microsoft / graphrag

A modular graph-based Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system
MIT License
16.83k stars 1.58k forks source link

[Bug]: <context_length_exceeded> #527

Open Fezaaan opened 1 month ago

Fezaaan commented 1 month ago

`Hi guys,

apperantly I get this issue, and I dont understand the meaning, because I tried to reduce the maxtoken, but it didnt work...any idea? (I did already the indexing)

INFO: Reading settings from ragtest\settings.yaml creating llm client with {'api_key': 'REDACTED,len=32', 'type': "azure_openai_chat", 'model': 'gpt-35-turbo', 'max_tokens': 100, 'request_timeout': 180.0, 'api_base': '', 'api_version': '2023-12-01-preview', 'organization': None, 'proxy': None, 'cognitive_services_endpoint': None, 'deployment_name': 'llm-api', 'model_supports_json': None, 'tokens_per_minute': 0, 'requests_per_minute': 0, 'max_retries': 10, 'max_retry_wait': 10.0, 'sleep_on_rate_limit_recommendation': True, 'concurrent_requests': 25} Exception in _map_response_single_batch Traceback (most recent call last):

ISSUE: ...\graphrag\Lib\site-packages\", line 1620, in _request raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None openai.BadRequestError: Error code: 400 - {'error': {'message': "This model's maximum context length is 8192 tokens. However, you requested 8881 tokens (7881 in the messages, 1000 in the completion). Please reduce the length of the messages or completion.", 'type': 'invalid_request_error', 'param': 'messages', 'code': 'context_length_exceeded'}}

SUCCESS: Global Search Response: I am sorry but I am unable to answer this question given the provided data.

Thanks for your help!

Additional Information

Steps to reproduce

No response

Expected Behavior

No response

GraphRAG Config Used

encoding_model: cl100k_base
skip_workflows: []
  api_key: xxx
  type:  azure_openai_chat # or azure_openai_chat
  model: gpt-35-turbo
  #model_supports_json: true # recommended if this is available for your model.
  max_tokens: 100
  # request_timeout: 180.0
  api_version: 2023-12-01-preview
  # organization: <organization_id>
  deployment_name: llm-api
  # tokens_per_minute: 150_000 # set a leaky bucket throttle
  # requests_per_minute: 10_000 # set a leaky bucket throttle
  # max_retries: 10
  # max_retry_wait: 10.0
  sleep_on_rate_limit_recommendation: true # whether to sleep when azure suggests wait-times
  # concurrent_requests: 25 # the number of parallel inflight requests that may be made

  stagger: 0.3
  # num_threads: 50 # the number of threads to use for parallel processing

async_mode: threaded # or asyncio

  ## parallelization: override the global parallelization settings for embeddings
  async_mode: threaded # or asyncio
    api_key: xxx
    type: azure_openai_embedding # or azure_openai_embedding
    model: text-embedding-ada-002
    api_version: 2023-12-01-preview
    # organization: <organization_id>
    deployment_name: embedding-api
    # tokens_per_minute: 150_000 # set a leaky bucket throttle
    # requests_per_minute: 10_000 # set a leaky bucket throttle
    # max_retries: 10
    # max_retry_wait: 10.0
    sleep_on_rate_limit_recommendation: true # whether to sleep when azure suggests wait-times
    # concurrent_requests: 25 # the number of parallel inflight requests that may be made
    #batch_size: 16 # the number of documents to send in a single request
    #batch_max_tokens: 8191 # the maximum number of tokens to send in a single request
    # target: required # or optional

  size: 300
  overlap: 100
  group_by_columns: [id] # by default, we don't allow chunks to cross documents

  type: file # or blob
  file_type: text # or csv
  base_dir: "input"
  file_encoding: utf-8
  file_pattern: ".*\\.txt$"

  type: file # or blob
  base_dir: "cache"
  # connection_string: <azure_blob_storage_connection_string>
  # container_name: <azure_blob_storage_container_name>

  type: file # or blob
  base_dir: "output/${timestamp}/artifacts"
  # connection_string: <azure_blob_storage_connection_string>
  # container_name: <azure_blob_storage_container_name>

  type: file # or console, blob
  base_dir: "output/${timestamp}/reports"
  # connection_string: <azure_blob_storage_connection_string>
  # container_name: <azure_blob_storage_container_name>

  ## llm: override the global llm settings for this task
  ## parallelization: override the global parallelization settings for this task
  ## async_mode: override the global async_mode settings for this task
  prompt: "prompts/entity_extraction.txt"
  entity_types: [organization,person,geo,event]
  max_gleanings: 0

  ## llm: override the global llm settings for this task
  ## parallelization: override the global parallelization settings for this task
  ## async_mode: override the global async_mode settings for this task
  prompt: "prompts/summarize_descriptions.txt"
  max_length: 500

  ## llm: override the global llm settings for this task
  ## parallelization: override the global parallelization settings for this task
  ## async_mode: override the global async_mode settings for this task
  # enabled: true
  prompt: "prompts/claim_extraction.txt"
  description: "Any claims or facts that could be relevant to information discovery."
  max_gleanings: 0

  ## llm: override the global llm settings for this task
  ## parallelization: override the global parallelization settings for this task
  ## async_mode: override the global async_mode settings for this task
  prompt: "prompts/community_report.txt"
  max_length: 2000
  max_input_length: 8000

  max_cluster_size: 10

  enabled: false # if true, will generate node2vec embeddings for nodes
  # num_walks: 10
  # walk_length: 40
  # window_size: 2
  # iterations: 3
  # random_seed: 597832

  enabled: false # if true, will generate UMAP embeddings for nodes

  graphml: false
  raw_entities: false
  top_level_nodes: false

  # text_unit_prop: 0.5
  # community_prop: 0.1
  # conversation_history_max_turns: 5
  # top_k_mapped_entities: 10
  # top_k_relationships: 10
  # max_tokens: 12000

  # max_tokens: 12000
  # data_max_tokens: 12000
  # map_max_tokens: 1000 #1000
  # reduce_max_tokens: 2000
  # concurrency: 32``

### Logs and screenshots

_No response_
s106916 commented 1 month ago

try to use model: gpt4-32k

fengtf commented 1 month ago

I had the same problem.

Did it work out at last?

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

This issue has been marked stale due to inactivity after repo maintainer or community member responses that request more information or suggest a solution. It will be closed after five additional days.

etiennebonnafoux commented 1 week ago

Hello, I have the same error with a local server. Here is my YAML:

encoding_model: cl100k_base
skip_workflows: []
  api_key: ${GRAPHRAG_API_KEY}
  type: openai_chat # or azure_openai_chat
  model: llama3
  model_supports_json: true # recommended if this is available for your model.
  max_tokens: 2000

  stagger: 0.3

async_mode: threaded # or asyncio

  async_mode: threaded # or asyncio
    api_key: ${GRAPHRAG_API_KEY}
    type: openai_embedding # or azure_openai_embedding
    model: e5-mistral-7B-instruct
    batch_size: 4 # the number of documents to send in a single request
    batch_max_tokens: 1000 # the maximum number of tokens to send in a single request

  size: 1200
  overlap: 100
  group_by_columns: [id] # by default, we don't allow chunks to cross documents

  type: file # or blob
  file_type: text # or csv
  base_dir: "input"
  file_encoding: utf-8
  file_pattern: ".*\\.txt$"

  type: file # or blob
  base_dir: "cache"

  type: file # or blob
  base_dir: "output/${timestamp}/artifacts"

  type: file # or console, blob
  base_dir: "output/${timestamp}/reports"

  prompt: "prompts/entity_extraction.txt"
  entity_types: [organization,person,geo,event]
  max_gleanings: 1

  prompt: "prompts/summarize_descriptions.txt"
  max_length: 500

  prompt: "prompts/claim_extraction.txt"
  description: "Any claims or facts that could be relevant to information discovery."
  max_gleanings: 1

  prompt: "prompts/community_report.txt"

  max_cluster_size: 10

  enabled: false # if true, will generate node2vec embeddings for nodes

  enabled: false # if true, will generate UMAP embeddings for nodes

  graphml: false
  raw_entities: false
  top_level_nodes: false

and here is the error

  "type": "error",
  "data": "Error Invoking LLM",
  "stack": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n  File \"/home/ebonnafoux/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-graphrag-DUgVK7v_-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/graphrag/llm/base/\", line 53, in _invoke\n    output = await self._execute_llm(input, **kwargs)\n  File \"/home/ebonnafoux/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-graphrag-DUgVK7v_-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/graphrag/llm/openai/\", line 55, in _execute_llm\n    completion = await\n  File \"/home/ebonnafoux/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-graphrag-DUgVK7v_-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/openai/resources/chat/\", line 1295, in create\n    return await self._post(\n  File \"/home/ebonnafoux/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-graphrag-DUgVK7v_-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/openai/\", line 1826, in post\n    return await self.request(cast_to, opts, stream=stream, stream_cls=stream_cls)\n  File \"/home/ebonnafoux/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-graphrag-DUgVK7v_-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/openai/\", line 1519, in request\n    return await self._request(\n  File \"/home/ebonnafoux/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/test-graphrag-DUgVK7v_-py3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/openai/\", line 1620, in _request\n    raise self._make_status_error_from_response(err.response) from None\nopenai.BadRequestError: Error code: 400 - {'object': 'error', 'message': \"This model's maximum context length is 8192 tokens. However, you requested 13486 tokens (11486 in the messages, 2000 in the completion). Please reduce the length of the messages or completion.\", 'type': 'BadRequestError', 'param': None, 'code': 400}\n",
  "source": "Error code: 400 - {'object': 'error', 'message': \"This model's maximum context length is 8192 tokens. However, you requested 13486 tokens (11486 in the messages, 2000 in the completion). Please reduce the length of the messages or completion.\", 'type': 'BadRequestError', 'param': None, 'code': 400}",
  "details": {
    "input": "\nYou are an AI assistant that helps a human analyst to perform general information discovery. Information discovery is the process of identifying and assessing relevant information associated with certain entities (e.g., organizations and individuals) within a network.\n\n# Goal\nWrite a comprehensive report of a community, given a list of entities that belong to the community as well as their relationships and optional associated claims. The report will be used to inform decision-makers about information associated with the community and their potential impact. The content of this report includes an overview of the community's key entities, their legal compliance, technical capabilities, reputation, and noteworthy claims.\n\n# Report Structure\n\nThe report should include the following sections:\n\n- TITLE: community's name that represents its key entities - title should be short but specific. When possible, include representative named entities in the title.\n- SUMMARY: An executive summary of the community's overall structure, how its entities are related to each other, and significant information associated with its entities.\n- IMPACT SEVERITY RATING: a float score between 0-10 that represents the severity of IMPACT posed by entities within the community.  IMPACT is the scored importance of a community.\n- RATING EXPLANATION: Give a single sentence explanation of the IMPACT severity rating.\n- DETAILED FINDINGS: A list of 5-10 key insights about the community. Each insight should have a short summary followed by multiple paragraphs of explanatory text grounded according to the grounding rules below. Be comprehensive.\n\nReturn output as a well-formed JSON-formatted string with the following format:\n    {{\n        \"title\": <report_title>,\n        \"summary\": <executive_summary>,\n        \"rating\": <impact_severity_rating>,\n        \"rating_explanation\": <rating_explanation>,\n        \"findings\": [\n            {{\n                \"summary\":<insight_1_summary>,\n                \"explanation\": <insight_1_explanation>\n            }},\n            {{\n                \"summary\":<insight_2_summary>,\n                \"explanation\": <insight_2_explanation>\n            }}\n        ]\n    }}\n\n# Grounding Rules\n\nPoints supported by data should list their data references as follows:\n\n\"This is an example sentence supported by multiple data references [Data: <dataset name> (record ids); <dataset name> (record ids)].\"\n\nDo not list more than 5 record ids in a single reference. Instead, list the top 5 most relevant record ids and add \"+more\" to indicate that there are more.\n\nFor example:\n\"Person X is the owner of Company Y and subject to many allegations of wrongdoing [Data: Reports (1), Entities (5, 7); Relationships (23); Claims (7, 2, 34, 64, 46, +more)].\"\n\nwhere 1, 5, 7, 23, 2, 34, 46, and 64 represent the id (not the index) of the relevant data record.\n\nDo not include information where the supporting evidence for it is not provided.\n\n\n# Example Input\n-----------\nText:\n\nEntities\n\nid,entity,description\n5,VERDANT OASIS PLAZA,Verdant Oasis Plaza is the location of the Unity March\n6,HARMONY ASSEMBLY,Harmony Assembly is an organization that is holding a march at Verdant Oasis Plaza\n\nRelationships\n\nid,source,target,description\n37,VERDANT OASIS PLAZA,UNITY MARCH,Verdant Oasis Plaza is the location of the Unity March\n38,VERDANT OASIS PLAZA,HARMONY ASSEMBLY,Harmony Assembly is holding a march at Verdant Oasis Plaza\n39,VERDANT OASIS PLAZA,UNITY MARCH,The Unity March is taking place at Verdant Oasis Plaza\n40,VERDANT OASIS PLAZA,TRIBUNE SPOTLIGHT,Tribune Spotlight is reporting on the Unity march taking place at Verdant Oasis Plaza\n41,VERDANT OASIS PLAZA,BAILEY ASADI,Bailey Asadi is speaking at Verdant Oasis Plaza about the march\n43,HARMONY ASSEMBLY,UNITY MARCH,Harmony Assembly is organizing the Unity March\n\nOutput:\n{{\n    \"title\": \"Verdant Oasis Plaza and Unity March\",\n    \"summary\": \"The community revolves around the Verdant Oasis Plaza, which is the location of the Unity March. The plaza has relationships with the Harmony Assembly, Unity March, and Tribune Spotlight, all of which are associated with the march event.\",\n    \"rating\": 5.0,\n    \"rating_explanation\": \"The impact severity rating is moderate due to the potential for unrest or conflict during the Unity March.\",\n    \"findings\": [\n        {{\n            \"summary\": \"Verdant Oasis Plaza as the central location\",\n            \"explanation\": \"Verdant Oasis Plaza is the central entity in this community, serving as the location for the Unity March. This plaza is the common link between all other entities, suggesting its significance in the community. The plaza's association with the march could potentially lead to issues such as public disorder or conflict, depending on the nature of the march and the reactions it provokes. [Data: Entities (5), Relationships (37, 38, 39, 40, 41,+more)]\"\n        }},\n        {{\n            \"summary\": \"Harmony Assembly's role in the community\",\n            \"explanation\": \"Harmony Assembly is another key entity in this community, being the organizer of the march at Verdant Oasis Plaza. The nature of Harmony Assembly and its march could be a potential source of threat, depending on their objectives and the reactions they provoke. The relationship between Harmony Assembly and the plaza is crucial in understanding the dynamics of this community. [Data: Entities(6), Relationships (38, 43)]\"\n        }},\n        {{\n            \"summary\": \"Unity March as a significant event\",\n            \"explanation\": \"The Unity March is a significant event taking place at Verdant Oasis Plaza. This event is a key factor in the community's dynamics and could be a potential source of threat, depending on the nature of the march and the reactions it provokes. The relationship between the march and the plaza is crucial in understanding the dynamics of this community. [Data: Relationships (39)]\"\n        }},\n        {{\n            \"summary\": \"Role of Tribune Spotlight\",\n            \"explanation\": \"Tribune Spotlight is reporting on the Unity March taking place in Verdant Oasis Plaza. This suggests that the event has attracted media attention, which could amplify its impact on the community. The role of Tribune Spotlight could be significant in shaping public perception of the event and the entities involved. [Data: Relationships (40)]\"\n        }}\n    ]\n}}\n\n\n# Real Data\n\nUse the following text for your answer. Do not make anything up in your answer.\n\nText:\n-----Entities-----\nhuman_readable_id,title,description,degree\n18,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nScrooge is a complex character who undergoes a significant transformation throughout the story. Initially, he is portrayed as a grumpy and reluctant individual who is hesitant to participate in holiday festivities. However, through his experiences with the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, he is changed and becomes more empathetic and hopeful. This transformation is a result of his newfound understanding and appreciation for the value of relationships and the importance of kindness and generosity. As a result, Scrooge becomes a kind and generous person, departing from his initial sharp and blunt demeanor. Additionally, Scrooge is a young man who has a history as a former apprentice of Fezziwig and has since become a successful businessman.\",83\n9,\"\"\"BOB CRATCHIT\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nBob Cratchit, a character in the story, is Scrooge's employee and the patriarch of the Cratchit family. Despite his poverty, Bob Cratchit is shown to be kind and generous. He is initially late to work and is scolded by Scrooge, but later receives a raise and kind treatment from Scrooge. Bob Cratchit is also visited by the Ghost, who shows him his past and future, leading to a change in his perspective. As the father of the Cratchit family, Bob Cratchit is struggling to make ends meet, but he shows a sense of kindness and generosity. He is proud of his wife's culinary skills and helps with the cooking. Through his experiences, Bob Cratchit undergoes a transformation, likely becoming a more optimistic and hopeful individual.\",4\n10,\"\"\"TINY TIM\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data provided:\n\n\"\"Tiny Tim\"\" is a character in the story who is a member of the Cratchit family. He is a young boy who is frail and has a withered leg, but is full of spirit and enthusiasm. Despite his physical limitations, Tiny Tim is a symbol of hope and joy, and is a recipient of Scrooge's kindness and generosity. He is visited by the Ghost, who shows him his past and future, leading to a change in his perspective. Tiny Tim's family, including his parents and siblings, love and care for him, and mourn his passing. He is also remembered and mourned by Bob Cratchit, his father.\",4\n12,\"\"\"MRS. CRATCHIT\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nMrs. Cratchit is a character in the novel who is shown to be caring and affectionate towards her family. She is the mother of the Cratchit family and is deeply committed to her family values. She takes care of the household and her children, demonstrating her kindness and nurturing nature. Mrs. Cratchit is also visited by the Ghost, who shows her her past and future, leading to a significant change in her perspective. This experience has a profound impact on her, allowing her to gain a new understanding of life and its complexities.\",2\n1,\"\"\"ALI BABA\"\"\",\"\"\"Ali Baba is a character from a story that Scrooge remembers, showing his nostalgia and sense of wonder.\"\"\",1\n80,\"\"\"APPLES\"\"\",\"\"\"Apples is a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",1\n15,\"\"\"BELINDA CRATCHIT\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nBelinda Cratchit is a character in the story who is a member of the Cratchit family. She is the second daughter of the family and plays a role in helping with household chores and taking care of her siblings. Additionally, Belinda Cratchit is visited by the Ghost, who shows her her past and future, leading to a change in her perspective. This experience has a profound impact on her, allowing her to gain a new understanding of her life and the world around her.\",1\n63,\"\"\"BELLE\"\"\",\"\"\"Belle is a character who is the wife of Scrooge's friend and is described as being fond and full of promise.\"\"\",1\n130,\"\"\"BOB CRATCHIT'S\"\"\",\"\"\"Bob Cratchit's is a workplace where Scrooge sends the prize turkey, showing his changed attitude towards his employees.\"\"\",1\n128,\"\"\"BOY\"\"\",\"\"\"The Boy is a minor character who interacts with Scrooge, showing a youthful energy and innocence.\"\"\",1\n74,\"\"\"BRAWN\"\"\",\"\"\"Brawn is a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",1\n110,\"\"\"BUSINESSMEN\"\"\",\"\"\"The businessmen are a group of individuals who are shown to Scrooge by the Spirit, and who are engaged in various conversations and activities.\"\"\",1\n31,\"\"\"CAMDEN TOWN\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nCamden Town is a location that holds significant importance in the story. It is the residence and workplace of Bob Cratchit, a character who is employed by Ebenezer Scrooge. Additionally, Camden Town is the destination where Scrooge sends a prize turkey, demonstrating a notable change in his attitude towards his employees. This act showcases Scrooge's newfound willingness to help and care for those around him, particularly his employees, after his transformative experience on Christmas Eve.\",1\n79,\"\"\"CHESTNUTS\"\"\",\"\"\"Chestnuts is a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",1\n89,\"\"\"CHRISTMAS DAY\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nChristmas Day is a special day of celebration and joy, where people come together to share meals and festivities. For the Cratchit family, Christmas Day is a particularly significant occasion, where they gather together to celebrate and share a meal.\",1\n32,\"\"\"CHRISTMAS EVE\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nChristmas Eve is a significant event in the story, marking a time of celebration and joy, as well as the beginning of the holiday season.\",1\n47,\"\"\"CHRISTMAS PAST\"\"\",\"\"\"Christmas Past is a significant event in Scrooge's life that is revisited by the Ghost of Christmas Past.\"\"\",1\n121,\"\"\"DEATH\"\"\",\"\"\"Death is a concept that is personified as a cold, rigid, and dreadful force.\"\"\",1\n16,\"\"\"FAN\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nThe \"\"FAN\"\" refers to Ebenezer Scrooge's sister, a young girl who is trying to bring him home for Christmas. Additionally, the Fan is also a symbol of Scrooge's nostalgia and sense of wonder, representing a connection to his past.\",1\n45,\"\"\"FIRST OF EXCHANGE\"\"\",\"\"\"First of Exchange is a date mentioned in the text, which is significant for Scrooge's financial transactions.\"\"\",1\n11,\"\"\"FRED\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nFRED is Scrooge's nephew, who is surprised by Scrooge's sudden visit and change in behavior. FRED is a character who is visited by the Ghost and is shown his past and future, leading to a change in his perspective. As a result of this experience, FRED's outlook on life is transformed. Additionally, FRED is mentioned in the story as Scrooge's nephew, highlighting his familial connection to the main character.\",1\n7,\"\"\"FRIDAY\"\"\",\"\"\"Friday is a character from a story that Scrooge remembers, showing his nostalgia and sense of wonder.\"\"\",1\n72,\"\"\"GAME\"\"\",\"\"\"Game is a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",1\n71,\"\"\"GEESE\"\"\",\"\"\"Geese is a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",1\n46,\"\"\"GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nThe \"\"GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST\"\" is a supernatural entity that appears to Ebenezer Scrooge, taking him on a journey to revisit his past. This entity is not just an event, but a being that haunts Scrooge and shows him visions of his past, revealing the consequences of his actions. Through this journey, the Ghost of Christmas Past provides Scrooge with a glimpse into his past, allowing him to reflect on his life and the choices he has made.\",1\n107,\"\"\"GHOST OF CHRISTMAS YET TO COME\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nThe \"\"Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come\"\" is a supernatural being who appears to Ebenezer Scrooge, showing him a possible future if he does not change his ways. This entity is a supernatural entity that appears to Scrooge, revealing to him his own future and the consequences of his actions.\",1\n85,\"\"\"GREAT BRITAIN\"\"\",\"\"\"Great Britain is a location where the story takes place, and the city streets are described as being covered in snow.\"\"\",1\n34,\"\"\"GRUEL\"\"\",\"\"\"Gruel is a type of thin soup or porridge that Scrooge eats for his supper.\"\"\",1\n105,\"\"\"IGNORANCE\"\"\",\"\"\"Ignorance is a concept that is personified as a boy and is associated with the lack of knowledge and understanding.\"\"\",1\n8,\"\"\"JACOB MARLEY\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data provided:\n\nJacob Marley is a ghost who appears to Ebenezer Scrooge, warning him of the consequences of his actions. Marley is the ghost of Scrooge's former business partner, who is condemned to wander the earth, wearing the chain he forged in life. According to the descriptions, Marley is visited by the Ghost and is shown his past and future, leading to a change in his perspective. As a ghost, Marley is unable to interact with the living, but his appearance serves as a warning to Scrooge of the fate that awaits him if he does not change his ways.\",1\n109,\"\"\"JACOB\"\"\",\"\"\"Jacob is a deceased person who was Scrooge's business partner, and whose death is being shown to Scrooge by the Spirit.\"\"\",1\n35,\"\"\"MARLEY'S GHOST\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nMarley's Ghost is a supernatural entity who appears to Ebenezer Scrooge, warning him of a visitation when the bell tolls one. Specifically, Marley's Ghost is the spirit of Jacob Marley, Scrooge's former business partner, who appears to Scrooge to warn him of his own fate.\",1\n66,\"\"\"MARLEY'S\"\"\",\"\"\"Marley's is a reference to Jacob Marley, Scrooge's deceased business partner.\"\"\",1\n13,\"\"\"MARTHA CRATCHIT\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nMartha Cratchit is the eldest daughter of the Cratchit family. She plays a significant role in the household, helping with chores and taking care of her siblings. Notably, Martha is visited by the Ghost, who shows her her past and future, leading to a change in her perspective. This encounter has a profound impact on Martha, allowing her to gain a new understanding of her life and circumstances.\",1\n76,\"\"\"MINCE-PIES\"\"\",\"\"\"Mince-pies is a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",1\n96,\"\"\"MINERS\"\"\",\"\"\"Miners are a group of people who work in the bowels of the earth, and are shown to be a cheerful and festive community.\"\"\",1\n49,\"\"\"OLD FEZZIWIG\"\"\",\"\"\"Old Fezziwig is a character who appears in the story, being an old employer of Scrooge's.\"\"\",1\n20,\"\"\"OLD MARLEY'S NAME\"\"\",\"\"\"Old Marley's name is a symbol of the past and is still present above the warehouse door.\"\"\",1\n81,\"\"\"ORANGES\"\"\",\"\"\"Oranges is a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",1\n3,\"\"\"ORSON\"\"\",\"\"\"Orson is a character from a story that Scrooge remembers, showing his nostalgia and sense of wonder.\"\"\",1\n78,\"\"\"OYSTERS\"\"\",\"\"\"Oysters is a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",1\n5,\"\"\"PARROT\"\"\",\"\"\"The Parrot is a symbol of Scrooge's nostalgia and sense of wonder, representing a connection to his past.\"\"\",1\n82,\"\"\"PEARS\"\"\",\"\"\"Pears is a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",1\n14,\"\"\"PETER CRATCHIT\"\"\",\"\"\"Peter Cratchit is a character who is visited by the Ghost and is shown his past and future, leading to a change in his perspective.\"\"\",1\n111,\"\"\"PHANTOM\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nThe entity known as \"\"PHANTOM\"\" is a supernatural being that plays a significant role in the life of Ebenezer Scrooge. According to the descriptions, Phantom is a mysterious figure who accompanies Scrooge to the shop, suggesting a close and intimate relationship between the two. Additionally, Phantom is a supernatural entity that appears to Scrooge, guiding him through a series of events. This implies that Phantom has a profound influence on Scrooge's life, perhaps serving as a spiritual guide or mentor. Overall, Phantom is a complex and enigmatic figure that is deeply connected to Scrooge's journey.\",1\n77,\"\"\"PLUM-PUDDINGS\"\"\",\"\"\"Plum-puddings is a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",1\n129,\"\"\"POULTERER'S\"\"\",\"\"\"The Poulterer's is a business that sells turkeys, and Scrooge interacts with them to buy a prize turkey.\"\"\",1\n73,\"\"\"POULTRY\"\"\",\"\"\"Poultry is a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",1\n84,\"\"\"PUNCH\"\"\",\"\"\"Punch is a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",1\n6,\"\"\"ROBIN CRUSOE\"\"\",\"\"\"Robin Crusoe is a character from a story that Scrooge remembers, showing his nostalgia and sense of wonder.\"\"\",1\n75,\"\"\"SAUSAGES\"\"\",\"\"\"Sausages is a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",1\n29,\"\"\"THE TREADMILL\"\"\",\"\"\"The Treadmill is a Poor Law establishment that is in operation during the Christmas season.\"\"\",1\n30,\"\"\"THE UNION WORKHOUSES\"\"\",\"\"\"The Union Workhouses are institutions that are still in operation during the Christmas season.\"\"\",1\n40,\"\"\"THE SPIRITS\"\"\",\"\"\"The Spirits are three supernatural beings who visit Scrooge to show him the error of his ways and to give him a chance to change his ways.\"\"\",1\n48,\"\"\"THE SCHOOLMASTER\"\"\",\"\"\"The Schoolmaster is a character who appears in the story, teaching Scrooge and his sister.\"\"\",1\n58,\"\"\"THE GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nThe Ghost of Christmas Past is a supernatural entity that appears to Ebenezer Scrooge, showing him his past and helping him to change his ways. Specifically, the Ghost of Christmas Past is a spectral being that manifests to Scrooge, revealing to him significant events and experiences from his past, with the intention of helping him to recognize the error of his ways and to alter his present and future course.\",1\n59,\"\"\"THE YOUNG GIRL\"\"\",\"\"\"The Young Girl is a character who is mourning and is shown to be a former love interest of Scrooge's, displaced by his pursuit of wealth.\"\"\",1\n64,\"\"\"SCROOGE'S PARTNER\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge's Partner is a character who is on the point of death and is mentioned by Belle.\"\"\",1\n83,\"\"\"TWELFTH-CAKES\"\"\",\"\"\"Twelfth-cakes is a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",1\n95,\"\"\"THE GHOST OF CHRISTMAS YET TO COME\"\"\",\"\"\"The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is a supernatural entity that appears to Scrooge, showing him a possible future and highlighting the consequences of his actions.\"\"\",1\n106,\"\"\"WANT\"\"\",\"\"\"Want is a concept that is personified as a girl and is associated with the lack of resources and necessities.\"\"\",1\n104,\"\"\"SPIRIT\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nThe SPIRIT is a supernatural being who appears to Scrooge and plays a crucial role in his transformation. According to the descriptions, the Spirit is a guiding force that shows Scrooge visions of the past, present, and future, as well as highlights the error of his ways. Through these visions, the Spirit helps Scrooge to reflect on his past and present, and gain a new perspective on his life.\",1\n127,\"\"\"SPIRITS OF CHRISTMAS PAST, PRESENT, AND YET TO COME\"\"\",\"\"\"The Spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come visit Scrooge, showing him visions of his past, present, and future.\"\"\",1\n2,\"\"\"VALENTINE\"\"\",\"\"\"Valentine is a character from a story that Scrooge remembers, showing his nostalgia and sense of wonder.\"\"\",1\n4,\"\"\"SULTAN'S GROOM\"\"\",\"\"\"The Sultan's Groom is a character from a story that Scrooge remembers, showing his nostalgia and sense of wonder.\"\"\",1\n17,\"\"\"TURKEY\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nTurkey is a symbol of Scrooge's nostalgia and sense of wonder, representing a connection to his past. This entity is also associated with a type of food being served at the Christmas feast. In this context, Turkey is a multifaceted entity that holds significance in both emotional and culinary aspects.\",1\n93,\"\"\"THE PUDDING\"\"\",\"\"\"The Pudding is a special Christmas treat, made with brandy and holly, and is a great success according to Bob Cratchit.\"\"\",1\n124,\"\"\"MR. SCROOGE'S NEPHEW\"\"\",\"\"\"Mr. Scrooge's Nephew is a character who shows kindness to Bob Cratchit and his family after the death of Tiny Tim.\"\"\",1\n126,\"\"\"BOB\"\"\",,1\n97,\"\"\"LIGHTHOUSE\"\"\",\"\"\"Lighthouse is a solitary structure built on a dismal reef of sunken rocks, serving as a beacon for ships and a symbol of hope.\"\"\",1\n98,\"\"\"SHIP\"\"\",\"\"\"Ship is a vessel that is sailing across the sea, carrying people who are celebrating Christmas and sharing kind words with one another.\"\"\",1\n94,\"\"\"THE CRATCHIT FAMILY\"\"\",,1\n92,\"\"\"THE GOOSE\"\"\",\"\"\"The Goose is the centerpiece of the Christmas dinner, and is described as the most delicious and tender ever cooked.\"\"\",1\n\n\n-----Relationships-----\nhuman_readable_id,source,target,description,rank\n40,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"THE GHOST\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nScrooge is visited by the Ghost, who is a manifestation of the spirit world, specifically the Ghost of Jacob Marley. The Ghost is forcing Scrooge to confront his past and regret his choices, as well as warning him about his own fate and the consequences of his actions.\",88\n42,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"THE GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nThe entity \"\"SCROOGE\"\" is visited by the entity \"\"THE GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT\"\", who appears to Scrooge on multiple occasions. During these visits, the Ghost of Christmas Present shows Scrooge the present and future, teaching him a lesson about the importance of kindness and generosity. Specifically, the Ghost highlights the struggles of those around Scrooge, such as the Cratchit family, and shows Scrooge the joys of Christmas, emphasizing the value of compassion and charity. Through these encounters, Scrooge is given a unique opportunity to reflect on his own life and values, ultimately leading to a transformation in his character.\",88\n12,\"\"\"BOB CRATCHIT\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nScrooge, a character in the story, is initially portrayed as a miserly employer who takes advantage of Bob Cratchit's poverty and lack of benefits. However, after being visited by Bob Cratchit, Scrooge undergoes a transformation, changing his perspective and showing kindness and generosity to his employee. As a result, Bob Cratchit's life and well-being are improved, and he is grateful to Scrooge for his kindness and generosity.\",87\n0,\"\"\"GHOST\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nThe Ghost, also referred to as the Ghost of Jacob Marley, plays a crucial role in guiding Scrooge through his past, present, and future. Through this guidance, Scrooge is shown the error of his ways and is given a chance to change his perspective and alter his fate. The Ghost's visitation serves as a warning to Scrooge, highlighting the consequences of his actions and encouraging him to reform his ways. Ultimately, the Ghost's intervention leads to a transformation in Scrooge's perspective, allowing him to change his behavior and avoid a similar fate.\",87\n29,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE'S NEPHEW\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nScrooge and his nephew have a complex relationship, with a mix of tension and occasional moments of connection. Initially, Scrooge is dismissive and unfriendly towards his nephew, rejecting his attempts to bring Christmas cheer. However, despite this initial resistance, Scrooge's nephew is able to make some progress in bringing Scrooge into the holiday spirit. In fact, Scrooge is even surprised by his nephew's laughter at one point, suggesting that there may be a deeper connection between them than initially thought. Ultimately, Scrooge's nephew's efforts lead to a festive gathering where Scrooge is present, indicating a possible thawing of their relationship.\",87\n83,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"JOE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge enters Joe's shop, indicating a connection between them.\"\"\",87\n16,\"\"\"TINY TIM\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nScrooge, a character previously portrayed as being opposed to Tiny Tim's existence, undergoes a significant transformation as he is visited by Tiny Tim. Through his experiences with the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, Scrooge is shown the importance of kindness and empathy towards others, particularly Tiny Tim. This newfound understanding is evident as Scrooge shows kindness and generosity to Tiny Tim, helping him to recover from his illness. Additionally, Scrooge is concerned about Tiny Tim's health and asks the Ghost if he will live, demonstrating a change in his character. As a result of these experiences, Scrooge's perspective is altered, and he is shown his past and future, leading to a change in his outlook on life.\n\nNote: I resolved the contradictions by focusing on the common themes and events that occurred in the descriptions, and presenting a cohesive narrative that highlights Scrooge's transformation and his interactions with Tiny Tim.\",87\n48,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"FEZZIWIG\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nFezziwig is the master of Scrooge, who was once his apprentice and is now a successful businessman. Scrooge's past experience under Fezziwig's guidance has had a lasting impact on his life, as he was influenced by Fezziwig's generosity and joviality. This contrast between Fezziwig's warm nature and Scrooge's own miserly personality highlights the significant difference between the two individuals.\",86\n75,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE'S NIECE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge's niece is part of the group and is enjoying the holiday festivities with Scrooge and the others.\"\"\",86\n84,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"THE MAN\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is horrified by the woman and old Joe's actions and sees a connection between his own life and the man's death.\"\"\",86\n20,\"\"\"MRS. CRATCHIT\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nMrs. Cratchit and Scrooge are entities in the context of a narrative. According to the descriptions, Scrooge is initially the object of Mrs. Cratchit's scorn and disapproval, who wishes to give him a piece of her mind. However, Scrooge is later visited by Mrs. Cratchit, who is shown her past and future, leading to a change in her perspective. This visitation has a profound impact on Mrs. Cratchit, causing her to reevaluate her feelings towards Scrooge.\",85\n27,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"MARLEY\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nScrooge and Marley were business partners, and their relationship was complex. While they were once \"\"kindred spirits\"\", Marley has since passed away, leaving Scrooge affected by his death. However, Marley's death has not ended their connection, as Scrooge is haunted by the ghost of his deceased business partner. Specifically, Scrooge sees the face of Marley, who has been dead for seven years, and is haunted by it. Marley's ghost is trying to warn Scrooge of his own mortality, emphasizing the importance of changing his ways and avoiding a similar fate.\",85\n30,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"CLERK\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is the boss of the Clerk and is responsible for his working conditions, which are cold and uncomfortable.\"\"\",85\n31,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"CHRISTMAS\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nScrooge, a complex character, undergoes a significant transformation after being visited by the Spirits of Christmas. Initially, he has a negative view of Christmas and rejects the idea of kindness and charity, reflecting a hardened and cynical outlook. However, following his encounters with the Spirits, Scrooge experiences a profound change of heart. He comes to understand the true meaning and significance of Christmas, and decides to honor it in his heart and strive to keep its spirit alive throughout the year. This newfound appreciation for the holiday is a testament to the transformative power of the Christmas season, and Scrooge's journey serves as a reminder of the importance of kindness, generosity, and compassion.\",85\n32,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"THE GENTLEMAN\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge refuses to contribute to the fund to help the poor, showing his miserly nature.\"\"\",85\n33,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"THE POOR\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge's refusal to help the poor is a reflection of his character and priorities.\"\"\",85\n37,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE'S HOUSE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is in his own house, where he experiences strange and supernatural events.\"\"\",85\n51,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"THE GIRL\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is shown to be regretful of his past choices and is released by the Girl from their contract.\"\"\",85\n70,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is visited by the Spirit of Christmas Present, who shows him the joys of Christmas Day.\"\"\",85\n71,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"BAKERS\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge observes the bakers preparing for Christmas Day, showing the festive atmosphere and good-humour among the customers.\"\"\",85\n86,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"CAROLINE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is shown the consequences of his actions on Caroline and her family, who are affected by his death.\"\"\",85\n4,\"\"\"ALI BABA\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge remembers Ali Baba, showing his nostalgia and sense of wonder.\"\"\",84\n64,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"APPLES\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is surrounded by a feast featuring apples, a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",84\n24,\"\"\"BELINDA CRATCHIT\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is visited by Belinda Cratchit, who is shown her past and future, leading to a change in her perspective.\"\"\",84\n52,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"BELLE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is shown to be affected by Belle's presence and is reflective about his own life and relationships.\"\"\",84\n90,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"BOB CRATCHIT'S\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge sends the prize turkey to Bob Cratchit's, showing his changed attitude towards his employees and his willingness to help them.\"\"\",84\n88,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"BOY\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge interacts with the Boy, showing a change in his behavior and attitude towards others.\"\"\",84\n58,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"BRAWN\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is surrounded by a feast featuring brawn, a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",84\n81,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"BUSINESSMEN\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is shown the conversations and activities of the businessmen, which serve as a contrast to his own lonely and miserly life.\"\"\",84\n91,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"CAMDEN TOWN\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge sends the prize turkey to Camden Town, showing his changed attitude towards his employees and his willingness to help them.\"\"\",84\n63,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"CHESTNUTS\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is surrounded by a feast featuring chestnuts, a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",84\n72,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"CHRISTMAS DAY\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is shown the joys of Christmas Day by the Spirit of Christmas Present, including the festive atmosphere and good-humour among the customers.\"\"\",84\n36,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"CHRISTMAS EVE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is forced to confront the true meaning of Christmas Eve, and the joy and generosity it brings to others.\"\"\",84\n45,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"CHRISTMAS PAST\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge's past is revisited by the Ghost of Christmas Past, revealing significant events and experiences that have shaped his life.\"\"\",84\n85,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"DEATH\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is shown the power of Death, which is personified as a cold, rigid, and dreadful force.\"\"\",84\n25,\"\"\"FAN\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is shown his sister Fan, who is trying to bring him home for Christmas.\"\"\",84\n43,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"FIRST OF EXCHANGE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge's financial transactions are affected by the date mentioned in the text, the First of Exchange.\"\"\",84\n19,\"\"\"FRED\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nFRED and SCROOGE are entities related to each other. According to the descriptions, SCROOGE is visited by FRED, who shows him his past and future, leading to a change in his perspective. This event is mentioned twice, indicating its significance in the context. Additionally, it is mentioned that SCROOGE's nephew FRED is mentioned in the story, indicating a family connection between the two entities.\",84\n10,\"\"\"FRIDAY\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge remembers Friday, showing his nostalgia and sense of wonder.\"\"\",84\n56,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"GAME\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is surrounded by a feast featuring game, a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",84\n55,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"GEESE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is surrounded by a feast featuring geese, a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",84\n44,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nThe entity \"\"SCROOGE\"\" is haunted by the entity \"\"GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST\"\", who plays a crucial role in Scrooge's transformation. According to the descriptions, the Ghost of Christmas Past visits Scrooge and takes him on a journey to revisit his past, showing him visions of his past and helping him to reflect on his life. This journey allows Scrooge to reflect on his past and change his ways, ultimately leading to a transformation in his character.\",84\n78,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"GHOST OF CHRISTMAS YET TO COME\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nThe Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come visits Scrooge, showing him a possible future if he does not change his ways. This encounter leads to a significant change in Scrooge's perspective and behavior, as he is able to see the potential consequences of his actions and is motivated to alter his course.\n\nNote: I resolved the contradiction by combining the two descriptions, ensuring that the summary accurately reflects the events and their impact on Scrooge.\",84\n69,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"GREAT BRITAIN\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is a resident of Great Britain, where the story takes place, and the scene describes the city streets and atmosphere.\"\"\",84\n38,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"GRUEL\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge eats gruel for his supper, which is a humble and meager meal.\"\"\",84\n76,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"IGNORANCE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is shown the error of his ways by being confronted with the concept of Ignorance, which is personified as a boy.\"\"\",84\n11,\"\"\"JACOB MARLEY\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nJacob Marley, a ghost, visits Scrooge, forcing him to confront his own mortality and the consequences of his actions. Through this visitation, Scrooge is shown his past and future, leading to a significant change in his perspective. The visitation serves as a reminder of Jacob Marley's death and the importance of kindness and generosity during the holiday season. Scrooge is haunted by the memory of Jacob Marley, his former business partner, who is now a ghost, warning him of the consequences of his actions. The visitation ultimately leads to a transformation in Scrooge's outlook, as he is shown the error of his ways and the importance of living a life of kindness and generosity.\n\nNote: I have resolved any contradictions by combining the descriptions into a single, coherent summary.\",84\n80,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"JACOB\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is shown the death of his business partner Jacob, which serves as a warning to Scrooge about the consequences of his actions.\"\"\",84\n39,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"MARLEY'S GHOST\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nScrooge is visited by Marley's Ghost, who tries to warn him of his own fate and the consequences of his actions. Specifically, Marley's Ghost warns Scrooge of a visitation when the bell tolls one, indicating that Scrooge will also receive a visitation from the spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come, which will ultimately lead to his transformation and redemption.\",84\n54,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"MARLEY'S\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is haunted by the ghost of his deceased business partner, Jacob Marley.\"\"\",84\n22,\"\"\"MARTHA CRATCHIT\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is visited by Martha Cratchit, who is shown her past and future, leading to a change in her perspective.\"\"\",84\n60,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"MINCE-PIES\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is surrounded by a feast featuring mince-pies, a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",84\n74,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"MINERS\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge sees the miners and their festive gathering, which contrasts with his own lonely and miserly life.\"\"\",84\n47,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"OLD FEZZIWIG\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is shown his old employer Old Fezziwig, who is a significant character in the story.\"\"\",84\n28,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"OLD MARLEY'S NAME\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge never painted out Old Marley's name, indicating a sense of respect and connection to the past.\"\"\",84\n65,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"ORANGES\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is surrounded by a feast featuring oranges, a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",84\n6,\"\"\"ORSON\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge remembers Orson, showing his nostalgia and sense of wonder.\"\"\",84\n62,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"OYSTERS\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is surrounded by a feast featuring oysters, a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",84\n8,\"\"\"PARROT\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge's nostalgia and sense of wonder are connected to the Parrot, a symbol of his past.\"\"\",84\n66,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"PEARS\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is surrounded by a feast featuring pears, a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",84\n23,\"\"\"PETER CRATCHIT\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is visited by Peter Cratchit, who is shown his past and future, leading to a change in his perspective.\"\"\",84\n82,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"PHANTOM\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nScrooge, accompanied by the Phantom, visits a shop, indicating a connection between the two entities. The Phantom serves as a guide for Scrooge, revealing the consequences of his actions.\",84\n61,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"PLUM-PUDDINGS\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is surrounded by a feast featuring plum-puddings, a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",84\n89,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"POULTERER'S\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge buys a prize turkey from the Poulterer's, showing his changed attitude towards Christmas and his willingness to help others.\"\"\",84\n57,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"POULTRY\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is surrounded by a feast featuring poultry, a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",84\n68,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"PUNCH\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is surrounded by a feast featuring punch, a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",84\n9,\"\"\"ROBIN CRUSOE\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge remembers Robin Crusoe, showing his nostalgia and sense of wonder.\"\"\",84\n59,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"SAUSAGES\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is surrounded by a feast featuring sausages, a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",84\n34,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"THE TREADMILL\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is aware of the Treadmill and the Poor Law, but does not seem to care about their impact on the poor.\"\"\",84\n35,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"THE UNION WORKHOUSES\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is aware of the Union Workhouses and their operation during the Christmas season.\"\"\",84\n41,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"THE SPIRITS\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is visited by the three Spirits, who show him the error of his ways and give him a chance to change his ways.\"\"\",84\n46,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"THE SCHOOLMASTER\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is taught by the Schoolmaster, who appears in the story.\"\"\",84\n49,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"THE GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST\"\"\",\"Here is a comprehensive summary of the data:\n\nThe Ghost of Christmas Past appears to Scrooge, showing him his past and helping him to change his ways. Specifically, the Ghost of Christmas Past helps Scrooge to see the error of his ways by revealing to him his past and the consequences of his actions. Through this encounter, Scrooge is able to gain a new perspective and make amends for his past mistakes.\n\nNote: I resolved the contradiction by combining the two descriptions, ensuring that the summary is coherent and accurate.\",84\n50,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"THE YOUNG GIRL\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge and the Young Girl have a past relationship, but it has been displaced by Scrooge's pursuit of wealth.\"\"\",84\n53,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE'S PARTNER\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is shown to be concerned about his partner's health and mortality.\"\"\",84\n67,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"TWELFTH-CAKES\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is surrounded by a feast featuring twelfth-cakes, a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",84\n73,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"THE GHOST OF CHRISTMAS YET TO COME\"\"\",\"\"\"The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come appears to Scrooge, showing him a possible future and highlighting the consequences of his actions.\"\"\",84\n77,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"WANT\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is shown the error of his ways by being confronted with the concept of Want, which is personified as a girl.\"\"\",84\n79,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"SPIRIT\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is being guided by the Spirit, who is showing him the error of his ways and the consequences of his actions.\"\"\",84\n87,\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"SPIRITS OF CHRISTMAS PAST, PRESENT, AND YET TO COME\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is visited by the Spirits of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come, who show him visions of his past, present, and future.\"\"\",84\n5,\"\"\"VALENTINE\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge remembers Valentine, showing his nostalgia and sense of wonder.\"\"\",84\n7,\"\"\"SULTAN'S GROOM\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge remembers the Sultan's Groom, showing his nostalgia and sense of wonder.\"\"\",84\n26,\"\"\"TURKEY\"\"\",\"\"\"SCROOGE\"\"\",\"\"\"Scrooge is surrounded by a feast featuring turkey, a type of food being served at the Christmas feast.\"\"\",84\n14,\"\"\"BOB CRATCHIT\"\"\",\"\"\"TINY TIM\"\"\",\"\"\"Bob Cratchit is grieving the loss of his son, Tiny Tim, and is struggling to come to terms with his death.\"\"\"\"Tiny Tim's death is a source of grief for Bob Cratchit and his family.\"\"\",8\n1,\"\"\"GHOST\"\"\",\"\"\"COUNTING-HOUSE\"\"\",\"\"\"The Ghost is confined to the counting-house, where Scrooge and Marley conducted their business, and where Marley's spirit is trapped.\"\"\",6\n13,\"\"\"BOB CRATCHIT\"\"\",\"\"\"THE PUDDING\"\"\",\"\"\"Bob Cratchit is proud of his wife's pudding, and considers it a great success.\"\"\",5\n15,\"\"\"BOB CRATCHIT\"\"\",\"\"\"MR. SCROOGE'S NEPHEW\"\"\",\"\"\"Bob Cratchit is comforted by the kindness of Mr. Scrooge's Nephew after the death of Tiny Tim.\"\"\",5\n18,\"\"\"TINY TIM\"\"\",\"\"\"BOB\"\"\",\"\"\"Bob shows kindness and empathy towards Tiny Tim, indicating a positive relationship between them.\"\"\",5\n2,\"\"\"GHOST\"\"\",\"\"\"LIGHTHOUSE\"\"\",\"\"\"Ghost and the lighthouse are connected, as the Ghost is guiding Scrooge to the lighthouse, which represents hope and guidance.\"\"\",5\n3,\"\"\"GHOST\"\"\",\"\"\"SHIP\"\"\",\"\"\"Ghost and the ship are connected, as the Ghost is guiding Scrooge to the ship, which represents a community coming together to celebrate Christmas.\"\"\",5\n17,\"\"\"TINY TIM\"\"\",\"\"\"THE CRATCHIT FAMILY\"\"\",\"\"\"Tiny Tim is a part of the Cratchit family, and is loved and cared for by his parents and siblings.\"\"\",5\n21,\"\"\"MRS. CRATCHIT\"\"\",\"\"\"THE GOOSE\"\"\",\"\"\"Mrs. Cratchit is responsible for cooking the goose, and is proud of her culinary skills.\"\"\",3\n\n\nThe report should include the following sections:\n\n- TITLE: community's name that represents its key entities - title should be short but specific. When possible, include representative named entities in the title.\n- SUMMARY: An executive summary of the community's overall structure, how its entities are related to each other, and significant information associated with its entities.\n- IMPACT SEVERITY RATING: a float score between 0-10 that represents the severity of IMPACT posed by entities within the community.  IMPACT is the scored importance of a community.\n- RATING EXPLANATION: Give a single sentence explanation of the IMPACT severity rating.\n- DETAILED FINDINGS: A list of 5-10 key insights about the community. Each insight should have a short summary followed by multiple paragraphs of explanatory text grounded according to the grounding rules below. Be comprehensive.\n\nReturn output as a well-formed JSON-formatted string with the following format:\n    {{\n        \"title\": <report_title>,\n        \"summary\": <executive_summary>,\n        \"rating\": <impact_severity_rating>,\n        \"rating_explanation\": <rating_explanation>,\n        \"findings\": [\n            {{\n                \"summary\":<insight_1_summary>,\n                \"explanation\": <insight_1_explanation>\n            }},\n            {{\n                \"summary\":<insight_2_summary>,\n                \"explanation\": <insight_2_explanation>\n            }}\n        ]\n    }}\n\n# Grounding Rules\n\nPoints supported by data should list their data references as follows:\n\n\"This is an example sentence supported by multiple data references [Data: <dataset name> (record ids); <dataset name> (record ids)].\"\n\nDo not list more than 5 record ids in a single reference. Instead, list the top 5 most relevant record ids and add \"+more\" to indicate that there are more.\n\nFor example:\n\"Person X is the owner of Company Y and subject to many allegations of wrongdoing [Data: Reports (1), Entities (5, 7); Relationships (23); Claims (7, 2, 34, 64, 46, +more)].\"\n\nwhere 1, 5, 7, 23, 2, 34, 46, and 64 represent the id (not the index) of the relevant data record.\n\nDo not include information where the supporting evidence for it is not provided.\n\nOutput:"