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Project: Logged-in user details. #86

Open KamilSiebyla opened 1 year ago

KamilSiebyla commented 1 year ago

Project name



This is a very simple app which shows current user info from MS Teams. Unfortunately, I did not have time to do something nice this time.

My plan after this hack is to build proper application with Azure Cognitive Services on top of it, to quicky communicate with coworkers.

Project Repository URL

Project video

Team members


aycabas commented 1 year ago

Hi @KamilSiebyla,thank you so much for your submission, no project is too small! 🙂 Looking forward to checking it out! Would you be able to replace the image with the video? That'll help our judges to understand your app a little better. Thanks!

KamilSiebyla commented 1 year ago

Hi @aycabas,

this is just this landing page - and it is this app in general, just something super basic and simple, got only ~3h to submit something - that is why there is only screen dump🙂 But of course I could make a video if needed 🙂
