microsoft / infersharp

Infer# is an interprocedural and scalable static code analyzer for C#. Via the capabilities of Facebook's Infer, this tool detects null dereferences, resource leaks, and thread-safety violations. It also performs taint flow tracking to detect critical security vulnerabilities like SQL injections.
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Infer# not producing any analysis results #91

Open harilachu opened 2 years ago

harilachu commented 2 years ago

Ran infer# using its own Examples, but it reports No issues found. I tried running several examples with null referencing and stream leaks, but it shows no issues.



I am using WSL2 with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Please find the attached class file used

matjin commented 2 years ago

Can you share the infer-out/ and infer-staging/ directories produced by your run as well? I separately tried the examples you provided, but am seeing the expected errors.

../../../../ConsoleApp4/ConsoleApp4/Program.cs:9: error: Dotnet Resource Leak Leaked { %1 -> 1, %0 -> 1 } resource(s) at type(s) System.IO.StreamReader, System.IO.FileStream.

../../../../ConsoleApp4/ConsoleApp4/Program.cs:24: error: Null Dereference [B5] pointer %0 could be null and is dereferenced at line 24, column 13.

../../../../ConsoleApp4/ConsoleApp4/Program.cs:51: error: Dotnet Resource Leak Leaked { %0 -> 1 } resource(s) at type(s) System.IO.StreamWriter.

../../../../ConsoleApp4/ConsoleApp4/Program.cs:32: warning: Thread Safety Violation Read/Write race. Non-private method Program.GetIntValue() reads without synchronization from this.ConsoleApp4.Program.intValue. Potentially races with write in method Program.SetIntValue(). Reporting because another access to the same memory occurs on a background thread, although this access may not.

Found 4 issues Issue Type(ISSUED_TYPE_ID): # Dotnet Resource Leak(DOTNET_RESOURCE_LEAK): 2 Thread Safety Violation(THREAD_SAFETY_VIOLATION): 1 Null Dereference(NULL_DEREFERENCE): 1

harilachu commented 2 years ago

Please find the attached zip file containing both infer directories.

matjin commented 2 years ago

I tried running the analysis directly on the cfg.json and tenv.json you provided and still see the expected warnings, so the issue probably lies on the Infer side. A couple of suggestions --

1) If infersharp is at ~/infersharp and infer-staging is at ~/infer-staging, try running the following sequence of commands with ~/infer-staging as the working directory:

See if the warnings appear. If not, please provide again the infer-out directory.

2) Try the Docker instructions and see if the issue persists.

harilachu commented 2 years ago Please find the infer-out directory generated as per the above mentioned procedure. Am not using Docker, am trying to setup the CI with infer# as static code analyzer for every build.

matjin commented 2 years ago

It looks like the analysis is running as expected, except in this case your CFG contained the binaries for the following files:


Try ./ Examples again, but in place of:

$parent_path/infer/lib/infer/infer/bin/infer $(infer help --list-issue-types 2> /dev/null | grep ':true:' | cut -d ':' -f 1 | sed -e 's/^/--disable-issue-type /') $infer_args analyzejson --cfg-json infer-staging/cfg.json --tenv-json infer-staging/tenv.json

please add the --debug flag:

$parent_path/infer/lib/infer/infer/bin/infer $(infer help --list-issue-types 2> /dev/null | grep ':true:' | cut -d ':' -f 1 | sed -e 's/^/--disable-issue-type /') $infer_args analyzejson --debug --cfg-json infer-staging/cfg.json --tenv-json infer-staging/tenv.json

It should provide full debugging output for the infer analysis -- please then attach the infer-out/ folder for that, if you're still seeing "No issues found"

harilachu commented 2 years ago

Please find the attached

matjin commented 2 years ago

Based on what you've provided, it looks like there is an issue with the capture step -- it looks like your output is missing in particular the results.db-shm and results.db-wal files. Additionally, it says in your log file "[182][environment] Could not retrieve available memory (possibly not on Linux)" (mine has [170][environment] Available memory at startup: 12203 MB), so I suspect it has something to do with permissions or an otherwise file-system/OS-related issue. I would suggest investigating the read/write permissions in the Ubuntu environment, and potentially trying on a separate machine if you have access to one. Here's the output I get from running ./ Examples with the added --debug flag: Note that some of the filenames are too long for Windows, so unzip it in linux (or just skip them when unzipping, as I'm referring above to the infer-out/logs file).