microsoft / graphics-driver-samples

This repository contains graphics driver samples used to demonstrate how to write graphics driver for the windows platform.
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Crash on RP3 windows startup #51

Open dys129 opened 7 years ago

dys129 commented 7 years ago


I've tried running driver + dolphin app on Windows 10 IoT 14931 Insider Preview on RP3 using both Debug and Release builds and Windows is always crashing during startup.

I've been following steps on how to install driver from Wiki and this is what I'm doing:

  1. Get latest on driver code, build it for ARM
  2. Install driver package on RP3 running W10 using devcon. Installation is succesful according to log: "Driver package 'oem0.inf' added"
  3. Set driver to render-only mode by changing registry keys (it doesn't seem to matter to the result)
  4. Install Dolphin App Package using Device Panel and set it to default app on startup.
  5. Copy iotshell.exe to system32 directory.
  6. Perform shutdown /r /t 0 Result: Windows crashes on first boot after installing driver.

Dolphin app works on Basic Driver that is supplied with W10 IoT.

My question is, is that a known issue with latest code, rp3 and/or W10 build that I'm using? Is there any step that I'm missing to get it to work?

Any help would be appreciated.
