Closed meltanan closed 5 months ago
Hi @meltanan, thanks for the question, seems like you getting the error when the task tries to acquire the JWT toket, the error usually mean that something wrong with sending data, could you please check that:
Also, could you run the pipelines with debug log and share it?
HI @DmitriiBobreshev
I'm not sure what you meant by account name! I don't see a field with account name. I'm also not familiar with account scope as I don't see scopes when creating the service account on Azure. Could you please explain? If you meant the roles and permissions here, I made sure that I have permission as admin on google play sore as to have access to the app and admin on google cloud console. The key is not expired, actually it is new created today.
Yes, I ran it again with debug log and there are the logs:
2024-05-21T15:41:02.4672955Z ##[section]Starting: Agent job 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6172297Z ##[section]Starting: Initialize job 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6175147Z Agent name: 'Hosted Agent' 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6175454Z Agent machine name: 'fv-az56-48' 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6175610Z Current agent version: '3.239.1' 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6205573Z ##[group]Operating System 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6205769Z Microsoft Windows Server 2019 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6205877Z 10.0.17763 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6205984Z Datacenter 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6206082Z ##[endgroup] 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6206202Z ##[group]Runner Image 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6206316Z Image: windows-2019 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6206441Z Version: 20240514.1.0 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6206663Z Included Software: 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6206954Z Image Release: 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6207115Z ##[endgroup] 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6207245Z ##[group]Runner Image Provisioner 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6207519Z 2.0.369.1 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6207609Z ##[endgroup] 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6208342Z Current image version: '20240514.1.0' 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6214178Z Agent running as: 'VssAdministrator' 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6222599Z Prepare release directory. 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6228621Z ReleaseId=3224, TeamProjectId=6116ba06-e16b-4c6f-ac22-6160f8bc3569, ReleaseDefinitionName=New release pipeline 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6275418Z Release folder: D:\a\r1\a 2024-05-21T15:41:02.6321723Z Environment variables available are below. Note that these environment variables can be referred to in the task (in the ReleaseDefinition) by replacing "_" with "." e.g. AGENT_NAME environment variable can be referenced using Agent.Name in the ReleaseDefinition: [AGENT_CLOUDID] --> [af9e9bfa-9756-4477-ab1f-2c2bece20c6f] [AGENT_DISABLELOGPLUGIN_TESTFILEPUBLISHERPLUGIN] --> [true] [AGENT_DISABLELOGPLUGIN_TESTRESULTLOGPLUGIN] --> [true] [AGENT_HOMEDIRECTORY] --> [C:\agents\3.239.1] [AGENT_ID] --> [9] [AGENT_ISSELFHOSTED] --> [0] [AGENT_JOBNAME] --> [Agent job] [AGENT_MACHINENAME] --> [fv-az56-48] [AGENT_NAME] --> [Hosted Agent] [AGENT_OS] --> [Windows_NT] [AGENT_OSARCHITECTURE] --> [X64] [AGENT_RELEASEDIRECTORY] --> [D:\a\r1\a] [AGENT_RETAINDEFAULTENCODING] --> [false] [AGENT_ROOTDIRECTORY] --> [D:\a] [AGENT_SERVEROMDIRECTORY] --> [C:\agents\3.239.1\externals\vstsom] [AGENT_TASKRESTRICTIONSENFORCEMENTMODE] --> [Enabled] [AGENT_TEMPDIRECTORY] --> [D:\a_temp] [AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY] --> [C:\hostedtoolcache\windows] [AGENT_VERSION] --> [3.239.1] [AGENT_WORKFOLDER] --> [D:\a] [AGENT_ENABLE_PIPELINEARTIFACT_LARGE_CHUNK_SIZE] --> [true] [ALIASUPLOADKEYNAME] --> [vh-alias-upload-key] [ALIASUPLOADKEYPASSWORD] --> [vantaca1723] [AZP_75787_ENABLE_COLLECT] --> [true] [AZP_75787_ENABLE_NEW_LOGIC] --> [false] [AZP_75787_ENABLE_NEW_LOGIC_LOG] --> [false] [AZP_75787_ENABLE_NEW_PH_LOGIC] --> [true] [AZP_AGENT_CHECK_FOR_TASK_DEPRECATION] --> [true] [AZP_AGENT_LOG_TASKNAME_IN_USERAGENT] --> [true] [AZP_AGENT_MOUNT_WORKSPACE] --> [false] [AZP_PS_ENABLE_INVOKE_PROCESS] --> [true] [AZURE_HTTP_USER_AGENT] --> [VSTS_21ecb610-1be7-4cde-89e9-91dd1a0e42b9_Release3224_8992_1] [BUILD_BUILDID] --> [28482] [BUILD_BUILDNUMBER] --> [20240521.1] [BUILD_BUILDURI] --> [vstfs:///Build/Build/28482] [BUILD_DEFINITIONID] --> [379] [BUILD_DEFINITIONNAME] --> [VantacaHome-Android] [BUILD_PROJECTID] --> [6116ba06-e16b-4c6f-ac22-6160f8bc3569] [BUILD_PROJECTNAME] --> [VantacaNextGeneration] [BUILD_REPOSITORY_ID] --> [7e894590-e71c-4606-bf4d-c7a2d9d2de01] [BUILD_REPOSITORY_NAME] --> [-Android] [BUILD_REPOSITORY_PROVIDER] --> [TfsGit] [BUILD_REQUESTEDFOR] --> [BUILD_REQUESTEDFORID] --> [c8b4a66e-3138-6c3f-ac9a-e762db5c9c5e] [BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH] --> [refs/heads/develop] [BUILD_SOURCEBRANCHNAME] --> [develop] [BUILD_SOURCEVERSION] --> [af97ac558a8ba871e8a132b34c9567447edf1e66] [BUILD_TYPE] --> [Build] [FAIL_DEPRECATED_TASK] --> [true] [GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT] --> [0] [KEYSTOREPASSWORD] --> [vantaca1723] [MSDEPLOY_HTTP_USER_AGENT] --> [VSTS_21ecb610-1be7-4cde-89e9-91dd1a0e42b9_Release3224_8992_1] [RELEASE_ARTIFACTSVANTACAHOME-ANDROID_BUILDID] --> [28482] [RELEASE_ARTIFACTSVANTACAHOME-ANDROID_BUILDNUMBER] --> [20240521.1] [RELEASE_ARTIFACTSVANTACAHOME-ANDROID_BUILDURI] --> [vstfs:///Build/Build/28482] [RELEASE_ARTIFACTSVANTACAHOME-ANDROID_DEFINITIONID] --> [379] [RELEASE_ARTIFACTSVANTACAHOME-ANDROID_DEFINITIONNAME] --> [VantacaHome-Android] [RELEASE_ARTIFACTSVANTACAHOME-ANDROID_PROJECTID] --> [6116ba06-e16b-4c6f-ac22-6160f8bc3569] [RELEASE_ARTIFACTSVANTACAHOME-ANDROID_PROJECTNAME] --> [VantacaNextGeneration] [RELEASE_ARTIFACTSVANTACAHOME-ANDROID_REPOSITORY_ID] --> [7e894590-e71c-4606-bf4d-c7a2d9d2de01] [RELEASE_ARTIFACTSVANTACAHOME-ANDROID_REPOSITORY_NAME] --> [VantacaHome-Android] [RELEASE_ARTIFACTS__VANTACAHOME-ANDROID_REPOSITORY_PROVIDER] --> [TfsGit] [RELEASE_ARTIFACTSVANTACAHOME-ANDROID_REQUESTEDFOR] --> [Mohamed Eltanani] [RELEASE_ARTIFACTSVANTACAHOME-ANDROID_REQUESTEDFORID] --> [c8b4a66e-3138-6c3f-ac9a-e762db5c9c5e] [RELEASE_ARTIFACTSVANTACAHOME-ANDROID_SOURCEBRANCH] --> [refs/heads/develop] [RELEASE_ARTIFACTSVANTACAHOME-ANDROID_SOURCEBRANCHNAME] --> [develop] [RELEASE_ARTIFACTSVANTACAHOME-ANDROID_SOURCEVERSION] --> [af97ac558a8ba871e8a132b34c9567447edf1e66] [RELEASE_ARTIFACTSVANTACAHOME-ANDROID_TYPE] --> [Build] [RELEASE_ATTEMPTNUMBER] --> [1] [RELEASE_DEFINITIONENVIRONMENTID] --> [185] [RELEASE_DEFINITIONID] --> [54] [RELEASE_DEFINITIONNAME] --> [New release pipeline] [RELEASE_DEPLOYMENT_REQUESTEDFOR] --> [Mohamed Eltanani] [RELEASE_DEPLOYMENT_REQUESTEDFOREMAIL] --> [] [RELEASE_DEPLOYMENT_REQUESTEDFORID] --> [c8b4a66e-3138-6c3f-ac9a-e762db5c9c5e] [RELEASE_DEPLOYMENT_STARTTIME] --> [2024-05-21 15:40:51Z] [RELEASE_DEPLOYMENTID] --> [7820] [RELEASE_DEPLOYPHASEID] --> [7770] [RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTID] --> [8992] [RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTNAME] --> [Stage 1] [RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTPROTECTEDTENANTIDS] --> [] [RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTPROTECTEDTENANTNAMES] --> [] [RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTS_STAGE_1_STATUS] --> [InProgress] [RELEASE_ENVIRONMENTURI] --> [vstfs:///ReleaseManagement/Environment/8992] [RELEASE_PRIMARYARTIFACTSOURCEALIAS] --> [_VantacaHome-Android] [RELEASE_REASON] --> [ContinuousIntegration] [RELEASE_RELEASEDESCRIPTION] --> [Triggered by VantacaHome-Android 20240521.1.] [RELEASE_RELEASEID] --> [3224] [RELEASE_RELEASENAME] --> [Release-40] [RELEASE_RELEASEURI] --> [vstfs:///ReleaseManagement/Release/3224] [RELEASE_RELEASEWEBURL] --> [] [RELEASE_REQUESTEDFOR] --> [] [RELEASE_REQUESTEDFOREMAIL] --> [] [RELEASE_REQUESTEDFORID] --> [c8b4a66e-3138-6c3f-ac9a-e762db5c9c5e] [RELEASE_SKIPARTIFACTSDOWNLOAD] --> [False] [RELEASE_TRIGGERINGARTIFACTALIAS] --> [-Android] [REQUESTEDFORID] --> [c8b4a66e-3138-6c3f-ac9a-e762db5c9c5e] [SYSTEM] --> [release] [SYSTEM_ARTIFACTSDIRECTORY] --> [D:\a\r1\a] [SYSTEM_COLLECTIONID] --> [21ecb610-1be7-4cde-89e9-91dd1a0e42b9] [SYSTEM_COLLECTIONURI] --> [] [SYSTEM_CULTURE] --> [en-US] [SYSTEM_DEFAULTWORKINGDIRECTORY] --> [D:\a\r1\a] [SYSTEM_DEFINITIONID] --> [54] [SYSTEM_DEFINITIONNAME] --> [New release pipeline] [SYSTEM_ENABLEACCESSTOKEN] --> [False] [SYSTEM_HOSTTYPE] --> [release] [SYSTEM_ISAZUREVM] --> [1] [SYSTEM_ISDOCKERCONTAINER] --> [0] [SYSTEM_ISSCHEDULED] --> [False] [SYSTEM_JOBATTEMPT] --> [1] [SYSTEM_JOBDISPLAYNAME] --> [Agent job] [SYSTEM_JOBID] --> [607cf729-cb97-56f2-be67-eadbf42ece4f] [SYSTEM_JOBIDENTIFIER] --> [Stage_6116ba06e16b4c6fac226160f8bc3569_185_1.Phase_1.__default] [SYSTEM_JOBNAME] --> [default] [SYSTEM_JOBPARALLELISMTAG] --> [Private] [SYSTEM_JOBPOSITIONINPHASE] --> [1] [SYSTEM_JOBTIMEOUT] --> [0] [SYSTEM_OIDCREQUESTURI] --> [] [SYSTEM_PHASEATTEMPT] --> [1] [SYSTEM_PHASEDISPLAYNAME] --> [Agent job] [SYSTEM_PHASEID] --> [98ec9633-90cc-5f5a-292b-bd26b4f6de93] [SYSTEM_PHASENAME] --> [Phase_1] [SYSTEM_PIPELINESTARTTIME] --> [2024-05-21 15:40:59+00:00] [SYSTEM_PLANID] --> [c00baf85-ac2e-4da0-8943-469d1c990c40] [SYSTEM_PREFERREDIRECTGETCONTAINERITEM] --> [true] [SYSTEM_SERVERTYPE] --> [Hosted] [SYSTEM_STAGEATTEMPT] --> [1] [SYSTEM_STAGEDISPLAYNAME] --> [Stage 1] [SYSTEM_STAGEID] --> [3383c2ec-730b-5fd8-39e4-152bbdee45b1] [SYSTEM_STAGENAME] --> [Stage_6116ba06e16b4c6fac226160f8bc3569_185_1] [SYSTEM_TASKDEFINITIONSURI] --> [] [SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI] --> [] [SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONSERVERURI] --> [] [SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT] --> [VantacaNextGeneration] [SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECTID] --> [6116ba06-e16b-4c6f-ac22-6160f8bc3569] [SYSTEM_TIMELINEID] --> [c00baf85-ac2e-4da0-8943-469d1c990c40] [SYSTEM_TOTALJOBSINPHASE] --> [1] [SYSTEM_WORKFOLDER] --> [D:\a] [USE_GIT_LONG_PATHS] --> [true] [USE_MSAL] --> [true] [USE_MSDEPLOY_TOKEN_AUTH] --> [true] 2024-05-21T15:41:02.7407019Z Creating artifacts directory: D:\a\r1\a 2024-05-21T15:41:02.7505586Z Created artifacts directory: D:\a\r1\a 2024-05-21T15:41:02.7554304Z Download all required tasks. 2024-05-21T15:41:02.7698603Z Downloading task: DownloadBuildArtifacts (0.239.0) 2024-05-21T15:41:05.8937795Z Downloading task: GooglePlayRelease (4.235.0) 2024-05-21T15:41:07.3486995Z Checking job knob settings. 2024-05-21T15:41:07.3496920Z Knob: AgentToolsDirectory = C:\hostedtoolcache\windows Source: ${AGENT_TOOLSDIRECTORY} 2024-05-21T15:41:07.3498288Z Knob: UseGitLongPaths = true Source: $(USE_GIT_LONG_PATHS) 2024-05-21T15:41:07.3499287Z Knob: AgentPerflog = c:\vsts\perflog Source: ${VSTS_AGENT_PERFLOG} 2024-05-21T15:41:07.3501343Z Knob: AgentEnablePipelineArtifactLargeChunkSize = true Source: $(AGENT_ENABLE_PIPELINEARTIFACT_LARGE_CHUNK_SIZE) 2024-05-21T15:41:07.3503576Z Knob: ProcessHandlerSecureArguments = false Source: $(AZP_75787_ENABLE_NEW_LOGIC) 2024-05-21T15:41:07.3503906Z Knob: ProcessHandlerSecureArguments = false Source: $(AZP_75787_ENABLE_NEW_LOGIC_LOG) 2024-05-21T15:41:07.3504218Z Knob: ProcessHandlerTelemetry = true Source: $(AZP_75787_ENABLE_COLLECT) 2024-05-21T15:41:07.3504545Z Knob: ProcessHandlerEnableNewLogic = true Source: $(AZP_75787_ENABLE_NEW_PH_LOGIC) 2024-05-21T15:41:07.3505772Z Knob: CheckForTaskDeprecation = true Source: $(AZP_AGENT_CHECK_FOR_TASK_DEPRECATION) 2024-05-21T15:41:07.3506077Z Knob: MountWorkspace = false Source: $(AZP_AGENT_MOUNT_WORKSPACE) 2024-05-21T15:41:07.3506549Z Knob: LogTaskNameInUserAgent = true Source: $(AZP_AGENT_LOG_TASKNAME_INUSERAGENT) 2024-05-21T15:41:07.3507012Z Finished checking job knob settings. 2024-05-21T15:41:07.3792882Z Start tracking orphan processes. 2024-05-21T15:41:07.3859346Z ##[section]Finishing: Initialize job 2024-05-21T15:41:07.4062632Z ##[section]Async Command Start: DetectDockerContainer 2024-05-21T15:41:07.4062892Z ##[section]Async Command End: DetectDockerContainer 2024-05-21T15:41:07.4063493Z ##[section]Async Command Start: DetectDockerContainer 2024-05-21T15:41:07.4063725Z ##[section]Async Command End: DetectDockerContainer 2024-05-21T15:41:07.4253076Z ##[section]Starting: Download artifact - -Android - drop 2024-05-21T15:41:07.4490610Z ============================================================================== 2024-05-21T15:41:07.4491125Z Task : Download build artifacts 2024-05-21T15:41:07.4491360Z Description : Download files that were saved as artifacts of a completed build 2024-05-21T15:41:07.4491497Z Version : 0.239.0 2024-05-21T15:41:07.4491695Z Author : Microsoft Corporation 2024-05-21T15:41:07.4491896Z Help : 2024-05-21T15:41:07.4492047Z ============================================================================== 2024-05-21T15:41:08.1647670Z Downloading artifacts for build: 28482 2024-05-21T15:41:08.2010783Z Downloading items from container resource #/13114273/drop 2024-05-21T15:41:08.2011269Z Downloading artifact drop from: 2024-05-21T15:41:08.2013880Z Prefer downloading files through redirect to the content stitcher: true 2024-05-21T15:41:08.6352303Z Downloading drop/app-release.aab to D:\a\r1\a_-Android\drop\app-release.aab 2024-05-21T15:41:09.0287384Z Downloaded drop/app-release.aab to D:\a\r1\a_-Android\drop\app-release.aab 2024-05-21T15:41:09.2287612Z Total Files: 1, Processed: 1, Skipped: 0, Failed: 0, Download time: 1.01 secs, Download size: 11.181MB 2024-05-21T15:41:09.2367412Z Successfully downloaded artifacts to D:\a\r1\a_-Android\ 2024-05-21T15:41:09.2414653Z ##[section]Finishing: Download artifact - _-Android - drop 2024-05-21T15:41:09.2447888Z ##[section]Starting: Release to internal testing 2024-05-21T15:41:09.2467893Z ============================================================================== 2024-05-21T15:41:09.2468057Z Task : Google Play - Release 2024-05-21T15:41:09.2468171Z Description : Release an app to the Google Play Store 2024-05-21T15:41:09.2468276Z Version : 4.235.0 2024-05-21T15:41:09.2468358Z Author : Microsoft Corporation 2024-05-21T15:41:09.2468448Z Help : 2024-05-21T15:41:09.2468584Z ============================================================================== 2024-05-21T15:41:10.9885427Z ##[error]Error: invalid_grant: Invalid grant: account not found 2024-05-21T15:41:11.0052316Z ##[section]Finishing: Release VantacaHome to internal testing 2024-05-21T15:41:11.0162358Z ##[section]Starting: Finalize Job 2024-05-21T15:41:11.0193336Z Cleaning up task key 2024-05-21T15:41:11.0194626Z Start cleaning up orphan processes. 2024-05-21T15:41:11.0211179Z ##[section]Finishing: Finalize Job 2024-05-21T15:41:11.0273573Z ##[section]Finishing: Agent job
Hi @meltanan, thanks for the logs! By the "account name" I meant that the "Service account E-mail" is correct in the service connection as well as the private key, and has all permissions. See, the error "Invalid grant: account not found " probably (I can't say for sure because the logs do not contain debug info) throws when the task tries to obtain JWT token for next steps using your email and private key(code ref). The error itself refers tells that something is wrong with your account. So that's why I asked you to check, are the auth data that you provided are correct and have permissions to work with
To make sure that the error is not in the service connection, could you please try JSON authType, the JSON file instead of a service connection? The file usually contains client_email and private_key fields. Also as I see similar issues for sheets api, where recreation of credential keys helped, also make sure that the google service account has necessary roles and you enabled the API correctly.
Hi @DmitriiBobreshev
First, I would like to thank you so much for your contribution and help.
Second, I tried to use the JSON file instead of service connection but I can not see the json file in the drop down to choose it! I did add it in the secure files and I added in YML file to download it from the secure files too. I think in Azure documentation it says, I will also need to commit the JSON file to branch so I can use it (but I think this is bad because of security issues since it contains the private key), but anyway, I also did try to commit the file to repo but I was getting an error that I can not push such a file since it contains sensitive data.
Yes, the google developer api is enabled on google cloud console and permission is granted, and google play store is linked to the cloud and permission is granted as well.
I was think my issue could be because when I paste the private key, it gets pasted in the input filed without following the exact formate. I do copy the whole private key, but for example when I paste it, the key could start a new line when it reads "\n". I did paste the key in word document and it didn't start a new line, but when I paste it in notes app (I'm using mac), it does start a new line!!
Anyway, could you please try to explain how to add the JSON file so I try that?
Here I attached multiple screen shots so you see I'm granting permissions and so on.
If you see anything off, let me know please and yes I did create other new keys, connections...
@meltanan, you did a great job! Thanks for the detailed info and screenshots. The service account on google cloud looks good. I've also double-checked the task with a service connection in my organization and same error throws only if I pass "Service Account E-mail" incorrectly, please make sure that you don't have some spaces etc and you passed is the client_email field from .json file).
If it won't help let's try to pass .JSONfile. As I see you already added the JSON file as secure files and added DownloadSecureFile in the pipeline. All you need is to pass the file itself. The yml code will be something like this:
- task: DownloadSecureFile@1
displayName: "Download key file from secure store"
name: googleCertificate
secureFile: 'FileName.json'
- task: GooglePlayRelease@4
authType: 'JsonFile'
serviceAccountKey: $(googleCertificate.secureFilePath)
... rest options
$(googleCertificate.secureFilePath) is the variable which will be set by DownloadSecureFile task. The variable contains the path to the .json file.
upd: Sorry, I missed that you put the same email that you're using to log in to google play store, and that might be the root cause of the error, because you need to use the client_email from the .json file
I tried that before but it didn't work, but I tried it now and IT DID work. I must have another issue when I tried it before.
Thank you so much for your help.
You're welcome! I'm closing the issue, please feel free to reopen it if you still have any questions.
I'm trying to publish our android to google play store. So, I setup the pipeline and created a service connection but service connection is failing with this error, "Error: invalid_grant: Invalid grant: account not found".
I did create a private key through my cloud project and linked it to play store. When I created the private key, I did create it as JSON file so it was loaded to my pc. I used the private key that was provided in the file. I created the service account by populating the fields as follow:
Server URL: (was already populated)
Service Account E-mail m** (this is the same email I use to log in to google play store)
Private Key -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMyPrivateKeyHere\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n
I believe I populated all fields correctly but I have no idea why I'm getting that error!
Please help