Closed MonsterArtur1 closed 2 years ago
Thank you for pointing that out. We'll look into fixing that.
I solved this by including 2 steps before creating layout and after packing calling DebugSymbols(true)
and DebugSymbols(false)
bool DebugSymbols(bool removeOrInclude)
var backupFolderPath = $"{Application.productName}_BackUpThisFolder_ButDontShipItWithYourGame";
var originalFolderPath = @$"{buildOutputFolderPath}\{Win32OutputDirectory}\{backupFolderPath}";
var tempFolderPath = @$"{buildOutputFolderPath}\{backupFolderPath}";
if (removeOrInclude)
Directory.Move(originalFolderPath, tempFolderPath);
Directory.Move(tempFolderPath, originalFolderPath);
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
Thank you for sharing your solution. I'm sure it will be useful to many others and us as we look to solve it in the plugin.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention and sharing your solution. This has now been fixed here #72 included in the most recent release.
A directory called ProjectName_BackUpThisFolder_ButDontShipItWithYourGame is generated inside build folder automatically by unity. Inside there are all pdbs from il2cpp project. (here is unity doc
The default build script should move this directory, before creating layout.xml file (or ignore this dir). Now layout.xml includes those files in package.