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Project: Corporate Helper #123

Open fsdp15 opened 1 year ago

fsdp15 commented 1 year ago

Project name

Corporate Helper



This App uses Single-Sign-On and contains three tabs:

Home: home page of the app. Displays information about the currently signed-in user using Graph.

Expenses: used to submit expenses to undergo approval for your manager. You select the date, the value of the expense and then an e-mail is sent to you and your manager, containing the expense.

Vacation: used to submit your vacation. You select the date for your vacation, and after submitting it, it automatically turns on the Automatic Replies in your Outlook with a predefined message containing your vacation period. It also blocks your calendar for that period with an OOF event.

Here is a video demonstrating the app:


Project Repository URL

Project video

Team members

Felipe Dotti (

aycabas commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your project submission @fsdp15, looking forward to checking out the details! Would you be willing to fill the feedback survey? That'd help us learn from your experience and improve the hackathon next time: