Thank you for reporting an issue, suggesting an enhancement, or asking a question. We appreciate your feedback - to help the team understand your
needs please complete the below template to ensure we have the details to help. Thanks!
Please check out the Docs to see if your question is already addressed there. This will help us ensure our documentation covers the most frequent questions.
If you are reporting a security related issue, instead of submitting it here, please email to ensure it is properly handled to resolution.
[ X ] Enhancement
[ ] Bug
[ ] Question
[ ] Documentation gap/issue
Please specify what version of IdFix you are using: [ latest ]
If you are not using the latest release, please update and see if the issue is resolved before submitting an issue.
Expected / Desired Behavior / Question
Enable using idfix from the command line and PowerShell for automation scenarios.
Thank you for reporting an issue, suggesting an enhancement, or asking a question. We appreciate your feedback - to help the team understand your needs please complete the below template to ensure we have the details to help. Thanks!
Please check out the Docs to see if your question is already addressed there. This will help us ensure our documentation covers the most frequent questions.
Please specify what version of IdFix you are using: [ latest ]
If you are not using the latest release, please update and see if the issue is resolved before submitting an issue.
Expected / Desired Behavior / Question
Enable using idfix from the command line and PowerShell for automation scenarios.