePing .NET 8 DOTNET_TieredPGO=0 .NET 8.0 2.877 us 0.0062 us 0.0055 us -
Set .NET 8 DOTNET_TieredPGO=0 .NET 8.0 26.585 us 0.1402 us 0.1243 us -
SetEx .NET 8 DOTNET_TieredPGO=0 .NET 8.0 34.591 us 0.6857 us 0.6734 us -
Get .NET 8 DOTNET_TieredPGO=0 .NET 8.0 16.425 us 0.1274 us 0.1129 us -
ZAddRem .NET 8 DOTNET_TieredPGO=0 .NET 8.0 164.217 us 1.7972 us 1.6811 us 23552 B