microsoft / health-architectures

Health Architectures is a collection of reference architectures and, when appropriate, implementations. They illustrate end-to-end best practices for using the Azure API for FHIR and related technologies
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HL7Conversion LogicApps - Import into FHIR not working #17

Open cyberuna opened 3 years ago

cyberuna commented 3 years ago

Last Step in Logic Apps, Import Bundle to FHIR Server is not working.


erikhoward commented 3 years ago

Can you verify you are still receiving an error with the LogicApp.

imrago-medxnote commented 2 years ago

I am having a similar issue:

Outputs Import Bundle to FHIR Server

{ "statusCode": 404, "headers": { "Request-Context": "appId=cid-v1:ccf1b788-477f-4713-aa04-d255b4d893c9", "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains", "Date": "Wed, 12 Jan 2022 11:10:46 GMT", "Content-Length": "0" } }

The connection status to the proxy is connected.

FHIRServerProxy-1 API Connection Status Connected

What could be the root cause? What should I check?

daemel commented 2 years ago

The two errors are a bit different in that the statusCode of 404 is the initial connect to Proxy, not the submission of the bundle. Most likely the endpoint of your FHIR Proxy is mis-configured, it should read as this example