microsoft / graphrag

A modular graph-based Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system
MIT License
17.43k stars 1.66k forks source link

[Bug]: Fail to run with a local LLM (Ollama) #1186

Open horaceho opened 1 day ago

horaceho commented 1 day ago

Do you need to file an issue?

Describe the bug

Fail to run with locally installed Ollama ...

Steps to reproduce


ollama list
NAME                         ID              SIZE      MODIFIED       
llama3.1:latest              42182419e950    4.7 GB    31 seconds ago 
nomic-embed-text:latest      0a109f422b47    274 MB    3 days ago


mkdir -p ./t2/input
cp the-heart-sutra.txt ./t2/input/



python -m graphrag.index --init --root t2
Initializing project at t2

Modify settings.yaml to use local llama2:latest and nomic-embed-text:

  model: llama3.1:latest
  model_supports_json: true # recommended if this is available for your model.
  api_base: http://localhost:11434/v1
    model: nomic-embed-text
    api_base: http://localhost:11434/api


python -m graphrag.index --root t2

Expected Behavior

GraphRAG should index the text file ...

GraphRAG Config Used

encoding_model: cl100k_base
skip_workflows: []
  api_key: ${GRAPHRAG_API_KEY}
  type: openai_chat # or azure_openai_chat
  model: llama3.1:latest
  model_supports_json: true # recommended if this is available for your model.
  # max_tokens: 4000
  # request_timeout: 180.0
  api_base: http://localhost:11434/v1
  # api_version: 2024-02-15-preview
  # organization: <organization_id>
  # deployment_name: <azure_model_deployment_name>
  # tokens_per_minute: 150_000 # set a leaky bucket throttle
  # requests_per_minute: 10_000 # set a leaky bucket throttle
  # max_retries: 10
  # max_retry_wait: 10.0
  # sleep_on_rate_limit_recommendation: true # whether to sleep when azure suggests wait-times
  # concurrent_requests: 25 # the number of parallel inflight requests that may be made
  # temperature: 0 # temperature for sampling
  # top_p: 1 # top-p sampling
  # n: 1 # Number of completions to generate

  stagger: 0.3
  # num_threads: 50 # the number of threads to use for parallel processing

async_mode: threaded # or asyncio

  ## parallelization: override the global parallelization settings for embeddings
  async_mode: threaded # or asyncio
  # target: required # or all
  # batch_size: 16 # the number of documents to send in a single request
  # batch_max_tokens: 8191 # the maximum number of tokens to send in a single request
    api_key: ${GRAPHRAG_API_KEY}
    type: openai_embedding # or azure_openai_embedding
    model: nomic-embed-text
    api_base: http://localhost:11434/api
    # api_version: 2024-02-15-preview
    # organization: <organization_id>
    # deployment_name: <azure_model_deployment_name>
    # tokens_per_minute: 150_000 # set a leaky bucket throttle
    # requests_per_minute: 10_000 # set a leaky bucket throttle
    # max_retries: 10
    # max_retry_wait: 10.0
    # sleep_on_rate_limit_recommendation: true # whether to sleep when azure suggests wait-times
    # concurrent_requests: 25 # the number of parallel inflight requests that may be made

  size: 1200
  overlap: 100
  group_by_columns: [id] # by default, we don't allow chunks to cross documents

  type: file # or blob
  file_type: text # or csv
  base_dir: "input"
  file_encoding: utf-8
  file_pattern: ".*\\.txt$"

  type: file # or blob
  base_dir: "cache"
  # connection_string: <azure_blob_storage_connection_string>
  # container_name: <azure_blob_storage_container_name>

  type: file # or blob
  base_dir: "output/${timestamp}/artifacts"
  # connection_string: <azure_blob_storage_connection_string>
  # container_name: <azure_blob_storage_container_name>

  type: file # or console, blob
  base_dir: "output/${timestamp}/reports"
  # connection_string: <azure_blob_storage_connection_string>
  # container_name: <azure_blob_storage_container_name>

  ## strategy: fully override the entity extraction strategy.
  ##   type: one of graph_intelligence, graph_intelligence_json and nltk
  ## llm: override the global llm settings for this task
  ## parallelization: override the global parallelization settings for this task
  ## async_mode: override the global async_mode settings for this task
  prompt: "prompts/entity_extraction.txt"
  entity_types: [organization,person,geo,event]
  max_gleanings: 1

  ## llm: override the global llm settings for this task
  ## parallelization: override the global parallelization settings for this task
  ## async_mode: override the global async_mode settings for this task
  prompt: "prompts/summarize_descriptions.txt"
  max_length: 500

  ## llm: override the global llm settings for this task
  ## parallelization: override the global parallelization settings for this task
  ## async_mode: override the global async_mode settings for this task
  # enabled: true
  prompt: "prompts/claim_extraction.txt"
  description: "Any claims or facts that could be relevant to information discovery."
  max_gleanings: 1

  ## llm: override the global llm settings for this task
  ## parallelization: override the global parallelization settings for this task
  ## async_mode: override the global async_mode settings for this task
  prompt: "prompts/community_report.txt"
  max_length: 2000
  max_input_length: 8000

  max_cluster_size: 10

  enabled: false # if true, will generate node2vec embeddings for nodes
  # num_walks: 10
  # walk_length: 40
  # window_size: 2
  # iterations: 3
  # random_seed: 597832

  enabled: false # if true, will generate UMAP embeddings for nodes

  graphml: false
  raw_entities: false
  top_level_nodes: false

  # text_unit_prop: 0.5
  # community_prop: 0.1
  # conversation_history_max_turns: 5
  # top_k_mapped_entities: 10
  # top_k_relationships: 10
  # llm_temperature: 0 # temperature for sampling
  # llm_top_p: 1 # top-p sampling
  # llm_n: 1 # Number of completions to generate
  # max_tokens: 12000

  # llm_temperature: 0 # temperature for sampling
  # llm_top_p: 1 # top-p sampling
  # llm_n: 1 # Number of completions to generate
  # max_tokens: 12000
  # data_max_tokens: 12000
  # map_max_tokens: 1000
  # reduce_max_tokens: 2000
  # concurrency: 32

Logs and screenshots

Logging enabled at /home/ohho/codes/python/try/graphrag/t2/output/indexing-engine.log
/home/ohho/conda/envs/graphrag/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/ FutureWarning: 
'DataFrame.swapaxes' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use 'DataFrame.transpose' instead.
  return bound(*args, **kwds)
๐Ÿš€ create_base_text_units
                                 id  ... n_tokens
0  6d2823d11f18b1dbb3e9c4d3a1a7b3bf  ...      401

[1 rows x 5 columns]
๐Ÿš€ create_base_extracted_entities
0  <graphml xmlns="http://graphml.graphdrawing.or...
๐Ÿš€ create_summarized_entities
0  <graphml xmlns="http://graphml.graphdrawing.or...
โŒ create_base_entity_graph
โ ‡ GraphRAG Indexer 
โ”œโ”€โ”€ Loading Input (text) - 1 files loaded (0 filtered) โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” 100% 0:00:00 0:00:00
โ”œโ”€โ”€ create_base_text_units
โ”œโ”€โ”€ create_base_extracted_entities
โ”œโ”€โ”€ create_summarized_entities
โ””โ”€โ”€ create_base_entity_graph
โŒ Errors occurred during the pipeline run, see logs for more details.

Additional Information

horaceho commented 1 day ago

"Error Invoking LLM"

horaceho commented 1 day ago

Embeddings API

curl http://localhost:11434/api/embeddings -d '{
>  "model": "nomic-embed-text",
>  "prompt": "Good morning"
> }'


balezeauquentin commented 1 day ago


Can you provide us your logs ?

Anyway, you can check those threads it helped me a lot when I had problems with Ollama #619, #650.

619 is for query embedding and #650 is for embedding when you are creating the graph.

horaceho commented 22 hours ago


indexing-engine.log logs.json

balezeauquentin commented 21 hours ago

Verify the name of your models, seems like llama3.1 isn't pulled on your Ollama instance.

user@VRH035941:~/.venv/graphrag$ ollama list 
NAME                            ID              SIZE    MODIFIED    
mxbai-embed-large:latest        468836162de7    669 MB  6 days ago 
nomic-embed-text:latest         0a109f422b47    274 MB  10 days ago
mistral:latest                  f974a74358d6    4.1 GB  10 days ago
llama3.1:latest                 42182419e950    4.7 GB  10 days ago
horaceho commented 21 hours ago

@balezeauquentin sorry for the outdated info (I switched to a different model):

$ ollama list 
NAME                         ID              SIZE      MODIFIED      
llama3.1:latest              42182419e950    4.7 GB    3 minutes ago    
llama3.1-32k-q8:latest       ec0697ee6936    8.5 GB    6 hours ago      
mistral:latest               f974a74358d6    4.1 GB    9 hours ago      
llama2:latest                78e26419b446    3.8 GB    10 hours ago     
nomic-embed-text:latest      0a109f422b47    274 MB    4 days ago       
llama3.1:8b-instruct-q8_0    b158ded76fa0    8.5 GB    4 days ago 
$ python -m graphrag.index --root t2
Logging enabled at /home/ohho/codes/python/try/graphrag/t2/output/indexing-engine.log
/home/ohho/conda/envs/graphrag/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/ FutureWarning: 
'DataFrame.swapaxes' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use 'DataFrame.transpose' instead.
  return bound(*args, **kwds)
๐Ÿš€ create_base_text_units
                                 id  ... n_tokens
0  6d2823d11f18b1dbb3e9c4d3a1a7b3bf  ...      401

[1 rows x 5 columns]
๐Ÿš€ create_base_extracted_entities
0  <graphml xmlns="http://graphml.graphdrawing.or...
๐Ÿš€ create_summarized_entities
0  <graphml xmlns="http://graphml.graphdrawing.or...
โŒ create_base_entity_graph
โ ‡ GraphRAG Indexer 
โ”œโ”€โ”€ Loading Input (text) - 1 files loaded (0 filtered) โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” 100% 0:00:00 0:00:00
โ”œโ”€โ”€ create_base_text_units
โ”œโ”€โ”€ create_base_extracted_entities
โ”œโ”€โ”€ create_summarized_entities
โ””โ”€โ”€ create_base_entity_graph
โŒ Errors occurred during the pipeline run, see logs for more details.

Updated logs

indexing-engine.log stats.json logs.json (zero byte empty file, please ignore)

balezeauquentin commented 21 hours ago

I can't open your logs file, I don't get why can you send it again please.

  <Message>The requested range is not satisfiable</Message>
horaceho commented 21 hours ago

The logs.json is an empty file:

$ ls -al t2/output/
total 52
drwxrwxr-x 2 ohho ohho  4096 Sep 23 20:40 .
drwxrwxr-x 6 ohho ohho  4096 Sep 23 20:40 ..
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ohho ohho  3433 Sep 23 20:40 create_base_extracted_entities.parquet
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ohho ohho 14725 Sep 23 20:40 create_base_text_units.parquet
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ohho ohho  3433 Sep 23 20:40 create_summarized_entities.parquet
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ohho ohho 16347 Sep 23 20:40 indexing-engine.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ohho ohho     0 Sep 23 20:40 logs.json
-rw-rw-r-- 1 ohho ohho  1076 Sep 23 20:40 stats.json
balezeauquentin commented 21 hours ago

And your RAG pipeline isn't working ?

wy371900521 commented 20 hours ago

่ฟ™ไธช้—ฎ้ข˜็‰นๅˆซๆถๅฟƒ,ๅ›ฐๆ‰ฐๆˆ‘ๅฅฝๅ‡ ๅคฉไบ†

9prodhi commented 13 hours ago

This should resolve the embedding issue you encountered. I faced a similar problem due to the different embedding format used by OpenAI. After installing the required dependencies, you can run the file as follows:

# repo:

Also do not forget to change embedding llm api_base setting.

horaceho commented 3 hours ago

After reducing the chunks size:

  size: 300

it pass create_base_entity_graph and stopped at create_final_entities:

$ python -m graphrag.index --root t4
Logging enabled at /home/ohho/codes/python/try/graphrag/t4/output/indexing-engine.log
/home/ohho/conda/envs/graphrag/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/ FutureWarning: 
'DataFrame.swapaxes' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use 'DataFrame.transpose' instead.
  return bound(*args, **kwds)
๐Ÿš€ create_base_text_units
                                 id  ... n_tokens
0  ac67bbf50ea59187cea5947b4e482e79  ...      300
1  0650fd69f66ac0d668f05d218942ac62  ...      201
2  7d902ccc1d6328cdf06ab78c6a43b5f8  ...        1

[3 rows x 5 columns]
๐Ÿš€ create_base_extracted_entities
0  <graphml xmlns="http://graphml.graphdrawing.or...
๐Ÿš€ create_summarized_entities
0  <graphml xmlns="http://graphml.graphdrawing.or...
๐Ÿš€ create_base_entity_graph
   level                                    clustered_graph
0      0  <graphml xmlns="http://graphml.graphdrawing.or...
/home/ohho/conda/envs/graphrag/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/ FutureWarning: 
'DataFrame.swapaxes' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use 'DataFrame.transpose' instead.
  return bound(*args, **kwds)
โŒ create_final_entities
โ ™ GraphRAG Indexer 
โ”œโ”€โ”€ Loading Input (text) - 1 files loaded (0 filtered) โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” 100% 0:00:00 0:00:00
โ”œโ”€โ”€ create_base_text_units
โ”œโ”€โ”€ create_base_extracted_entities
โ”œโ”€โ”€ create_summarized_entities
โ”œโ”€โ”€ create_base_entity_graph
โ””โ”€โ”€ create_final_entities
โŒ Errors occurred during the pipeline run, see logs for more details.

settings.yaml.txt indexing-engine.log logs.json stats.json

jackiezhangcn commented 1 hour ago

File "/home/zhangyj/anaconda3/envs/graphrag/lib/python3.12/site-packages/graphrag/llm/openai/", line 56, in _execute_llm return completion.choices[0].message.content

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

seems no response generated from LLM (Ollama model), but don't know how to debug