microsoft / iomt-fhir

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Personal/rogordon/use sem var #280

Closed rogordon01 closed 1 year ago

rogordon01 commented 1 year ago

This pr updates the CI pipeline to use Semantic Version to generate versions. These versions will be used in nuget packages as well as to label PR's.

Also, this PR restricts publishing nugets to only the CI pipeline.

rogordon01 commented 1 year ago

The GitVersion task incorporates GitTags when determining the version. Since we have a git tag of 2.0.1 it is beginning from there, and incrementing based on every subsequent commit. This will bring the initial version to 2.0.63


pallar-ms commented 1 year ago

This is the release that should now be updated to not publish nuget packages but only update the package version dependencies in the PaaS repos.

rogordon01 commented 1 year ago

This is the release that should now be updated to not publish nuget packages but only update the package version dependencies in the PaaS repos.

Thanks @pallar-ms. Yea I ended up stumbling on it during testing. After this PR is merged I'll modify it. I want to make sure the Renovate actually picks up the new nugets before I edit it