microsoft / infersharp

Infer# is an interprocedural and scalable static code analyzer for C#. Via the capabilities of Facebook's Infer, this tool detects null dereferences, resource leaks, and thread-safety violations. It also performs taint flow tracking to detect critical security vulnerabilities like SQL injections.
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False positive on stream leak in HttpClient StreamContent and CryptoStream? #187

Open akatakritos opened 1 year ago

akatakritos commented 1 year ago

Found this in a real project. We're uploading files to a rather interesting HTTP API that expects its content to be base64 encoded. Rather than loading large files into memory and running Convert.ToBase64String I found some guidance on how to use CryptoStream to create a stream that base64 encodes on the fly.

using System.Security.Cryptography;

await MakeApiCall();

async Task MakeApiCall()
    using var client = new HttpClient(); // get this from IHttpClientFactory in the real world

    using var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "")
        Content = GetBase64FileContent()

    using var response = await client.SendAsync(request);
    var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

StreamContent GetBase64FileContent()
    // Leak reported here, but I think StreamContent will Dispose CryptoStream which will Dispose the FileStream
    return new StreamContent(new CryptoStream(File.OpenRead("C:\\temp\\test.txt"), new ToBase64Transform(), CryptoStreamMode.Read));

Ran with docker:

docker run -v /Users/matt.burke/projects/ConsoleApp3/ConsoleApp3/bin/Debug/net6.0:/infersharp/binary_path --rm /bin/bash -c "./ binary_path; cp infer-out/report.txt /infersharp/binary_path/report.txt"


/Users/matt.burke/projects/ConsoleApp3/ConsoleApp3/Program.cs:23: error: Pulse Resource Leak
  Resource dynamically allocated by constructor System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream() on line 23 is not closed after the last access at line 23, column 5.

Found 1 issue
                Issue Type(ISSUED_TYPE_ID): #
  Pulse Resource Leak(PULSE_RESOURCE_LEAK): 1

Reading through all the framework code, I think that when HttpRequestMessage is disposed, it will dispose the StreamContent which will dispose the CryptoStream which will dispose the FileStream.

matjin commented 1 year ago

Thanks for posting this issue! It looks like you're correct -- the Httprequest message/streamcontent/cryptostream all in turn dispose of the underlying. We'll add this into our next batch of infer backend model updates.